Vow of Deception (Deception Trilogy #1) by Rina Kent

Her small, perky breasts bounce and her legs tremble with the power of my hips.

“Adrian…” she moans, her voice the sweetest, most erotic, throaty sound I’ve ever heard.

She doesn’t bite her lip, doesn’t even attempt to look away from me.

Lia’s moans rise in the air like the time I fucked her after she was kidnapped. They’re raw and hungry, leaving the corners of her soul and slamming straight into mine.

That only manages to get me harder, my pace rising and my rhythm spiraling out of fucking control.

The fact that she’s letting me hear her voice, unbound, unmodified, fills both my groin and my chest with an unmatched sense of lust, of ownership, and something else entirely different.

I’ve always been meant to ruin this woman, but I also get to own her.

To confiscate her.

To have her all for myself.

Lia comes with a hoarse cry, her fingers gripping the edge of the dresser. I join her soon after, spilling my seed into her and staking my claim.

Harsh breathing fills the air as we both slowly descend from our high. Lia still doesn’t look away from me, as if her enchanting eyes are caught in a trance.

I brush my lips against her shoulders. A sheen of sweat covers her skin, but I couldn’t give a fuck about that. Everything about her is perfection.

“Adrian?” she whispers.

“Hmm?” I mumble, continuing my slow nibbling on her skin. I’m only giving her some downtime before I carry her to bed and fuck her again. Slower this time. Though I’m sure that when I’m inside her, I won’t be able to control myself.


“Have I been good?”

“Very, Lenochka.”

“Do I deserve a reward?”

“Hmm.” I slide my tongue up her throat before my lips meet her ear. “What do you want?”

“I want to go outside with Jeremy.”

“You do, every day.” I resume nibbling on her neck, fingers fondling her breasts and nipples, making her gasp.

“N-not to the garden.”

“Then where?”

“The park. A place with actual children and people he can see.”

“Security hazard. No.”

“Adrian, please.” She turns around to face me, so that she’s caged between me and the dresser, and places a soft hand on my chest. “Kids his age need to go outside and meet other children. It’ll just be for a few hours, and I’m sure your guards will keep an eye on us.”

I don’t like them outside, not even when my guards are with them. But I know that she’s been stressed. I’ve sensed it in her absentminded gestures lately and the rising intensity of her nightmares. If she doesn’t release that tension, she could—and will—start acting out soon.

While I’m not sure about the extent of what happens, patterns don’t lie, and she’s developing one.

But instead of agreeing readily, I raise a brow. “One condition.”

Her eyes light up. “What?”

“From now on, you’ll let me hear your voice.”

She swallows, hesitating before she nods. I don’t like that moment of hesitation, how she wants to say no but knows she has to say yes to get what she wants.

That doesn’t mean I won’t hold her to it, though.

I lift her chin. “Starting tonight.”

“Does that mean you’ll let us?”

“I’ll make arrangements.”

“Thank you.” She smiles wide, and I kiss that smile. I feast on it, thrusting my tongue inside, and kissing her with a violence that leaves her gasping for air.

I love making her happy. I love how she melts in my arms and I intend to show her how much I love it all night long.

But even I know that this phase will come to an end. That we both need to face our demons.

I carry her in my arms toward the bed.

I’ll worry about it when it happens, because right now, my wife is the only one who matters.



I never thought Adrian would actually let us out.

When I came up with this plan, the only variable was Adrian. He always keeps me in an ivory tower that he’s somehow blocked from the outside world.

So when I asked him to let me and Jeremy outside, I thought he’d refuse, even though I used my body to relax him a little. Well, used is an exaggeration. I enjoyed every second of last night’s sex. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I was a little terrified by the pure want I saw on my face in the mirror.

But I also used it to my advantage.

Adrian becomes more open to me when he’s inside me. I wouldn’t say he lets his guard down, but he’s more attuned to me. And for that, I had to completely let go, to sacrifice my fight so he’d fall more into me. I couldn’t have managed to do it if I’d faked it or resisted him. He’s too perceptive, so methodical that I held my breath the entire night thinking he’d catch onto me.

I’m still holding my breath.

Jeremy is playing with his toy car as we sit on the bench in a nearby park. Two of Adrian’s guards stand not far from us, but I convinced them to give us some room. They’re both bulky, scowly, and scary as hell. They would draw more attention instead of warding it off.

The sky is cloudy, the air chilly, and the wind is a constant reminder of the cold season each time it blows my hair back.