Consumed by Deception (Deception Trilogy #3) by Rina Kent

“That’s not true. It’s just…” I lower my voice, getting closer to him so no one else hears us. “Sergei doesn’t know about you and me, and if he finds out, he won’t forgive Adrian.”

He releases a disapproving sound. “That makes two of us.”

“You promised not to reproach him about that.”

“Of course I will. He’ll answer for hiding you from me.”

“But you promised.”

“This has nothing to do with my promise. I need his explanation of why he married my daughter.”

“I thought you wanted a relationship with me.”

“I do, and that’s why I’m being patient and haven’t made a move.” He takes my hand in his and pats it, the scar on his face not as hideous as I thought, even under so much light. “But I will, Carina. You’re a Luciano and you need to meet your family.”

“What if I’m not ready?”

“Are those your words or Adrian’s?”


“Then I will wait for you to be ready. And if Adrian gets in the way, I won’t stand still.”

“You’ll really wait?”

“I waited all this time for a child of my own blood. You think I can’t wait some more?”

I smile, genuinely this time. “Thank you.”

“No, thank you for existing, Carina. You made this old man’s life worthwhile. Now, come, let me introduce you to your family.”

“But I thought you’d wait.”

“I am waiting. What does meeting your family have to do with it?” Lazlo leads me forward and introduces me to his wife, brothers, and even their women, as Adrian’s wife. For now, as he whispered in my ear. Unlike what I expected, it’s not awkward and they don’t seem malicious. They’re more curious than anything else.

Nicolo, Lazlo’s brother and the Lucianos’ underboss, observes me intently as I talk about the weather and make small talk. Does he already know?

Lazlo only leaves me when Sergei calls him over. I expect them to go upstairs for their usual meeting, but they don’t. Soon after, Adrian appears from among the other leaders of the brotherhood and strides in my direction.

At first, I think he’s heading to Kolya and Yan, who’ve been watching from the shadows the entire night, but he comes straight to me.

I blink up at him when he stops in front of me. This is one of the few times he’s ever paid attention to me in the midst of the brotherhood’s gatherings. Usually, we walk inside and then he ignores me all night until we have to leave.

Are we going home?

Though I miss Jer and Winter since we spend most of our time together now, we can’t leave. Sergei would consider it an insolence.

Adrian stares at me and remains silent as his darkening gaze wreaks havoc inside me. Everything he does to me is sexual in its delivery. Whether it’s the way he looks at me or how he follows my every more. Even his voice has a special range that he only uses when talking to me. He doesn’t have to touch me to please me. Just being there is enough.

I expect him to usher me out, but he offers me his hand. “Dance with me.”

I’m speechless for a second, my gaze flitting from his hand to his face. “W-what?”

“May I have this dance, Mrs. Volkov?”

I stare at the floor and realize Tchaikovsky’s violin concerto is playing. A few couples are dancing, including Rai and Kyle.

“You really want to dance?” I whisper so no one hears.

“Why else would I ask you?”

“But everyone is here.”

“Exactly.” He smiles, motioning at his hand.

I take it with a huge grin on my face. I’ve always watched everyone who dances with envy, wishing Adrian and I were among them, but I’ve never had the guts to ask, not even when we were on good terms.

My husband wraps a possessive arm around my waist and I place a palm on his strong shoulder as we slowly sway to the music.

“I didn’t know you danced, Adrian.”

“I don’t.”

“You are right now.”

“Because you look beautiful.”

“You’re dancing because I look beautiful?”

“It’s a perfectly good reason.”

“Is that really all?”

“No. I need to stake my claim so that no fucker looks at you.”

“You haven’t done that before.”

“I thought I was protecting you before, but fuck that. If you’re going to be in the limelight anyway, I’ll be by your side every step of the way.”

“And…you won’t try to hide me away again?”

“Believe me, I would if I could. If it were up to me, I would’ve worshipped you away from onlookers, where you’re safe, but you’re not happy with only that anymore, and I would never drive you to the edge of a cliff again, Lenochka.”

Moisture gathers in my eyes and I hug him, resting my head against his chest. Because I know, I just know that something different just blossomed between us.




While I planned this all night long, executing it is complicated.

I might have escaped Sergei’s wrath the other time, barely, but this one is entirely different.