Steel Princess (Royal Elite #2) by Rina Kent

“Sure did.”

We approach my house, and I’m so ready to leave him and his ‘good fucks’.

The thought of him driving another woman as crazy as he does me makes me sick to my stomach.

“Good for you,” I huff throwing the pack of condoms where I found it. “Maybe I should’ve had some experience of my own, too.”

He slams on the breaks, I nearly topple over from my seat.

“Don’t you ever fucking repeat that.” He releases his seatbelt and faces me. “I’m the only experience you’ll ever have. Is that clear?”

“Why can’t I have memorable fucks like you did?”

“None of them were memorable. I quickly lost interest.” He reaches a finger and traces it along my lower lip. “Until you.”

I swear my heart jumped out of its cavities at Aiden’s husky, low words.

“What if you lose interest in me, too?”

“Never.” He flattens his thumb on my lower lip. “I’ve been addicted to you since I touched you. I can’t stay away from you even if I wanted to, sweetheart. So don’t ask me to. Don’t even suggest it.”

My breathing deepens as I stare at him with parted lips.

Because I don’t think I can stay away from him either.

Not anymore.

He leans over and presses his lips to mine. I open up with a moan. With every stroke of his tongue against mine, my walls crumble all around me and I have no way to stop them.

All I can do is watch as he invades my life and flips it upside down.

And the problem is? I want him to.

No. I need him to.

I wrap my arms around his neck and run my fingers in the small hairs at the back of his head.

He pulls back way too soon, his eyes shining bright. “Go.”

I frown. What?

Why is he stopping?

“If you don’t leave now, I’m fucking you right here where your guardians will see us.”


I forgot that we’re in front of my house.

“I’ll count to three.” He tilts his head. “One… three.”

I snatch my backpack and open the door with flustered fingers.

A heartfelt chuckle follows me as I jump to the pavement in front of my house.

Aiden rolls down the window of his car.

I freeze.

He’s smiling.

Aiden has a wide, heart-stopping smile on his lips. It takes everything in me not to go back in there and watch it up close.

Kiss it.

Memorise it.

“Night, sweetheart. I miss you already.”

And then his car disappears down the road.

I stand rooted there, gaping after him like an idiot.

I’m so fucking screwed over Aiden King.



“You like literally kicked her arse!” Kim jumps up and down, punching the air. “Damn. I wish I was there to see the bitch queen having her arse kicked!”

I groan. She wouldn’t let me live it down since I told her what happened yesterday — without the sex part or the part about how sore I am this morning.

“It’s not something I’m proud of.” I hold the math book close to my chest. “I mean, I don’t want to apologise to her, but I feel like I owe her something.”

“You owe her fuck.” Kim jumps in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. “Did she apologise to you for all the bullying? Or for having her minions make your life hell? No, and hell to the no. Besides, she had it coming. Gosh. I wish I saw the look on her face when you went berserk on her.”


“She’s a bitch, okay? You don’t feel sorry for bitches.”

She’s right. Silver has always made our lives hell.

But Kim has no idea what went on in my head at that moment. Hitting Silver wasn’t some vigilante shit.

I legit wanted to kill her.

The thought sends a tendril of fear down my spine.

Why the hell do I keep having these murderous thoughts? I’m not the type who’s capable of hurting a fly.

Images of injuring Aunt, scratching Aiden, and punching Silver hit my memory like razor-sharp knives.

Maybe I am capable of hurting more than a fly.

Maybe I wasn’t aware of it yet.

“Come on. Class is about to start.” Kim drags me by the arm.

I walk with her, but my mind is elsewhere.

When and where did I pick up those murderous thoughts?

I’m almost sure it comes from my childhood, but I still can’t figure out how and why.

If only I could remember.

But then again, I did everything in my might to block those memories for ten years, I can’t just remember on demand.

Kim’s hand in mine stiffens, bringing me back to the present. She stops in front of our class just as Xander goes inside laughing with a bombshell from the gymnasium team.

My brows furrow as I focus back on Kim. “Are you okay?”

She laughs, but it’s high-pitched and unreal. Kim can’t fake a laugh to save her life. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You and Xander are enemies, right?”

She crosses her chest, nodding. “Total enemies.”

I don’t think so.

She’s been stealing peeks at him with a strange gleam when she thinks no one is looking. I don’t know if she wants to punch him or kiss him or both.