Steel Princess (Royal Elite #2) by Rina Kent

“How about Aiden?”

He shakes his head slowly. “When we finally got home, we found out that Xander and I were taken for two days.”

“And Aiden?”

“He disappeared for ten days.”

“Why? Jonathan didn’t pay the ransom?”

He couldn’t have stood by when his only son was kidnapped. He couldn’t be that heartless.

“That’s the thing.” Cole’s eyes blacken to a frightening green. “The kidnappers didn’t ask for ransom for any of us.”

That’s weird.

No. That’s terrifying.

Why would they kidnap three rich kids if they didn’t plan to ask for a ransom?

“D-did Aiden lose his way? Is that why he was missing for longer?”

Please tell me that’s the case, please.

“I don’t know.” He takes another drag of his cigarette. “King doesn’t talk about that time, not even between the three of us.”

“How was he found?”

“Jonathan found him. I don’t know how, but he did.”

I watch Cole intently. “Why are you telling me this?”

“You deserve to know and King would’ve never told you.”

“Why now? Why haven’t you told me before?”

He smiles as he throws his cigarette to the ground and crushes it under his shoes. “Because King forced my hand and I dislike it when my hand is forced.”

What is that supposed to mean? Is this some sort of feud between him and Aiden?

“It has nothing to do with you, Elsa. You’re good.” He stands. “Maybe even too good for him.”

I watch him for a few seconds, not sure what to say. I’m still helplessly trying to process what I just heard.

It aligns with what Levi hinted at. He said it wasn’t just Alicia’s death that changed Aiden, there was something else.

Like the kidnapping.

All the slash marks and scars make complete sense now.

“There’s also something else you need to know about.”

My head jerks upright at Cole’s voice.

“Aiden has been hiding his —”

The door to the back entrance slides opens with a bang.

Xander stands there, watching us both with narrowed eyes. “What the fuck did you do, Nash?”

“Throwing his punch back.”

“You better be ready when he fucks up your face,” Xander snarls.

“King doesn’t scare me, Knight.” He pushes past him. “Nothing does anymore.”

And then he strides inside.

Xander gives an awkward smile, and even then, the dimples make an appearance. “Is there a chance you’ll forget what you just heard?”

I shake my head twice.

“Fucking Nash and his vindictive arse.” He mumbles as if to himself. “I told King not to provoke that little bitch and his —”

“Hey, Xander.”


“Can you give me a ride? I need to go somewhere.”



“Our meetings are becoming frequent.” I drop my weight on the sofa in Jonathan’s main office. “Twice in two days. That’s almost a record.”

He unbuttons his jacket and sits opposite me. A chessboard rests on the coffee table between us as a witness to our upcoming war.

Jonathan’s office is so big, the huge glass windows nearly show the entirety of London. His leather sofas and desk are pitch black.

I thought he’d have a triumphant look all over his face after the stunt he pulled at Elsa’s house this morning, but he appears calculative.

Which means he’s not done.

That head of his is concocting another plan, and this time, it’ll be more brutal.

Jonathan in a nutshell; if he doesn’t win, he destroys everything to get what he wants.

And he wants Elsa wiped out.

Or more like he wants her family’s name erased from existence.

“You’re keeping her with you.” He grabs the white king piece and twirls it between his fingers.

“It’s no surprise that you’ve been watching me.” I lean my elbows on my knees. “But have you also been watching Elsa all this time?”

He narrows one of his eyes. “She’s being watched?”

Elsa always mentioned that she felt eyes on her. I confirmed it earlier when I found her about to faint. A black Mercedes followed us almost all the way to the Meet Up. They only disappeared when I changed lanes.

I was sure it was Jonathan’s control freak side, but if it wasn’t him, then who the fuck has been watching her?

“You did what you wanted. Now, back off.”

He laughs, the sound is loud and humourless. “Who do you think you are to tell me to back off, Aiden? I’m the reason for your existence.”

I knew he would say that.

I grab the black king between my fingers. “Then it’ll be you against me, Jonathan.”

A smirk tilts his lips. “I always win.”

“Not this time, King.”

I don’t care if I come out of this battle dead, but I won’t let Jonathan have Elsa.

It was stupid, really.

Jonathan and I started on the same side. He was out to destroy everything that remained of the Steel name, which happens to be Elsa.