Consumed by Deception (Deception Trilogy #3) by Rina Kent

I break out into a sprint and barge inside before they can close the door.

“Stop it,” I speak to Lazlo with a firm voice. “You promised.”

“Lia, leave,” Adrian tells me with a closed off tone.


“We’re only having a chat,” Lazlo says.

“Then you won’t mind if I join you.” I kick the door shut. “After all, I’m the main reason behind this.”

“You’re not.” Lazlo glares at Adrian. “His lies are.”

“He didn’t lie to you.”

“Only hid the truth to serve his agenda,” Nicolo steps in. “And I will see the end to that.”

My father’s second-in-command, Nicolo Luciano, is around my husband’s age but has the stare of a wise man who’s seen the future and didn’t like it. And because of that, he went back in time to slaughter anyone who would contribute to making that future a reality.

In the past, I was always wary of him, even more than I’ve been of Lazlo. Because while my father is the Don, everyone in the criminal circuit knows that his underboss, my uncle, is the true mastermind behind the Lucianos’ bloody savageness.

Rai once told me about his secret torture chambers that cause Nicolo’s enemies to cower in fear. He’s known to be sadistic and downright terrifying to those he deems to be a threat to his family.

And I’ll do everything in my power to make sure my husband isn’t in that category.

Nicolo didn’t seem to dislike me when my father introduced me to him earlier, but that could be only a façade.

“We’ll speak another time, Lazlo.” Adrian comes to my side. “I have to get Lia home.”

“No.” I step forward. “I’m done playing a secondary role in my own life, so if you have something to discuss, do it now.”

Lazlo shakes his head with a smile. “You take your stubbornness after me, it seems.”

“Great, then you know I won’t give up.” I grab Adrian’s hand in mine, squeezing to stop the nerves from emerging. “I don’t care about what you think he did wrong. This man is my husband and the father of my son, your grandchild, and if you hurt him, I will never speak to you again, let alone have any sort of relationship with you.”

“Lia.” Lazlo steps closer. “He lied to me and kept us apart.”

“Because he wanted to protect me from this life. He barely brought me to these gatherings before for the same reason. I’m the one who insisted on being part of his life. If it were up to him, he would’ve kept me in a gilded cage where no one would reach me, let alone hurt me.”

The Don stares at Adrian with what seems like newfound respect, and I smile internally. I knew that no matter how mad he is at Adrian, he would relate to that protective side of him. I guessed it to be a trait they had in common and I guessed correctly.

“That still doesn’t give him the right to take you from me.”

“I understand, but give it time and you’ll get over it.”


“Please, for me?”

He grunts.

I can tell his resolve is faltering, so I resort to one last attempt. My hold tightens on Adrian’s hand, and then I whisper, “Please…Papa.”

My father’s eyes widen and he remains silent for a second before he speaks, “What…did you just call me?”

“If you want me to say it again, give me your word that you will let Adrian go.”

“You’re surprisingly manipulative, Carina.”

I learned from the best. I stare up at Adrian with a smile and he’s watching me with a blank expression. What does that mean? Is he mad at me?

“Fine.” Lazlo steps even closer.

My gaze slides back to him, my hopes soaring. “Give me your word.”

“I give you my word that I won’t harm Adrian.”

“Thank you.”

“Now, repeat what you said earlier, Carina.”

I release Adrian’s hand and hug Lazlo for a brief second, then pull back. “Thank you, Papa.”

He studies me again, seeming taken aback before he clears his throat. “We’ll meet again, Volkov.”

And with that, he exits the room, followed by my uncle, who cuts a sharp glare at Adrian, and the rest of their guards.

As soon as the door closes behind them, I sag against the wall, catching my breath. “God. That was close. I should’ve figured out that Nicolo knew everything.”

My heart beats so loud, it’s as if I’ve just finished a workout. While I knew these types of ordeals were scary, I didn’t think it’d be downright terrifying.

“Why did you do that?”

I raise my head at Adrian’s quiet question. He’s staring down at me with a hand in his pocket and the same expression from earlier.

Straightening, I frown. “What do you mean, why? For you.”

“Who told you to call him Papa for me? Now, he won’t let you out of his sight.”

“What makes you think I want to be out of his sight? I happen to like him and want a relationship with him. What’s wrong with that?”

“I don’t know. Let’s see. The fact that he’s the fucking Don and his life is constantly threatened by the Rozettis, and fuck knows who he makes enemies with?”