Cruel King (Royal Elite #0) by Rina Kent

And more importantly, I need to know for how long he plans to keep me on a leash.

Even with all the burst of excitement and pleasure he brings to my life, I’m not stupid to trust him. Not after he made it blatantly clear that he’ll destroy my life if I don’t bow to his authority.

Unlike what Levi ordered, my case is still very much alive with the police. True, he didn’t bring it up lately, but that’s the reason why he approached me in the first place.

Back then, it was so simple. I hated Levi and everything he stood for. But now, I see different sides to him every day.

I see how he holds my hand when we run to pull me along.

I see his nostalgic smile when it rains before he pulls me out into it with him.

I see him at practice, with his teammates, and in class, and it’s like he’s not the same Levi. While all the other teenagers are high on spontaneity and living the moment, Levi is the responsible one.

He’s usually in deep thought with him and himself — even when he's surrounded by his closest friends. It’s like he has his own world all complete with forts and bridges where no one else is allowed.

A part of me wants to barge into his secret world, but the other part is scared of what I’ll find in there.

What if his world is a one-way ticket and I’ll be trapped?

I take my coffee and thank Sarah on my way out of the kitchen. Phone in hand, I text Dan that I’m going out. It’s Friday afternoon and we agreed to meet at Ally’s. Usually, we meet on Saturdays, but since Dan became a permanent starter, that plan is out.

I make a beeline towards the back entrance through the pool house. Dad and Victoria are at some charity dinner, but old habits die hard. It’s become natural to sneak my way out of the house.

Near the pool house’s door, strange sounds make me halt in my tracks. I inch closer, expecting to find an animal or something.

The sounds raise in volume. There’s a moan then a growl and the unmistakable slap of flesh against flesh.

I should’ve continued on my way, but hearing such sounds at home is as rare as England’s sun. Even Dad never touches Victoria, except for the platonic hand grab here or there. Thank God for that. I totally don’t need the image.

Making sure to keep my body out of view, I peek inside and freeze. The first thing that greets me is a man’s naked arse. He pounds into my step-sister like a crazed animal.

Nicole’s face twists, whether in pleasure or pain, I don’t know. Her eyes meet mine, and I jerk back, but not before recognising the guy she’s with.

I run out of the house, my head a complete chaos.

Christopher Vans.

Levi’s closest friend.

“Earth to bugger!”

I snap my head up from my chocolate smoothie.

“Did you come here for a one-on-one meeting with your straw?” Dan asks with a dramatic tone. “Do you want me to step outside so you can have a moment?”

“I’m just trying to purge a very disturbing image I’ve just seen on my way here.”

“Disturbing?” He slides closer, pushing his iced coffee aside and waggling his eyebrows. “Do tell.”

“I just saw Nicole having sex with Christopher Vans in our pool house.”

His grin disappears. It’s only for a split second, but I notice it. I also notice how his face scrunches and his shoulders tense.

He goes back to grinning just as fast. Only, it seems a bit forced now. “Eww. No more Netflix and chill in your pool house.”

I roll my eyes. “I just told you I’ve seen Nicole have sex and that’s your first thought?”

“Does Nicole’s sex life need commentating?” He has his rare poker face as he speaks. “She’s not even a good fuck.”

“How would you know that?”

He takes a long slurp of his drink and shrugs. “Looks like it.”

“Don’t you think this has King’s hands all over it?”


“I mean, Christopher is his closest friend.”

“Was. Since Chris was benched, Captain doesn’t look in his direction twice. He punched him at the beginning of the year for being useless.”

“That’s harsh. Is a person’s worth calculated by how well he plays?”

He lifts a shoulder. “Captain is all about winning and he doesn’t sugar-coat anything when it comes to slackers. He even had a few choice words for his cousin the other day.”

I fumble with my straw, humming. Something in my gut tells me Christopher sleeping with my step-sister isn’t a coincidence. Maybe he’s pretending to be on non-speaking terms with Levi in public, but they’re plotting something in secret.

“Here I thought you were too dreamy-eyed about your crush.” A mischievous look takes over Dan’s features.

“He’s not my crush.”

“I’ve known you for three years, and I haven’t seen you so caught up with someone as you are with Captain.”

“He threatened me, remember? I’m doing whatever it takes to protect myself.”



“Admit it. You like him.”

“I hate him.”

“I bet he hates you, too.” He waggles an eyebrow. “Is this some sort of foreplay? Roleplay? Some other kind of kinky stuff?”