Twisted Kingdom (Royal Elite #3) by Rina Kent

Or the fact that he smells like Silver.

Could be all of those combined.

All the pent up feelings I’ve been repressing explode to the surface. It’s ugly, it’s irrational, and it’s out of control.

“I’m not running away.” My voice raises with every word. “I’m walking the hell away from you, Aiden. You’re cancer who’ll keep eating me from the inside out until there’s nothing left. I’m done being your pawn. I’m done being played. I’m choosing me this time. Not you. Me!”

My lungs choke with my breaths. It rises and falls so quickly, I can barely catch my thoughts that scatter all around me like smoke.

“That’s smart,” Silver says.

“Queens,” Aiden warns.

“Fine.” She rolls her eyes and faces me. “The engagement is fake.”

My lips part. “What?”

“King and I were promised to each other since we were kids. We used it to get into our fathers’ good graces. That’s it. We never planned to go through with it.” She glares at him. “I would rather die before marrying this bastard. He’s an unfeeling psycho.”

“Mutual, Queens.” He smiles at her without humour.

My gaze bounces between them as if they turned into caricatures and I’m trying to grasp a sense of reality.

“Then why…” My voice comes out scratchy and I clear my throat. “Why did you act so territorial about him?”

She hesitates for a beat. “I needed to stay engaged to him for other reasons, but he wanted to end our arrangement because of you. I figured if I pushed you out of the way, he’ll keep his side of the deal.”

“What other reasons?” I ask.

“I can’t say. I mean… It’s personal.” She meets my gaze with a determined one. “We’re ending the arrangement in front of our parents somewhere next week. I’ll be completely out of your hair.”

No one says anything.

I’m still processing what I heard and trying to categorise it. Aiden has been watching the exchange with that completely detached expression of his. If only I can cut straight through his poker face and see what he’s thinking.

“That’s all from me.” She throws up her hands dismissively. “Good luck with this twat. You’ll need a lot of it.”

She flips him her middle finger on her way out. Aiden returns the gesture without breaking eye contact with me.

He’s watching me with that intensity again. Like a predator. It’s as if he’s trying to dissect my brain and stick his fingers inside.

Then, I realise he’s waiting for me to speak.

“What are you expecting? A kiss or something?”

His lips tilt in a beautifully cruel smirk. “That would be a good start. Although I have dirtier things in mind.”

“Do you really think I’ll jump into your embrace now?”

“And bed and sofa, and the fucking wall.” The sadism shines bright on his face. “I’m taking my fill.”

He approaches me with predatory steps. All tall, powerful, and unstoppable.

“Stop right there.” I hold up my hand. “If you think what Silver said will let bygones be bygones, you’re utterly wrong.”

Aiden stops in his tracks and the infuriating poker face straps around his features so tight and mighty. This should mean he’s on the defensive. Good. I’m also on the defensive. Let’s clash and see who’ll come out alive.

“Just because your engagement with Silver was fake doesn’t erase the fact that you lied to me.”

“I didn’t lie to you.”

“A lie by omission is still a fucking lie, Aiden!” My voice strains with the force of my words. “You can’t stand here pretending you didn’t break my trust. Because you did. Every time I decide to give you a chance, you stomp all over my heart and prove me wrong, so excuse me if I have no trust to give anymore.”

He takes a step closer. We’re nearly standing toe to toe. His scent fills my space, male and clean. No idea if it’s because Silver is no longer in the picture. His heat and scent overwhelm me even when I try to numb my senses.

Is it even possible when he already owns them?

“I never lied to you, Elsa. I didn’t bring up the engagement because it held zero importance to me. It was a means to an end and a game I played to challenge Nash. It was also long before you and I got together.” He pauses. “I don’t spend energy on meaningless things, and you know that.”

“Meaningless?” I scoff. “How the hell is being engaged to your fuck buddy meaningless?”

“I never fucked Silver,” he says in a detached tone.

Wait. What?

“Ha. Could’ve fooled me!” This must be a cruel joke.

“You heard her. We can’t stand each other.”

“You don’t have to stand her to fuck her.”

“Yes, I do.”

I watch him closely as if he grew two heads all complete with red horns and shit. “But you didn’t deny you had her as a fuck buddy.”

“I didn’t confirm it either.”

“Why the hell didn’t you?”

“I liked seeing you jealous.”

My mouth hangs open, nearly hitting the ground. This fucking psycho will be the death of me.