Deviant King (Royal Elite #1) by Rina Kent

Or someone.

“Do you feel better?” His voice is firm, but it’s not harsh.

Some unshed tears rim in my eyes as I nod.

“Did I trigger that by coming through the balcony?” he asks carefully.

“I already had the nightmare when you came so I was triggered before.”

“By what?”

“I don’t know.” My head hurts and I want nothing more than to sleep.

I push the idea away as fast as it came. What if the nightmare returns?

“Are your nightmares always triggered?” Aiden is still holding my jaw, making me stare into his unyielding eyes.

For some reason, they’re not intruding as usual, they’re just… curious. Caring even.

Maybe that’s why I confide in him. “Yes. Dr Khan always tells me to stay away from anything that can serve as a trigger.”

“Such as?” Aiden prompts.

“Candles. Basements. Dim, red light. Deep water such as pools, beaches, and lakes. Sleeping in the dark.” I don’t even know how Dr Khan got the list, maybe it’s from the scraps of nightmares I’ve told him.

My lips part and I stumble to my feet. “The black car!”

Aiden follows me, staring at me as if I’m about to have the episode again.

“The black car,” My voice breaks. “Is there still a black car parked across the street?”


“How do you know that?”

“I parked across the street and there was no black car there.”

With snail movements, I slowly peel the curtains of the balcony back. Sure enough, Aiden’s Ferrari is parked across the street, the lamp causes its red to shine.

No sign of a black car.

I sigh and fall back into a sitting position on the bed, pushing wild strands of hair behind my ears. My eyes feel puffy and swollen.

My nose is stuffed and I feel like hell. This isn’t how I want Aiden to see me.

“What are you doing here, anyway?” I climb under the covers, trying to hide my chaotic look.

A sly grin lifts his lips as he sits beside me. “Why did you think I told you not to sleep?”

For some reason, that makes me smile back. “You climb onto people’s balconies a lot?”

“Just yours. I usually prefer doors”

I bite my lip. “Wait. I had the alarm on.”

“But you left the balcony’s door open.”

“Right.” I was too consumed with the rain that I forgot to close it afterwards.

Some part of my brain thinks I should be mad at Aiden for sneaking into my room, but I’m not. Far from it. I don’t know what would’ve happened if I had a strong episode while being on my own.

“Thank you.” Fresh tears sting my eyes and I swallow them in.

Aiden kicks off his shoes and climbs in beside me. His broad frame and tall legs dwarf my bed.

I pull the sheet to my chin. “What are you doing?”

“Sleeping,” he says ever so casually.

“You… you can’t sleep here.”

“Sure can.”

“But —”

Words die in my throat when Aiden presses his lips to mine in a soft, quick kiss.

He pulls me into his chest, so my head lies against his bicep. My nostrils fill with his clean scent and I can’t help inhaling deeper like an addict.

Strong arms surround me as he murmurs, “Just sleep, sweetheart.”

I never sleep if I can help it after a nightmare because I’m scared it’ll continue if I do.

But in Aiden’s arms, I don’t feel scared or paranoid. I don’t even think about the double nightmares I had.

I feel... safe.

I curl my fingers into his shirt and place my ear over his soothing heartbeat — a normal heartbeat.

I close my eyes and surrender to the pull of sleep.


Chapter Twenty-Seven

No nightmares.

That’s the first thought that crosses my sleepy consciousness as soon as I open my eyes.

Then, I take in the warmth. So, so much warmth.

Aiden spent the night here.

In my bed.

I stare at his sleeping face. His chin grazes my forehead and the slight stubble tickles my skin.

One of his arms surrounds my waist, his hand resting in the middle of my back. The other lies limp because I’m using his bicep as a pillow.

His leg cages both of mine like he’s stopping me from escaping.

I have to crane my head to get a full view of his face. His lashes appear thicker and longer when his eyes are closed.

His features are serene as if he isn’t feeling the weight of my head on his arm.

Who knew someone like Aiden would look so peaceful when asleep?

And who knew there would be a day where I’d sleep hugging him all night?

When he pulled me into him, I felt a sense of… belonging.

No. I shouldn’t be feeling any belonging with Aiden when I still haven’t figured him out yet.

He’s the same person who choked me that day and told me he’d destroy me. I can’t start trusting him because he climbed onto my balcony and soothed my nightmares.


Feeling confused, I slowly peel his heavy arm from around my waist and inch towards the edge of the bed, scooping my phone on the way.

I stand and throw one last peek at the massive body sprawled in my bed. Tingles curl my toes and across my spine.