Steel Princess (Royal Elite #2) by Rina Kent

Hell. He should be thankful to him for saving my life in the pool.

“Oh, here he is,” Kim says then gasps.

I follow her field of vision and my mouth hangs open. Knox walks into class with a busted lip, bluish bruises around his left eye, and pinkish ones near his temple.

“Oh, my Gosh, Knox.” Kim jumps from her seat. “What happened?”

The entire class falls silent.

Except for Ronan.

He loses the sense of space and time when he’s engaged in his animated speeches. Cole continues half-listening to Ronan and half-reading from his book. At least he has the decency to stare over his book at the scene.

Xander cuts a glare at Knox and Aiden leans back in his seat… smirking.

He’s fucking smirking.

My eyes widen, bouncing between his bandaged knuckles and Knox’s face.


No, no, no...

“I was attacked out of nowhere yesterday,” Knox winces.

I stagger on unsteady feet and approach him. “W-Where?”

“Right after you got into the taxi. It looks worse than it actually is. I was able to get help and…”

I’m not listening to him anymore as thousands of scenarios flash into my head.

Aiden admitted to watching us in the coffee shop. Yes, he was at my house when I got in there, but he has a faster car.

I feel sick to my stomach.

Aiden fucked me after he brutalised Knox. I let him touch me with those hands that made Knox’s face almost unrecognisable.

“Are you okay?” I ask Knox in a small voice.

He nods. “It’s nothing compared to the shit I was into in my old school.”

“Did you…” I swallow. “Did you see who did this to you?”

“Yes, Van Doren. Have you?” Aiden stands, shoulders squaring as he strides towards us.

Xander follows, his tone mocking, “Tough shit.”

Knox stares between the two of them.

I watch intently for any secret message.

Aiden has a poker face and Xander becomes unreadable all of a sudden.

Kim jerks back. Like she literally glues herself to the table behind her, slowly shrinking away from the circle.

Knox lifts a shoulder. “It was some gangster who wanted money. I already reported him to the police.”

“Wait. What?” I gawk at him. “Did you see his face?”

It couldn’t have been a gangster. It was Aiden, right?

“I gave the description to the police.”

“I’m sure they’ll catch him,” Aiden says.

“I’m sure they will,” Xander adds with mock sarcasm.

Mrs Stone comes into class and stops at the scene.

“Is everything all right, Mr Van Doren?”

“I was assaulted and reported it to the police.” He shows his non-injured knuckles. “It was one way, I promise.”

“Please let the principal know. Now, Mr King, Mr Knight, and Ms Quinn. Please take a seat so we can start.”

We all do.

I inch closer to Knox. “I’m so sorry.”

“Why should you be? I’m glad it happened after you left.” He smiles then winces.

I wince, too.

No way in hell will anyone convince me that Aiden isn’t behind this.

But Knox saw his attacker.

Also, if it wasn’t from assaulting Knox, where did Aiden get those bloodied knuckles?

I spend the entire day with Kim whether in class or in hiding at her old secret spots in the back garden. I tell her it’s because I’m tired, but the truth of the matter is; I don’t want to see Aiden.

Every time I look at Knox’s brutalised state, I can’t help thinking that Aiden is the reason behind it.

It brings a taste of nausea to my mouth.

I’m happy when the whole day is over so I can finally go home and recuperate.

“Let’s go watch the football team’s practice,” Kim begs.


“Come on, Ellie. You’ll get to see Aiden being a football sex God.”

That’s the last thing I need right now.

“Let’s just go home, Kim. I’ll watch any soap opera you like.”

“Fine.” She puckers her lips jokingly. “Mood killer.”

Kim and I are walking to the car park when a large presence cuts in front of us.



“King,” Kim sounds as astounded as I feel. “I thought there was practice today?”

“My ankle hurts so I’m getting a pass.”

“Oh. I hope it’s nothing serious.”

“Not at all.” He’s speaking to her, but his metal eyes darken on me. It’s like he’s ripping my face open and dipping his fingers into my brain.



“How about you go watch practice?” He smiles at her. “The guys will be happy to have you cheer for them.”

She bites her lower lip. “You think?”

“I’m sure.”

“Deal! Take care of Ellie.”

She slips from under my arm, slaps a noisy kiss on my cheek and is off in the school’s direction before I can stop her.

I swallow as I meet Aiden’s metallic gaze. The smile he offered Kim vanishes in thin air and the loathsome poker face takes reign.

“Stop manipulating her like that.” I cross my arms over my chest.