Deviant King (Royal Elite #1) by Rina Kent

Ronan, Xander and I argue about the substitute players that came in the second half.

The game ends one to nil. We could’ve done better but we’re on the way to the championship.

I celebrate with Ronan and Xan and even Cole who joined us near the end by singing ‘We are the champions’.

A phone rings. Kim’s.

I fish into her pocket. Her mum.


She’ll ground Kim if she returns home in this state. I dig my teeth in my bottom lip as I contemplate a solution.

“Spend the night.” Aiden quips from behind me. I startle and that only makes him push into my back more.

“What? No.” It comes out more surprised rather than cold.

“Just spend the night with Reed.” He sighs heavily. “Don’t make everything so difficult.”

My options are limited. I can ask Aiden to drive us the small distance to Kim’s house and have her grounded. He can drive us to my home and put Kim in a bad light in front of Aunt and Uncle.

“Fine, but I’m locking the door.”

I take the phone outside where there isn’t noise and answer Kim’s mum. I tell her Kim is spending the night with me and that she’s already fast asleep. She agrees without questions. Then I call Uncle and after geeking about Arsenal’s win, I tell him I’m spending the night at Kim’s.

Weird. It doesn’t feel bad to lie to Aunt and Uncle anymore.

When I return inside to where the guys — except for Aiden — are celebrating, my spine jerks upright. He’s watching me with an unreadable gleam that resembles the first day we met.

I’m definitely locking the door tonight.

Chapter Forty-Three

Xander helps me in getting Kim to the guest room. I tried to stop him, but he wasn’t hearing my protests.

As soon as he placed her on the bed, I kicked him out and turned the key.

After removing her shoes, I tuck Kim in and cover her with a sheet. She’s mumbling something that sounds like Ode to Joy by the time I shimmy out of my uniform and bra. I remain in boy shorts and my sleeveless T-shirt.

I lie next to Kim.

Exhaustion rears on my nerves endings, but for the life of me, I can’t fall asleep. The bed is comfy and the pillow seems to be filled with feathers. The guest room is as sterile as a hotel room. All white and prim with nothing personal in sight.

As I stare at the ceiling, all I keep thinking about is the chaos that happened today. Dr Khan then Silver then Jonathan King.

Aiden had to be the cherry on top by deciding to be a jerk.

I didn’t miss how he stood by the side of the door while I kicked Xander out.

I puff a frustrated breath and screw my lids shut.

Half an hour later, I still can’t sleep. I skim through Instagram and get bored soon after. I push the covers away and slip on a bathrobe before getting out.

The house is eerily calm as I make my way to the kitchen. The boys must’ve all left and Aiden is fast asleep.

On the counter, I find chips and whipped cream and even some untouched Hamburgers. I sit down on the stool and devour them all. The rich taste fills my mouth.

Aunt would kill me for this, but it’s been forever since I had my last junk meal. Maybe years? Uncle used to take me for a random junk meal occasionally — and in secret, but after my heart acted up in middle school, he stopped the habit altogether.

Half of me feels like a sinner, but the other half just enjoys this rare meal. Once done, I clean up the kitchen and head back to the room.

Then, a crazy idea comes to mind. I want to see where Aiden sleeps. It’s stupid after all what he’s done, but it’s not fair that he saw my room but I didn’t see his.

I go downstairs where I saw him head earlier and suppress a yelp whenever an automatic soft light goes on. It’s impossible to sneak about in this house.

A sound of splashing water comes from my right and I follow it like a curious kitten. I round the corner and stop in front of double glass doors.

On the other side, water glints under a closed dome. The indoor pool is completely dark aside from the soft white lights coming from within the water.

Aiden sits on the steps, half into the water and half above it. He’s not swimming or attempting to. He just sits there, his naked back rippling with tension and his arrow tattoos pointing at his sides.

The mere sight of water increases my breathing. My hands turn clammy and the itch to scrub them overwhelms me.

You can do this.

With one last deep breath, I open the door and slip inside.

Aiden’s head cocks to the side in my direction. His wet inky hair falls in a perfectly imperfect mess across his forehead. Droplets of water draw a path along the fine hairs of his chest and the rippled abs and to underneath his black boxer briefs. I find myself following them as if I’m enchanted.

I’m supposed to be mad at him, damn it.

“I was coming to get you.”

I halt a safe distance away from the water. “I locked the door.”

“Do you think a locked door will keep me away from what’s mine, sweetheart?”

“I’m mad at you. If I want you to stay out, you’ll stay out.”

“Sure thing.” He doesn’t seem to believe a word I say. “Now, remove that robe and come join me.”

“No way!” My shout borders on hysterical as I fist my hand into the robe.