Tempted by Deception (Deception Trilogy #2) by Rina Kent

Because even though he’s owned me every night and has taken care of my every need, come morning, I’ve been nothing short of a slut he’s spent his nights with.

That’s why I defied him, and that’s why I will now pay.

It’s then that I realize I’m slowly shaking my head, still focused on his belt.

He looks larger than life, dressed in a white shirt and dark gray pants that match the color of his unforgiving eyes. Adrian has always been a force to be reckoned with, a beautiful master of manipulation. It’s like he was born with a handsome face to help him lower people’s guards before he attacks.

I’m currently one of those people.

Because I have no doubt that he’s coming after me and that I’m completely trapped with no way out.

“Get on your knees facing the sofa, Lia.” The firm tenor of his voice sends a rippling shock down my rigid spine.

I continue shaking my head, a tinge of terror sparking through my chest. If his hand brought immeasurable agony by only spanking me, his belt is going to be pure torture.

“You can take your punishment now or…” he trails off, his gaze roaming down my naked thighs. I’m wearing a cotton shirt that stops below my ass, barely hiding my panties. The top buttons are undone, and the material of the neckline matches the fluffy socks covering my feet.

“Or what?” I murmur, squirming under his intense scrutiny.

His gaze slides back to my face. “Or you can take it later, after the count goes up.”

“You really think that’s a choice?”

“It is since you have two options. It’s up to you to pick the less painful one.”

“They’re both painful.”

“Correct, but one is definitely more merciful than the other.”

“You’re anything but merciful, Adrian. You’re sick.”

“And your labels are getting boring and repetitive, Lenochka.” He grabs a fistful of my hair and I yelp when he turns me around and shoves me down on my knees. They sink into the carpet as he yanks the shirt over my head in one go.

I gasp as goosebumps break out on my skin. My nipples peak into sensitive buds, throbbing and pulsing in a rhythm that matches the one in my core.

Adrian throws the shirt aside and pushes me down against the sofa so my aching nipples meet the surface. I stifle a moan at the torturous sensation. It doesn’t matter how much I fight myself or him, the moment he touches me like he owns me, sick pleasure courses through my veins.

He reaches a hand between me and the sofa, then pinches a painfully hard nipple, twisting it between his thumb and forefinger until I release a broken moan.

“Always sensitive and responsive, my Lenochka. Do you like it when I torture your pink nipples until you’re soaking wet?”


“Do you like the preparation for what’s to come and the anticipation it creates in your little cunt?” He twists my nipple again and the motion, coupled with his crude words, nearly sends me over the edge.


“Yes, me. Only me.” His voice lowers as he grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks me back by it. I’m suspended in mid-air, both of my hands gripping the sofa while he peers down on me, still pinching my nipple. “Say it.”


“That I’m the only one you get wet for. The only one you allow to torture your nipples and fuck your tight cunt until you’re spent.”

My thighs clench together at the effect of his words, but I couldn’t speak even if I tried.

His fingers dig into my scalp and his hold becomes merciless, non-negotiable, as his darkened eyes hold mine in an intimate cage. “Say, it’s only you, Adrian.”


“I’m the only one who gets to touch you, aren’t I, Lenochka?”


“The only one you completely let go with?”


“The only one who punishes you?”

“Yes…” I briefly close my eyes, horrified with how true my words are.


Adrian pushes me down by the hair so my cheek meets the sofa’s warm surface, then releases me. But he doesn’t disappear, standing behind me like both a threat and a promise.

He wraps a hand around my panties, and I yelp when he rips them away in one savage tug that coats my inner thighs with arousal.

“Would you stop ruining my underwear?” I breathe out.

“I’ll ruin anything that gets in my way.” His calmly spoken words send a sharp sting down my back, the unspoken intent tying me in knots.

I’m well aware of the fact that Adrian is dangerous, a killer, and a ruthless one at that. So I have no doubt he’ll ruin even me if I get in his way.

That thought wraps ghostly fingers around my neck. If Adrian finds out I’m spying on him, he won’t hesitate to strangle me, tear me apart.

Kill me.

His fist tightens on my hair again, pulling my attention to the present. “What are you thinking about?”

“I have very few panties left,” I blurt.

“You can buy new ones.” His voice lowers as he whispers near my ear, “Now, count.”

A swish echoes in the air before the first strike comes down on my ass. I cry out, my scream bouncing off the walls.