All The Truths (Lies & Truths Duet #2) by Rina Kent

All those little details are enough evidence she’s still the same. It’s only that she’s more spontaneous now, more maddening.

Sometimes, I have no fucking clue how to deal with her.

The door hisses open straight into her living room, and I push off the wall to step inside.

The lights are on, but there’s no sign of her. I ignore the kitchen and go to her room. Reina would never cook even if you paid her for it. She says she doesn’t know how to cook, but I’m starting to think maybe it’s because she only knew Russian dishes before and didn’t want to expose that detail about herself.

Soon, I’ll get her to open up to me like she did on that balcony.

Like she always wanted to when we were pre-teens.

The sound of running water in the shower greets me as soon as I step into her room. Her clothes and purse lie on the chair in complete disorder.

I shake my head. Another thing about Reina? She can’t get organized to save her life.

My cock twitches at the thought of joining her, making her jump in surprise, feasting on her blushing face, and then sinking into her warmth.

I can fuck her against the wall or on the floor.

That has to wait, though.

She defied me, and that won’t go unnoticed. I sit on the edge of the bed, the same bed on which I had her for dinner—three times—before I exhausted the fuck out of her.

My cock strains against my jeans in remembrance. Since I started eating her pussy, I’m a fucking addict going through withdrawal.

The sound of the running water cuts off and soon after, she strolls inside. Reina doesn’t notice me as she readjusts the tiny towel around her. It barely covers the swell of her tits and the curve of her ass.

Her wet hair falls on either side of her shoulders, dripping down her neck and the deep line between her tits.

My cock bulges in my pants as I watch her every movement. It takes all my self-restraint not to grab her, throw her on the ground, and fuck her like an animal.

The only reason I’m stopping is because she needs to pay first.

A small voice in the back of my head tells me I shouldn’t be doing this. This isn’t my plan. This isn’t how Ari will rest in peace.

But I kill that voice like I always have since this new version of Reina woke up in the hospital, since she sucked my finger like she meant it, like she actually fucking wanted it.

A gasp falls from her lips as her gaze lands on mine. Those ocean-deep eyes, those eyes that could drown people with a look.

When I was a teenager, I yearned to own those eyes, to trap them somewhere and have them only look at me. Years later, nothing has changed, only now, I’m more forthcoming about my methods.

“W-what are you doing here?” She freezes and looks down at herself before her cheeks turn crimson.

Fuck me and the way she blushes. No one can fake that, not even Reina’s level of conniving manipulation.

I raise an eyebrow. “Did you think I’d ask you to move out if I didn’t plan to join?”

“Well, I thought you’d tell me first.” She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear as if she’s self-aware.

That’s what I like about this new version of her—she’s more real, human.


This Reina isn’t scared of showing her emotions, unlike the old one who did everything to smother them—even if it meant hurting herself and everyone around her to achieve it.

Her world was a constant battle of being a robot, being reactionless and blank. Maybe that’s why she’s now having these moments where she just breaks, letting the outside world crack her armor.

This Reina doesn’t remember why she needed to hide her emotions, and as a result, she’s more genuine.


“I’m here, aren’t I?” I ask.

“Well, obviously.” She peeks at me through her lashes. “How long do you intend to stay?”

“As long as I please.” I have all my stuff in my car and will bring it up later.

I’m not leaving Reina this time. I made that mistake before and she decided to escape. If I had been here beside her or even tormenting her, she wouldn’t have thought of that option.

She wouldn’t have been attacked by a monster that night.

“Whatever.” She huffs. “Can you leave the room?”


“I have to change, dude.”

Dude. Seriously, sometimes she’s an entirely different person altogether.

My lips twitch in a small smile. “No.”


“It’s not anything I haven’t seen before.”

She nibbles on her lower lip, her face turning an adorable shade of red. “Fine, I’ll change elsewhere.”

“That’s not how it works, prom queen.” I tilt my head to the side. “We have something to settle.”

Her brows furrow.

“I gave you two days to move, and they have turned into three.”

Apprehension fills her gaze as her breath hitches, no idea whether it’s with excitement or fear.

Knowing Reina, it’s probably both.

I wasn’t sure before, but now I am. “You did it on purpose.”

Her only reply is to rub her foot on her other leg’s calf.

That’s all the answer I need.

“Come here.” My order is loud and firm. It works, too, since her movements freeze.