Cruel King (Royal Elite #0) by Rina Kent

I sigh as I throw the sketchpad back into my backpack.

Sketching has been the only thing that kept me sane after Mum’s death. If I lose that, too, then it’s like losing another piece of Mum.

At this rate, I’ll have nothing left of her.

A honk startles me from my thoughts.

Nicole’s Audi parks right in front of me, uncaring about half-blocking the park’s entrance.

Of course, Nicole drives an Audi. Dad’s gift for her eighteenth birthday during the summer. The same summer that I spent recovering from an accident.

Not that I’m bitter or anything.

Besides, since Mum’s accident, I gave up on driving altogether.

“I’d offer you a ride, but my car doesn’t do losers.”

Her friend, Cloe, snickers from the passenger seat while applying lip gloss.

Oh, for the love of Vikings. Nicole and her bitch friend are the last people I need to start my day.

“You have nothing better to do with your time, Nicole?” I raise an eyebrow. “Aside from kissing my dad’s arse, of course.”

“I just wanted to tell you how right you are for once. Uncle should just adopt me and erase you completely from the family registry. We all know you’ll never be able to carry the Clifford name as I can.”

I swallow the stab of how much her words are right and how much they affect me even when I don’t want them to. It’s not about the name. It’s about how she’s going to steal Dad once and for all while I watch.

“And yet, you’re still Nicole Adler.” I meet her malicious stare. “I don’t see a Clifford there. Do you?”

She snarls, but Cloe nudges her arm. “Tell her to stay away.”

Seeming to backpedal, Nicole measures me up and down with distaste like she and her mother did the first day Dad brought me to ‘their’ home.

“Hey, Viking. Stay away from King.”

I study my black nails, fighting a fake yawn. Nicole came with the ‘Viking’ nickname as a jab at how much I watch the show, but the joke is on her. That TV series has more stars than she’d ever have.

“Last I checked, he’s the one who approached me.”

“As if King would ever be interested in a charity case like you.” She spits out.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I raise a mocking eyebrow. “Who holds the family name again?”

“Stay away from King or you’ll regret it.”

“Regret what?” Dan’s voice reaches me before he stands beside me and flings his arm around my shoulder.

People who say that a knight in shining armour can only be a prince or a love interest or whatever are totally wrong. Mine has appeared in the form of my best friend.

Daniel has parked his car down the street and made his way to stand by my side in front of bullies. Not that I can’t handle Nicole and her minion, but Dan knows how much these confrontations exhaust me.

It’s no good for my invisibility case.

Nicole’s face reddens as her eyes bounce from me to Daniel and back again. “Just what we needed. The loser friend.”

“Are we really going down that lane, Nicole?” Daniel asks in a tone that’s completely different from his normal carefree one.

She gulps until I swear I almost hear her. That’s weird. Nicole hates Daniel as much as she loathes me — if not more. Actually, she’s marked him as an enemy before I came along, so it’s weird to see her not spit her venom as usual.

“Bastard,” she mutters under her breath.

“You might want to wipe that.” Dan rubs the side of his mouth with his thumb.

“What?” Nicole asks.

“Your bullshit.” He turns me around in the direction of his car.

“Do as you’re told, Viking!” she shouts at my back.

The best way to have me do something is to tell me not to do it.

I’m tempted to stay close to Levi just to see Nicole’s face reddening with exertion, but even that priceless look isn’t worth it.

I hate Levi King and everything he represents.

Besides, after the little gift I left on his car yesterday, I’m sure he won’t bother me anymore.

I’m proved wrong when I arrive at the school and part ways with Dan.

As soon as I open the door to the art studio, I halt at the threshold and scream.



I didn’t start the war, but I’m fighting to the death.

* * *

All the canvases are painted in pitch black.

Every single one of them.

My muscles stiffen as I search around for any possible intruder. But there can’t be one, now can it?

RES isn’t the type of school where anyone can come in and pull a stunt like this. Not to mention that I’m the only soul who’s around in the early mornings.

“Just like a funeral, huh?”

My spine snaps upright at the sinister tone right at my back.

The click of the art studio’s door closing fills the space and sticks to the back of my throat.

I whirl around and come face to face with those hypnotic eyes.

Levi King.

Just what I needed on this epic morning.

“You did this?” I throw my arms in the direction of the canvases.

“Who knows?” A smirk lifts his lips the slightest bit.