Vow of Deception (Deception Trilogy #1) by Rina Kent

Kirill readjusts his black-framed glasses, his lips moving in a sardonic smile. “Asking about dear Vladimir was reckless, Adrian. I don’t know you to be reckless.”

“Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense.”

“And sometimes, straight out offense makes you show all your cards.”

“You don’t need to worry, Morozov. I have more cards to reveal.”

His lips tilt in an ugly smirk. “Don’t threaten me when I can be your ally, Adrian.”

I rise and Kolya moves on standby beside me. “I don’t need allies.”

“That’s what you say now, but there will be a day where you will change your mind.”

“Doubt it.”

“You want to bet?”

“Try again in ten years, Morozov.”

He chuckles. “Save my number, Volkov. You might need it.” His voice echoes after me as I head to the entrance.

As soon as I’m in the car and Yan drives out of the property, I tell Kolya, “I want eyes on Kirill.”

“We already have someone who’s following him.”

“I want someone else. Make it three people if need be.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Aleksander, too. Follow him.”

“Consider it done.”

“What happened?” Yan meets my gaze through the rear-view mirror, then slides it to Kolya before focusing back on the road.

I tap my finger against my thigh. “Kirill knows something, or else he wouldn’t be acting smug.”

Silence falls on the car before Yan says in a low voice, “Do you think he knows about Mrs. Volkov?”

“I’m not sure, but whatever he knows needs to be known to me as well. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir,” they both say.

I spend most of my day in my office at V Corp checking financial reports to keep my head from spiraling into unwanted directions. But at the same time, I come up with solutions. That’s what I do when I’m overcome by work. I think and allow my mind to go into overdrive.

I try to corner Rai, but apparently, she has a doctor’s appointment today and went home early.

There will be another day and she will answer to me no matter what methods I have to use.

I lose track of time and only realize it’s ten in the evening when Kolya informs me of the fact. I’ve been so focused on finding a solution that would allow Lia to skip Igor’s birthday that I forgot about her.

That’s incorrect.

It’s not that I forgot about her. I merely tried to push her out of my immediate thoughts, because if I keep her there, I won’t get anything done.

Especially after the way she came all over my fingers after a few spankings. She unraveled wholly, without restraint, as if she’s been waiting for my touch all this time.

The sight of blood on her lips won’t leave my mind, the way she muffled her voice still gets on my last nerve.

It’ll change.

She will change.

Kolya, Yan, and I reach home around ten-thirty. I don’t bother finding Ogla, because now that I’m not actively trying to keep Lia out of my thoughts, she’s the only thing that’s occupying my brain.

I go to our bedroom and freeze in the doorway. She’s not there. After searching in the bathroom, I come up empty-handed.

For a second, I remain rooted there on the spot, thinking of where she could have gone. She couldn’t have left the property, because Ogla or my guards would’ve informed me of the fact. I know that, but the possibility is tugging on the vacant place in my chest.

She’s here. I know she is. I can feel her presence in the walls of the house, can see it without having to try hard.

I stride to Jeremy’s room, and when I open the door, the sight before me leaves me open-mouthed. Lia is sleeping on my son’s bed, holding him to her chest.

His tiny fingers are wrapped around her waist and a small smile grazes his sleepy face.

The room is all sorts of chaotic, as if an army of children played here. His toy soldiers are scattered on the floor, surrounded by a dozen drawings and colorful scarfs.

Did she spend the entire day with Jeremy?

My gaze slides to them again, to the way her jean shorts ride up her bare thighs and how her top hugs her waist, revealing her belly button.

The whole look is unusual, but that didn’t stop my dick from hardening this morning—or from starting to right now.

I hear soft footsteps at my back and I don’t bother to turn around as Ogla stops behind me.

“She came in here after you left, sir.”

“What did they do?”

“They played, then they drew, and then they…”

My focus slides to her for a brief second. “What?”

She clears her throat. “She blasted god-awful loud music and made Jeremy dance with her as she wrapped all sorts of scarfs around them.”

My lips twitch. “How did Jeremy behave?”

“He was laughing and smiling all day and didn’t want to leave her side.”

“Anything else?”

“She didn’t learn anything from the iPad you left her, sir.”

Why am I not surprised?

“Are you going to visit Mrs. Volkov, sir?” Ogla asks.

I give her a quizzical glance.

“Not this one. The other one.” Her voice lowers. “Something weird happened to her and it needs your attention.”