Steel Princess (Royal Elite #2) by Rina Kent

“Shut up.”

“I’ll be good. I’ll be so good to you, Aiden. You’ll find no resistance,” I taunt. “I’ll be yours and you won’t even have to remind me of it anymore.”

“Shut the fuck up, Elsa.” He pulls my hands from the wall and slams them against it again.

“Why?” I breathe harshly. “Isn’t that what you want? Isn’t that what you’ve been trying to do since the beginning? Destroy me? So do it. Rape doesn’t scare you, right? So do it now and ruin me once and for all.”

He watches me intently with his left eye twitching like crazy.

I just hit a button.

Aiden loves the challenge I bring to his life. He said it himself that I break the endless vicious cycle. I figured he’d be pissed off if I threaten to take all the challenge away, but I didn’t think it’d hit his buttons this hard.

It takes him longer than usual to strap his reaction behind the infuriating poker face.

His mouth hovers inches away from mine. His intoxicating scent is all I can smell. His harsh breathing mingles with mine, almost muting the water beating down on us.

“Nice try, sweetheart.” He tilts his head, a smirk tugging on his lips. “You almost got me there.”

Shit. Fuck.

Still, I jut my chin. “You think I’m bluffing?”

“No. But I figured out your angle.”

“My angle?”

“You want me to rape you so that you can hate me.”

My breathing hitches. Is that what I really wanted?

Nope. He’s not dragging me into another one of his mind games.

“But guess what, sweetheart?” He licks the shell of my ear, causing a shiver to crackle down my spine. “When I fuck you, you’ll only be screaming in pleasure. With every thrust into your pussy, you’ll be chanting my name and begging for more.”

My chest heaves causing my throbbing, sensitive nipples to brush against his hard muscles.

It only makes me more aware of him and his presence. It makes me feel him straight to my bones.

He’s not right.

He can’t be right.

I didn’t say that because I wanted to hate him. I only said that to piss him off.

How the hell did the tables turn on me?

“You know. You should’ve never chosen to be a pawn.” His fingers leave my throat and trail down to my stomach. He hovers on the path leading to my folds.

I suck in a breath and fruitlessly try to get him off me. He pumps his hips against mine, killing my resistance.

He glides his erection up and down my pussy. I clench my thighs, but he slaps them apart and rubs his thumb on my clit agonisingly slow.

My stomach tightens into itself.

A pleasure so harsh and twisted shoots through my veins no matter how much I try to ward it off.

My nails dig into my palms, but I can’t do anything with him pinning me to the wall.

“Aiden… stop,” I grit out.

“Why?” He slides his cock up and down my hypersensitive folds.



I’m breathing in unison with his moves. I try to tune myself out, but I can’t. I just can’t stay still when he touches me.

I’m always craving more.

Needing more.

“I hate you, that’s why,” I pant.

“I think you’re lying, sweetheart. I think you don’t hate me, but you hate how much you can’t hate this.” He pushes the tip of his erection at my entrance.

I tense, expecting him to thrust inside, but he goes back to running his cock up and down.

My stomach dips.

And no, it’s not because of disappointment.

“Do you feel your walls inviting me? Do you feel how fucking soaked you are for me?”

I shake my head frantically.

“Stop fighting what we have,” he growls at my ear. “Stop fighting us.”

Aiden increases his tempo. Shivers cover my skin, and it’s not because of the water. It’s due to the torturous slide of his cock. The way he has me at his mercy — or the lack thereof.

The moment he slaps my clit, I scream.

I don’t even know what’s come over me. I don’t know how in the ever-loving hell he made me come this fast.

The waves roll over me and I scream louder. Then, I recall we’re in school, and anyone could hear me. That’s supposed to kill the orgasm, but it’s the exact opposite.

A different type of wave slams into me. I bite my lower lip to contain the shriek.

Just like that time in my room, I’m about to die with self-mortification. I want to dig a grave and just bury myself alive.

Aiden continues pumping his cock up and down. His muscles turn rigid. I can’t help watching as his handsome features contort and he grunts. I feel his cum coating the inside of my thighs, and I close my eyes.

Not out of mortification. No.

It’s because the sensation is about to throw me over the edge again.

He releases my hands, letting them fall on either side of me. It takes everything in me not to wrap them around my midsection.

“There,” he whispers before biting down on my ear. “Good girl.”

“I hate you,” I murmur. “I hate you.”

“If you say that one more time, I’m going to fuck you in a more public place. I’ll make the entire world see how much you hate me while you’re bouncing on my cock and screaming my fucking name.”