Cruel King (Royal Elite #0) by Rina Kent

“I couldn’t care less.”

I groan from both frustration and anger. “So what? You think you can act like a villain and kidnap me on your black horse and I’ll have no other choice but to forgive you? Are you expecting a kiss in thanks, too?.”

He cocks an eyebrow. “I didn’t think about it that way, but that can work, too.”

“Ugh. I hate you.”

“You proved it by bringing that scum.” A muscle clenches in his jaw. “You’ll pay for that.”

“You have no right to tell me what to do. I’m not and will never be one of your subjects.”

He throws me a dark glance. “You’ll learn your place. Eventually.”

“How long are you going to keep me? A day? A week? A month?” I taunt. “As soon as I escape, guess who I’ll be going back to? Here’s a hint. His name starts with a Z.”

He steps on the brake so hard, I almost topple over and hit my head on the windshield.

My space is crowded by his body and his face that’s breathing menace in my face.

He clutches my chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing me to look straight into those pale eyes.

There’s so much intimacy in this moment; walls falling down and others pulling up.

I just don’t know whether those walls are his or mine.

“You can be upset and angry all you want, but don’t bring another man in my presence again.”

“Or what?”

“I’ll end them. Every last fucking one of them.”

My lips part. “You… you wouldn’t.”

“Try. Me.” His breath tickles my skin and he darts his tongue out to lick the shell of my ear before he murmurs in dark, hot words. “I dare you to fucking try me, princess.”

I want to think he wouldn’t do such a thing, but he can be damn crazy. He’s proved time and again how abnormal he is.

Hell, if I didn’t stop him, I don’t know how far he would’ve gone with Jerry all those weeks ago.

“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” His lips hover against the corner of my mouth and my breathing turns into choked gasps. “So how about you be a good little princess and stop fucking everything up?”

I want to curse and shout at him. I want to tell him that he’s the one who fucked up my life, but I don’t trust my anger. I feel like I’ll say something that will only backfire on me. Besides, he’s too close, it’s impossible to concentrate.

He starts the car again and I decide to ignore his existence. If words didn’t work with him, then the silent treatment will have to do.

I stare from the car window, pursing my lips. Soon enough, the city’s loud life and the bright lights disappear until the road turns deserted.

The way to the Meet Up.

I recognise the road even before we pull over in front of it.

Levi steps out from his side of the door and opens mine. I look in the opposite direction.

He holds my chin, trying to make me look at him, but I keep my vision on the side.

“As you wish, princess.” His words are barely out when he yanks me from the passenger seat and carries me in his arms — with my wrists bound behind my back.

My breasts brush against his chest, creating a maddening friction. His strong arm against my naked thighs shoots tingles straight to my core.

Nope. I’m not going there.

The house is dark, but as soon as we’re inside, a white, automatic light turns on.

Levi carries me up the stairs and down two halls with his face stone cold. I breathe harshly both because of the sensations he’s illicing in my body and because I need him to know my displeasure.

Either he doesn’t notice or he doesn’t care.

My bet is on the second.

He swings open the door leading to a medium-sized bedroom with a large bed and crisp white sheets. There’s a small desk and a closet, and that’s it.

Levi throws me on the bed and I crawl to the other end, my throat closing.

All my courage from earlier is completely gone now. We’re all alone here. My shoulder blades snap together at the realisation.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

He doesn’t answer.

Instead, he removes his jacket, throws it on the table and rolls the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows. “You’re speaking to me now?”

“Let me go, Levi.” I blend with the headboard, my heart thumping so loud, it fills my space.

“You’re calling me by my name, too.” His voice is calm. Too calm. It’s frightening. “That’s progress.”

“Is this another one of your games? Are you trying to scare me?” I hate the tremor in my voice. It only proves how much his plan is working. “Go right ahead. Make me hate you for good.”

“Don’t you already?” The bed dips as he crawls towards me with black, impenetrable eyes.

“I do.” I fight the tears blurring my vision.

“You do, huh?”

“Did you think I’d run back to you because you stood up for me? Newsflash, King. I’m not a damsel in distress. I don’t need saving from what you caused in the first place.”

He grabs both my legs and pulls me towards him. I yelp when I fall against my bound hands and slide forward.

My legs spread open on each side of his strong thighs and my dress bunches up until my underwear peeks out.