Tempted by Deception (Deception Trilogy #2) by Rina Kent

Adrian raises a brow but doesn’t force me to let him go, even though he could overpower me in a beat. My hands are wrapped around his, keeping them an inch away from my skin. As we watch each other in a dance of back and forth, I don’t know if I’m fighting him or myself.

Or maybe I’m fighting my terrifying reaction to him. He’s not touching me, but his warmth is creeping under my skin. He’s merely looking at my breasts, but he elicited a shudder from my bones. One that I don’t want to acknowledge, but it’s there, tucked between my heart and ribcage.

All I can think about is how I came while he stroked my nipples over my leotard or how I dreamt about him plunging inside me with increasing roughness.

I don’t want to know what will happen if he actually touches me. That thought is like acid on my nerves—melting, paralyzing, and damn frightening.

But at the same time, I want all of this to end, and the more I deny him, the longer I’ll have to suffer.

With a deep breath, I release his hand, letting my arms fall to my sides.

His long, masculine fingers wrap around a taut nipple and twist, gently at first, then harshly with the intent to hurt. I inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth to keep from feeling it.

But it’s pointless.

My nipples send a zap of pleasure straight to my core. It’s so strong that my entire body feels it. My every nerve ending comes alive under his ministrations and there’s no way to stop the assault, even if I wanted to. It doesn’t help that my nipples are sensitive, prone to easy stimulation.

I’ve always liked nipple play, but have hardly gotten any because of my small breasts. However, Adrian doesn’t seem to care. He’s stimulating them in a maddening way, as if he’s been touching them for a lifetime.

“Was that a little rebellion just now, Lia?” He pinches both nipples hard and I arch off the bed, yelping.


“That’s not an answer.”

I shake my head.

“Use your words.” His voice, although low, is firm and controlled with no room to be disobeyed.


He twists again, more forcefully this time, as if he’s planning to break the skin, and I release an anguished cry mixed with a moan. “I said not to lie to me. Another strike and I’ll have to deal with your disobedience.”

“Yes, yes…ahhh…” I whimper when he massages the aching nipples with the pads of his thumbs.

His message is clear. If I obey him, I’ll be rewarded. If I don’t, he’ll make sure I suffer.

He continues twisting and pinching my nipples, then runs the pad of his thumb over the tips as if soothing them, giving them a slight reprieve before he goes back to torturing them again.

I’m so stimulated that I think I’ll orgasm with just nipple play. It’d be a first, and for some reason, I believe he’d be able to do it. My core throbs with bursts of arousal that match the rhythm of his fingers. Sometimes hard and fast, other times slow and agonizing.

He releases my left breast and it aches, tingling with the loss of his fingers.

Adrian lifts the leotard up to my stomach, tracing his fingers along my belly. I flinch, a whole body shiver going through me.

“Are you always this sensitive?”

I purse my lips and he flattens his palm on my stomach, pinching my nipple hard. “Ahh…that hurts.”

“Then it’d be best to answer me when I ask a question.”

“No,” I whisper.

A feral gleam takes refuge in his stormy gray eyes. “No one’s touched you properly to make you sensitive?”

“I’m not a virgin…ahhh…” I moan when he runs the tip of his thumb over the aching peak.

“That doesn’t answer my question.” His tone hardens and so does his touch, as if his mood has soured. “If I wanted to know about the loser who tore through your cunt and soaked his dick with your virginal blood, I would’ve found out and taught him how to truly touch you. Though I’d probably kill him soon after since…well, you know how I feel about witnesses. So tell me, Lia, has anyone touched you properly before? Has anyone pushed your buttons the way you wish?”

I’m shivering and flat out trembling, both at the threat behind his words and the calm in them. My thighs rub against each other due to the unfathomable effect he’s having on me.

When I speak, my voice is barely audible through my moan, “No.”

“But you wished for it, didn’t you? When they were handling you gently like a porcelain doll, you wished for the roughness, for the sting of pain.”

I shake my head violently against the pillow, mortification eating at my insides.

He pinches my nipple hard enough to elicit a whimper of pain. “What did I say about lying to me?”

“I’m not sick like you,” I manage between throaty sounds.

“Oh, but you are.” He trails his hand downward and cups my most intimate part. “Mmm. You’re soaked, Lenochka.”

Heat rises to my ears and I turn my head, trying to hide my face and my utter shame in the pillow.

“Look at me.”

I don’t, refusing to let him see parts of me he has no business seeing.

Adrian twists my nipple at the same time as he runs two fingers through my folds. “I said, look at me.”