All The Truths (Lies & Truths Duet #2) by Rina Kent

Naomi, Lucy, and I go into the gym for practice. We have to try our routine a few more times before the game on Friday.

Lucy has been joking about some show, and my heart warms at how she tries to cheer me up and distract me from the venomous tongues following me everywhere.

As soon as we’re inside, Bree stops mid-sentence in her conversation with Prescott. Both of them watch me with mouths agape.

“Captain?” she squeaks. “What are you doing here?”

Everyone else pauses mid-workout, watching us closely.

I sigh. “What does it look like I’m doing, Bree? I’m here for practice.”

“Uh—no,” she snaps. “You’re the talk of everyone on campus, and not in a good way. The squad doesn’t need that type of attention.”

My gaze strays to the others. The boys lower their heads, some of them kicking imaginary rocks. The girls remain frozen, as if they’d rather not be here.

“She’s still the captain,” Naomi snaps back.

“A captain wouldn’t bring that type of attention.” Bree points a finger at Naomi. “And you of all people need to shut your trap. You don’t practice like us. You don’t diet like us. You shouldn’t even be with us.”

Naomi lunges in her direction, but I place a hand on her arm, stopping her in her tracks.

“You’re not the one who decides who deserves to be on the squad.” I cross my arms over my chest and square my shoulders. “Are you, Bree?”

“Maybe I should be.”

A few gasps sound from the other girls.

Prescott’s eyes widen as he grabs her by the arm. “Bree.”

She shakes him off and strides in my direction so we’re standing toe to toe. “You don’t deserve to be captain, Rei. Admit it.”

Although I don’t see the change, I feel it. My face must be becoming void of all emotions. My heartbeat slows down as if I’m not feeling anymore. My nails dig into the flesh of my arms as I glare down at Bree. When I speak, my tone is flat and non-negotiable. “Know your place before I put you back in it.”

“I’m not scared of you anymore, Reina.” She laughs, the squeaky sound bouncing off the walls. “Who would want to follow a captain who’s constantly attacked and becoming the laughing stock on campus? Not me.”

“Take a hike then,” I say.

“How about you do that?” She points a finger at my shoulder. “We’re removing you from the captain position.”

I stare at the girls. “Who’s removing me from the captain position?”

Almost everyone bows their heads.

“Don’t be scared.” Bree faces them. “Everyone who wants to remove Reina Ellis from the captain, raise your hand.”

“Yes, raise your hand.” My voice is still neutral. “But before you do, know this. Bree never cared about the squad or winning state. She already has a contract lined up for a dance institute and she wants the captain position to add it to her resume, not to help you achieve your dreams. Bree will keep calling you fat pigs even if you die of hunger. She’ll always put the prettiest girls in the back because they threaten her. She’ll always dye her hair the same color as mine and try to dress like me and act like me and steal my things, but guess what, Bree.” I glare down at her flushed cheeks, my tone turning slow and stone-cold. “You’ll never be me.”

Her face nearly becomes crimson. “You fuck—”

“Watch your fucking mouth when you’re talking to your captain,” I cut her off.

Naomi told me about Bree’s contract as soon as she decided she’d be allies with me. I knew my former best friend would pull this shit one day, and I wasn’t going to leave the squad at her mercy.

Cheerleading might not be my goal in life, but this is my final year and I’ll finish it with a hurrah. I’ll make their dreams come true before I step down willingly.

No one will force me to leave like Bree is trying to.

“Go ahead.” I face the squad. “Vote. Anyone want me out?”

No one raises their hand.

“You promised.” Bree shrieks, but no one is giving her their attention. “Prescott!”

He just averts his gaze to the other boys.

“It’s settled then.” I release my nails from my flesh. “As I said, take a fucking hike, Bree.”

Her groan is nearly animalistic as she pushes past me toward the locker room.

“That’s what happens when you use others as stepping stones, Bee!” Naomi shouts after her.

Everyone else continues watching me as if I’ll kick them out like I just did Bree.

“Go on.” I motion around. “Continue what you were doing. Winning state doesn’t happen by standing around.”

“Yes, Captain!” Like a hive of bees, everyone returns to warming up or practicing throws. Naomi and Lucy grin at me before joining the rest.

“Prescott,” I call as he heads over to the boys.

He winces before turning around and facing me. I point at a secluded corner, and he joins me without so much as one word of protest. Once we’re out of earshot, I watch him closely. His shoulders are drooping underneath the male cheerleading uniform and he’s averting his gaze.

Prescott is the male co-captain, and if I’m going to make things work, I need to see eye to eye with him while still keeping my authority.