Deviant King (Royal Elite #1) by Rina Kent

A strange tightness grips my chest at the thought.

What if he really lets me go. What if he —

“I can’t,” His voice drops.

“Why not?”

“I don’t have a choice.”

Something sharp and heavy slices through my chest. Aiden always has a choice. Hell, he even makes it clear that all choices are to his benefit.

It doesn’t make sense that he’s the one without a choice.

“Are you playing another mind game?”

“Are you, Elsa? Because I was never supposed to like you this much. Hell. I wasn’t supposed to think about you more than I think of myself.”

I was never supposed to like you this much.

Did I hear that right? Did Aiden just admit to liking me?

I think it’s right. I think… Aiden likes me.

And I believe him.

Unlike me, Aiden is assertive to a fault. He’s not afraid of admitting what he wants.

He’s free in ways you aren’t. Maybe that’s why you’re attracted to him.

Kim’s words hit me like an unexpected blow.

I waited for you to want me.

I’m not supposed to like you this much.

Those words dig black holes into my defences.

I let my hand travel up from his chest to the rippling tendons of his collarbone. Aiden grabs my hand in his stronger one.

He shakes his head once. “Not so fast.”

“W-what? But why?” Shame at being rejected sinks at the bottom of my stomach.

Isn’t this what he wanted?

“Kiss me,” he says.

“Kiss you,” I repeat, still confused out of my mind.

“This time, I want you to wrap your arms around my neck and kiss me first, Elsa.”

He’s so unfair. I should’ve known that he won’t only take. I should’ve known that he’d eventually want me to give.

He’s not interested in one battle, he wants to win the entire bloody war.

A small voice whispers that I’ll regret this tomorrow, but I don’t care about tomorrow right now.

I retrieve my hand from his and wrap both my arms around his neck.

Then I seal my lips to his.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

My kiss is tentative. Experimental.

It’s the first time I initiate a kiss. The first time I kiss Aiden without him basically forcing it on me.

At first, it’s a slight press of my lips against his firm ones. Then, my tongue darts out and I lick his bottom lip over and over. Gaining more boldness, I pull myself up and slightly nibble on it before trailing soft kisses on the corner of his mouth.

The whole time, Aiden watches me with hooded eyes. Both his arms are taut as he leans his hands on the bed.

He’s not touching me.

My bold phase shrinks a little. Maybe he changed his mind, maybe —

“Fuck this,” Aiden groans as his lips crash to mine.

His kiss is the complete opposite of my gentle ones. Aiden kisses like a madman searching for his sanity. It’s always out of control. My breathing ceases when he thrusts his tongue inside my mouth and devours me.

That’s what Aiden does. He devours. He shreds me apart and strips me bare until he owns every part of me.

Now that he’s taking charge, I feel like I can… let go.

Let go.

What a weird sensation.

I was never tempted to let go before. If anything, I did everything by the rules so I wouldn’t have to let go.

Aiden’s body is all over me. His legs barge between my trembling thighs. His chest flattens my aching breasts. His hands are all over my hair, my cheeks, my face.

He’s all over me.

His raw intensity seeps under my skin and shoots straight into my veins. It’s contagious.

He’s contagious.

Aiden wrenches his mouth from mine, and we both pant, breathing each other in.

I’m caught in his stormy gaze.

Since the beginning, he’s always looked at me differently like we’re connected.

Like he knows me better than anyone else.

And maybe, just maybe, I wanted to know him better than anyone, too.

He breaks eye contact to fling my pyjamas’ top over my head. The cloth rubs against my hard, sensitive nipples, sending a chill of pleasure between my legs.

He palms one breast with a rough hand and grunts. “Did I tell you how much I love these?”

His fiery gaze never leaves mine as he sucks a nipple into his mouth and pulls at it with his teeth. He doesn’t bite, but the threat is there.

My eyes droop and a moan spills from my throat.

Still teasing with his teeth, he pinches the other nipple. His stormy eyes stay transfixed on me as if he’s challenging — or taunting me.

My fingers slide to his hair and I pull on the jet black strands. I don’t know if it’s to push or pull him.

And I don’t get to decide.

Aiden wraps a firm hand around my throat and bites down on my nipple so hard, pain shoots across my spine and pleasure pools in my core. His tongue laps around it, soothing the ache before he does it again. I cry out, my back arching.

I can’t move much because he’s imprisoning me by his grip on my throat.

It’s like falling down a cliff. There should be nothing pleasing about that because when I hit the bottom, I’ll be dead. But right now? I don’t think about the landing. I’m suspended in the act of falling. Beyond fear and self-imposed shackles, there’s a thrill, excitement. The… unknown.