Rise of a Queen (Kingdom Duet #2) by Rina Kent

“I did hear a tale some time ago.”

“And why have you waited this long to tell me? You’re losing your touch, Harris.”

“I didn’t think it was important at the time.” He goes into defence mode. “I still don’t, but it could be of value.”

“Go on.”

“When Aurora first entered your life, I met with a few of Maxim’s inmates.”

“Why did you do that?”

“I didn’t trust her, okay? She came out of nowhere and could’ve played that entire thing with Ethan just to get close to you.”

“What is this nonsense? You honestly think someone can use me?”

“No. But I don’t trust people, especially new people. Better safe than sorry.”

“And? What did your distrustful journey bring?”

“There was one of Maxim’s inmates who was later transferred to a mental institute. Robert Hill. He was convicted for killing his wife and mother-in-law with a kitchen knife. He stabbed his wife twenty times and his mother-in-law fifty times, then went to the police station and handed himself in. Anyway, Robert told me that Maxim has a muse, and when I asked him what he meant by that, he said that Maxim gets inspiration by seeing his muse, and when he doesn’t see her, he feels like he’s missing something. Robert said that Maxim keeps her picture with him at all times.”

“Is it Aurora?”

“No clue. Robert said he doesn’t allow anyone to see it, and since Maxim is in solitary confinement, no other inmate has managed to take a look. He also said that Maxim is proud of his muse, saying it’s because of her that he found his true self after years of floundering with no clear path. His muse is his freedom. Robert connected with that — the freedom part — because killing his wife and mother-in-law gave him his so-called freedom.”

I scratch my chin. It must be Aurora. I thought Maxim was making this ruckus and asking for parole to take revenge against her, but if it’s because he wants to see her, there’s a problem.

He wouldn’t just want to see her. Someone like Maxim will always want more. He and I are similar on that front. The need for more isn’t a luxury — it’s a biological need that cannot be stopped.

It’s power.

For him, it’s the fake god-like power that comes with controlling someone else’s life before eventually ending it.

For me, it’s the rush of control and the fact that I have so much ahead of me rather than behind me. The more I acquire, the more doors open in my way.

“Have you heard anything from your contact with Tristan?” Harris asks.

I down half my glass in one go. “Not yet. Tristan says Kyle does everything his way. It’s a game of waiting now.”

“How long are we supposed to wait for this Kyle to bring in results?”

“As long as it takes.”

“We don’t have as long as it takes.”

“Your impatience is your weakness, Harris. School it.”

“We have work to do. I’ve cancelled three important meetings since you left.”

“Three meetings aren’t the end of the world.”

“With all due respect, it is, sir. I’ve never had to cancel such important meetings before.”

“You didn’t cancel them, you rescheduled them.”

“Same effect. I’m getting anxiety attacks.”

“You don’t even know what an anxiety attack means.”

“I do now. I googled it.”

“Stop whining, Harris.”

“If you come back, we can hide Aurora and —”


“You didn’t hear me out.”

“Any option that includes putting her life and mental state in jeopardy is declined.”

“Levi is right to say you’re smitten,” he mutters under his breath.

“Since when are you friends with that punk?”

“He gives me free football game tickets.”

“You don’t even like football.”

“They’re still free tickets.”

I shake my head. “Let me know if there are any changes.”

“Let me know when you decide to finally return.”

“Won’t be happening in the near future. Do you have anything on Jake?”

“I’m close.”

“Good. I need him to pay. I don’t care which methods you use.” The accountant who stole Aurora’s hard-earned money doesn’t get to live his life as if nothing happened.

He might’ve given me the opening to sneak into her life, but he, like anyone who hurts her, won’t escape my wrath.

The door opens, and I pause with my drink halfway to my mouth. Aurora comes inside wearing a light blue summer dress. Her hair is loose and falls over her shoulders and down her back. Judging by the peaks of her nipples, she’s not wearing a bra.

That’s a sight I can become accustomed to.

She’s been freer lately, wearing as little as possible and getting rid of the clothes whenever she sees fit.

Not that I’m complaining.

In the past few days, I’ve fucked her in all positions possible. It doesn’t matter if she’s trying to read a book or cook or exercise, whenever I get the chance, I seize it.

Then sometimes, she’ll take my hand and we’ll go on long walks at dusk or dawn. She’s revisiting her passion of hiking and discovering. I’ll never get used to the way her eyes shine whenever she witnesses some picturesque scenery. It’s like she stops breathing and gets lost in the moment.