Cruel King (Royal Elite #0) by Rina Kent

“It comes with the family name,” Uncle says.

Jeremy smiles, eyeing Aiden. “We’ll be talking to the second King soon, too.”

“Yeah, that won’t happen, Jeremy.” Uncle takes him away before the assistant coaches start drooling over him.

I gulp a mouthful of water and spill some over my head.

One thing is over.

“Victory party at my place!” Ronan shouts, gripping me by the shoulder. “Captain, man of the hour!”

“You’ll have to do it on your own.” I shrug him off.

“Why?” Cole snatches the bottle from between my finger.

“I have an important place to be.” A place that’s two weeks overdue.

“Uh, you don’t have to.” Xander waggles his eyebrows, motioning behind me.

My breath hitches when I turn around.

The guys’ cheers, the spectators, and the entire fucking world disappears.

The only thing that remains is the girl walking across the pitch.

She’s wearing my T-shirt with number ten on it. Her hair falls on either side of her face like a fucking halo.

Air rushes back to my lungs, and it hurts.

Feeling so much life after suffocating for two weeks fucking hurts.

I’ll make sure it never hurts again. For the both of us.

Astrid once told me I’m a dark night. It’s in dark nights that stars like her shine the brightest.




* * *

My heart tries to punch its way out of my chest as I stare at Levi.

Sweat and water make his gorgeous Viking hair all tousled and shining. He runs towards me in that agile, stunning way that made me put up with morning runs.

His chest muscles strain against his jersey and his strong thighs nearly burst out of the shorts.

He stops in front of me, his handsome face slightly flushed from the heroic game he just finished.

I only came in the second half, after trying to convince myself for the thousandth time that this is the right thing to do and praying that I didn’t shatter us for good.

“Congrats,” I murmur, almost stammering like an idiot. “That was a great game.”

“Fuck that.” He breathes harshly, approaching me slowly. “Why are you here, Astrid?”

“I…” I was an idiot? I want a second chance?

Where the hell do I even begin with my jumbled thoughts?

He barges into my space. His chest brushes against my breasts and I’m so full of him. Of his height. Of his natural scent now mixed with adrenaline. Of his sheer presence.

God, I missed him. I missed him so fucking much.

He clutches my shoulders with strong hands, and I briefly close my eyes against the sensation. His touch has always been my undoing, and I’ve been starving for so long.

“Tell me you couldn’t sleep, too. Tell me I’ve been driving you as fucking crazy as you’ve been driving me.”

I nod, fighting the pressure building in my throat. “I know there’s a dark past between us, but I’m choosing to be selfish. I’m choosing the future, Levi.”

“Thank fuck because I’m never giving up on you, princess.”

I release a long breath. “I thought you already did.”

“Nah. I have to live up to my devil reputation.”

I throw myself against him, my hands securing tightly at his back. Levi wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him. We’re so close that he’s crushing me until I can’t breathe.

Scratch that. I can breathe. I breathe him. His embrace. His warmth. The future I want with him.

Levi and I were something special since the day I stumbled into the private room, drugged, and he kicked me out just so he’d save me later.

We’ve been something special since he made me his target and I fought back.

The past won’t define our lives. The future will.

“Now say it,” he whispers against my ear.

“Say what?”

“That you’re mine.”

“I’m yours.” I chuckle, looking up at him. “Even if we have a long-distance relationship.”

“Fuck long-distance relationships.”

My heart breaks as if he jammed a knife into my chest. Does Levi only plan to spend the rest of the year with me and then we go separate ways?

He taps my nose. “Kiss for your thoughts?”

“So what? It’s over once you go to Manchester or Liverpool?”

“Nothing will be fucking over.”

“But you’re going —”

“I’m going nowhere, princess. Uncle brought his friend who happens to be Arsenal’s CEO to make sure I stay in London.”

“Arsenal. Wow.”

“I know. Jonathan is being manipulative until the very end.”

“No. I mean I’m happy for you… if you decide to stay in London, of course.”

“Fuck right I’m staying. I go wherever you go, princess.”

He seals his lips to mine in a passionate, all-consuming kiss that steals my breath away. I moan, threading my fingers into his hair as the guys cheer all around us.

I kiss him back, rising on my tippy toes to reciprocate what he’s thinking.


Epilogue - Astrid