Tempted by Deception (Deception Trilogy #2) by Rina Kent

“The only thing I understand is that he has a strike and needs to be taken care of.”

My stomach churns at those words, taken care of. As in, killed.

I dig my nails into his shirt and pull, knowing full well that my strength doesn’t match up to his, but it’s the only way I can think of to make him release Ryan.

“Don’t…please,” I murmur.

Adrian’s head tilts to the side, meeting my gaze for the first time since he appeared behind Ryan like the Grim Reaper. His face is still expressionless, but a muscle clenches under his stubbled jaw.

“Why are you defending him after what he did to you?”

“I’m not defending him. I just don’t want to be the reason behind someone losing their career.”

“He was ready to endanger yours.”

“I told you, I’m not him.” I pause before adding in a low voice, “Or you.”

Adrian doesn’t comment on that, keeping his merciless hold on Ryan, as if he plans to break his leg and snap his neck at the same time.

“Please…” I pull on his arm. I have no clue why I think I’d have any type of effect on Adrian when he made it blatantly clear that he’s the one who calls the shots, but a part of me wants to believe that I can make a difference.

That I can prevent killing a dancer’s legs.

Playing my last card, I rise on my tiptoes and press a kiss to Adrian’s jaw. It’s supposed to be a gesture to lower his guard, but I end up being the one with my guard down.

All the emotions I’ve experienced since I first met him rush to the surface. The frustration, the unknown, and the damn longing that I don’t want to admit to.

All those feelings have been there, biding their time, waiting for this exact moment when my mouth meets his skin. My lips quiver for a second too long before I pull back, my heart hammering so loud, I’m almost sure he hears it.

Adrian’s hold loosens from around Ryan’s neck and my dance partner uses the chance to try and scurry away, but his leg is still trapped underneath Adrian’s leather shoes.

“P-please…” It’s Ryan who’s begging now, tears shining in his eyes as he struggles for air while trying to pull his leg from underneath Adrian.

The devil from both my dreams and nightmares levels Ryan with a harsh glare. A shiver zips down my spine, even though it’s not directed at me.

He could kill with that look alone.

“This is your first and final strike.” Adrian digs the sole of his shoe into Ryan’s calf, making him cry out. “Touch her again and I’ll make sure you’re paralyzed for life.”

Ryan nods rapidly, frantically. I’m sure he can see the black halo surrounding Adrian like a second skin. Or maybe I’m the only one who can see his unmodified nature.

“Fuck off.” Adrian removes his foot and kicks the back of his thigh. Something for which Ryan sobs out loud as he struggles to his feet.

He faces us while heading to the stairs as if expecting Adrian to come at him from behind again, knowing this time, he’ll make good on his promise.

I steal a look at the ballerina couple who were making out when I first got here, but there’s not one soul in sight. I inhale, not realizing I stopped breathing. While I usually don’t care, the last thing I want or need is to be associated with a mobster.

“Don’t defend another scum like him in front of me again.”

My attention flits back to Adrian. My fingers are still digging in his shirt, and my heart continues to beat in and out of sync as if I’m still watching the scene with Ryan play out in front of me.

“Do you understand?”

I shake my head, taking a deep breath to gather my thoughts before releasing him. “You don’t get to treat people as if they’re disposable garbage.”

“That’s exactly what he was.” He takes my hand in his and I shudder when he raises it to his mouth and nibbles on my pinkie the slightest bit. The gesture is possessive and shoots straight between my legs. “You’re trembling.”

“I’m okay.”

“Don’t say that again.”

“That I’m okay?”

“That word doesn’t suit you. It’s juvenile, when you’re anything but.” He watches me, his eyes running over my body in a full sweep as if he’s checking to see if I’ve grown something since the last time he saw me. “Are you all right?”

I nod, completely baffled by his caring nature. Witnessing him kill once and almost repeating it again tonight has allowed me a front row seat of this brutal personality that terrifies me to the core, so to see him act concerned is giving me whiplash.

“How is your foot? Try moving it.”

I rotate it slowly and release a breath when I realize most of the pain is gone. “It’s fine.”

“Are you sure or are you trying to stop me from catching up to that fucker and paralyzing him?”

“It’s really fine.” I scowl. “And stop that.”

“Stop what?”

“Threatening other people’s lives and dreams. You’re like a true villain.”

His lips twitch in rare amusement. “You thought I was a fake villain?”

“If I did, you’ve completely proved me wrong.”

“I’m happy to do so.” He’s still gripping my fingers near his mouth, sending tiny sparks down my spine with each word against them. “If anyone touches you again, I’ll make sure it’s their last time to touch anyone.”