Steel Princess (Royal Elite #2) by Rina Kent

It’s almost like he’s making a statement.

No. Not ‘almost’ like. He’s certainly making a statement. Aiden’s moves are always calculated to a T.

That doesn’t mean he gets to touch me so casually as if nothing happened.

I bite my lower lip to stop the profanities from spilling. Instead, I elbow his side. He doesn’t even budge. It’s as if he doesn’t feel — or if he does, then he doesn’t care.

“Van Doren, right?” Aiden smiles and offers his hand. “Aiden King. It’s nice to meet you.”

What the…?

Is Aiden shaking hands with Knox right now? I think I heard him say that it’s nice to meet Knox.

No. He couldn’t have figured out my plan.

I meant to throw him off by coming with Knox. Instead, I’m the one thrown completely out of my element.

Knox shakes Aiden’s hand with a smile. “Same. It’s kind of hard not to hear about you around here.”

“Hmm.” Aiden’s smile doesn’t falter, if anything, it widens. “Then you must’ve heard that Elsa is mine.”

My eyes widen. “I’m not —”

“I don’t react well to anyone who threatens what’s mine.” Aiden cuts me off. “If you understand that, welcome to RES.”

“I told you that I’m not —” Words die in my throat when Aiden’s lips slam to mine.

He grabs my jaw with harsh fingers and squeezes hard. He’s trying to make me open my mouth.

I keep my lips in a thin line and claw at his chest with my nails.

It’s like he feels nothing. Not even when I scratch his collarbone.

His other hand wraps around my nape, imprisoning me. He brings me flush against his hard chest, crushing my hands and my resistance.

It’s his way to tell me that I can’t resist him. That, if he wants, he can kill any of my attempts.

I’m like a wave, no matter how high or wild I get, I’ll always crush against the unmovable rock at the shore.

Because that rock?

That rock is where waves like me go to die.

When I still don’t open, Aiden bites my lower lip so hard, I’m surprised no blood comes out.

A whimper escapes my throat, but I keep my mouth sealed shut.

A part of my body melts, wishing for friction. For something.


But that part is a fucking idiot.

That part is why I’m in a losing battle against the damn rock.

I attempt pushing him away, but he has me under his perfect control as he ravages my mouth.

The kiss is a punishment as much as it’s a claim.

It’s a brute force and bruising without an ounce of tenderness.

Not that Aiden does tenderness, but he used to at least deceive me before.

He used to try being gentle.

The mask dropped and he’s showing his true colours now.

He’s playing the real game.

But it takes two armies to go to battle.

I bite his lip back the hardest I can. A metallic taste explodes on my tongue.

Aiden stops for a moment as if he’s taken aback. I seize the chance and shove him away.

Blood oozes on the side of his mouth, and I try not to get caught in the sight.

I made him bleed.

I made Aiden King bleed.

I can still feel the metallic taste on my tongue and stuck between my lips and teeth.

That itch to wash my hands overwhelms me out of nowhere. It takes everything in me not to bolt out of here.

If I do, Aiden would think I’m running away from him and I promised I’d never do that anymore.

He wipes the slight injury with his thumb slowly then stares at it as if it’s a wonder.

Or a curse.

“You and I are over, King,” I announce loud enough for everyone in our surroundings to hear. “Stop being a clingy, annoying ex.”

A few gasps erupt around us.

While he’s still watching the blood on his thumb, I hit my shoulder against his and walk out with my head held high.



Kim and Knox find me outside running down the street from Ronan’s house. They decide to call it a night, too.

I’m thankful Kim doesn’t ask questions and just stays by my side in the back seat as Knox drives us home.

Once I’m in front of my house, Kim switches places to the passenger seat and rolls the window down. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay the night? We can watch some cheesy rom-com?”

“Kir needs you more than me.”

She winces, then smothers it with a smile. “Text me?”

“You bet.” I bend to meet Knox’s gaze. “Thanks for everything, Knox, and I’m sorry.”

“You did nothing wrong.” He winks and the car revs to life.

I stand at the threshold, crossing the coat over my chest until Knox’s Range Rover disappears down the road.

“I’m back,” I say to no one as I step into the door.

The house is empty and… cold.

As usual when Aunt and Uncle aren’t here.

Maybe I should’ve been selfish and asked Kim to stay the night.

For some reason, I don’t want to be alone tonight.

Once in my room, I remove my coat and throw it on the desk’s chair, open the balcony, then drop on my bed headfirst.

Since I left the party, there’s been this crushing weight on my chest. It’s suffocating my air and making me feel claustrophobic in my own skin.