Cruel King (Royal Elite #0) by Rina Kent

The only reason why I’m not challenging Levi back is because I don’t want Dad to be called in by the school, or worse, to learn I haven’t been keeping away from the King surname as he ordered me to.

Besides, invisibility is hard when I have the school’s literal king breathing down my back.

However, I’m keeping my case with the police very much alive. If anything, I asked the deputy commissioner, Dad’s friend, to tell me if any other evidence showed up.

Screw Levi if he thinks he can take away my right to know the truth.

“He can be harsh, but he’s a cool captain.” Dan’s voice is filled with awe and the sad part is, I think it’s subconscious. “He vouched for me with Coach, you know.”

“Wait.” I look up from my ruined sketch. “Levi vouched for you?”

“Yeah, how cool is that?”

“Not at all. Don’t you find it weird that he vouched for you now of all times?”

“Nope.” He stands, flinging his backpack over his shoulder.

“Dan. The guy probably didn’t notice you for two years and now that he wants to destroy my life, he makes you a starter? Come on, this has set up written all over it.”

“Football, Captain, and Coach don’t work like that. A starter was removed and I took his place because I pushed myself to be better.”

“Dan…” I clutch his arm. “I’m sorry. It’s not that I think you’re a bad player, it’s just that the timing is weird, that’s all. I don’t want you to be hurt when things don’t turn out the way you’re hoping.”

“I’ll be fine.” His voice softens as he drapes an arm around my shoulder. “Just stay out of trouble, bugger.”

“Yes, mate.” I smile, glad the small fight between us is over.

He’s the only person who can make senior year tolerable.

Dan and I part ways once we walk back into the school. He has practice and I have a few hours to kill in the art studio before we head back together.

I sure as shit don’t want to go back home a minute sooner than needed and have to deal with Victoria’s honeyed snark, Nicole’s venom, and Dad’s cold shoulder.

Someone bumps into me, almost knocking me back on my arse. I brace myself at the last second and come face to face with none other than Nicole.

“Watch where you’re going, bitch,” she hisses under her breath and her two friends snicker like it’s the funniest joke they heard today.

I jab a finger at her shoulder and push her back. “You watch it.” I lean over to whisper so only she can hear, “Or does the entire school need to know that you and your mother are gold-diggers who stole my father from his family?”

Her eyes widen and I push past her, feeling a little better than I did this entire day.

“Do you think your opinion has any importance around here, slut?” She shoots behind my back, but I ignore her and slip into the art studio.

There are two junior students already sitting at their canvas, but they don’t bother returning my greeting.

Not only is my new found visibility a pain in the arse, but it’s also the wrong type of visibility.

I hoped all this would blow over, but it doesn’t look that way.

I sigh as I head to my locker for my apron. This place is my sanctuary, I won’t let anyone ruin it for me.

Even if the art teacher dismissed all the black canvas like they never happened. I had the vague idea that the entire school bowed to King, but I never thought he also had the teachers eating at the palm of his hands.

Naive old me.

The moment I pull my apron, my temper flares.

‘Slut’ and ‘Whore’ are written in red paint all over the white apron.

The junior kids jab each other, suppressing laughter and probably taking pictures.

My fists clench in the cloth as a hot, scalding wave rolls over me.

I don’t care if Levi did it or if someone else did it on his behalf, but I’m done shrinking back.

He pulled me out of my invisibility cave and he’ll regret every second of it.

If he wants a battle, I’m going to give him a bloody war.



You don’t have long. I’m coming for you.

* * *

I step out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my midsection and dry my hair with the one around my neck.

Since today’s practice was hardcore, I expected the guys to be planning the best way to party and shag. I’m surprised to find them all gathered in front of my locker.

“He’ll flip,” Xander whistles.

“No shit.” Sean, the goalkeeper, stretches an arm over the locker.

Ronan’s naked shoulders shake with laughter. “I want to meet who has the balls to do this. Fantastique.”

“Do what?”

The entire team falls silent at my question. My brows furrow as all of them stiffen.

“Promise you’ll remain calm, Captain.” Cole blocks my view even though everyone else pulls back.

“Why do I need to remain calm?”

“Let him.” Aiden motions at Cole to move.

When he doesn’t, Xander forcibly pushes him back, muttering, “We still need you alive, dickhead.”

Inside my locker, all my team jerseys are painted in red. There’s one jersey hanging from the locker. Right above my number Ten, where my last name is usually written, ‘King’ is erased. On its behalf, ‘Manwhore’ is written in bold capital letters.