Twisted Kingdom (Royal Elite #3) by Rina Kent

“Stop…” Mum calls in a trembling voice. “S-stop it, Ethan. I-I won’t forgive you if you take Eli away from me.”

“He’s not Eli, Abby. He’s Jonathan’s only fucking son.” He marches to the door. “I’ll come back once —”

A loud bang echoes through the air.

Dad staggers backwards and falls against a chair. A large spot of red explodes on the back and the front of his white shirt.


His face morphs into utter confusion as he looks behind him.

Ma stands there, holding Daddy’s gun while crying. She’s crying so hard, her body shakes and the weapon nearly drops from her hand.

“W-why… Abby?” Dad croaks. “Why?”

“You c-can’t take Eli from me. Not even you, Ethan. Not even you…” She strides out of the room, the gun in her hands.


I run inside. My little feet skid to a halt.


A pool of blood and Daddy lies in it.

My ears ring as I approach him. “D-Daddy! You p-promised you won’t leave me like Eli.”

“E-Elsa…” He breathes harshly, flopping down against the floor. “I... need you to do something for me, princess.”

“Anything, Daddy.”

“Run to your uncle Agnus the fastest you can.”

“No,” I sob. “I won’t leave you.”




Suddenly, harsh hands pull me by the hair and the strands rip at the roots.

Ma’s manic blue eyes bore into mine. “Elsa! What did you give Eli? What did I tell you about not going to the basement?”

“M-Ma… Daddy is hurt.” I cry. “He’s hurt.”

“You’ll end up like him if you don’t do as I say.” She drags me behind her.

“Daddy! Daddy!” I screech and wail in her hold.

“A-Abby…” he breathes, his face pale and lifeless — like Eli’s. “Leave her alone. She didn’t do anything.”

“She gave Eli chocolate when it’s bad for his health! That’s why he wouldn’t wake up,” she snarls. “Don’t worry, Ethan, I’ll make her a good girl.”

“Abby…” Dad holds out his hand in my direction. It’s all red. So, so red.

I reach out my hand to him as well, struggling against Ma. “Daddy!”

“L-Leave her… Abby…”

She smiles even though her face is full of tears. “We’ll be right back, honey. Love you.”

Ma drags me behind her. I struggle against her hold, fighting and crying. Them monsters in Ma’s eyes are laughing at me. They’re going to take Daddy just like they took Eli.

Then, they’re going to come back for me.

“Now, Elsa.” Ma’s grip tightens around my hair. “We’re going to fix Eli, okay?”

“Daddy!” I cry, my voice is so thick, it’s hoarse.

If I lose Daddy like I lost Eli, I won’t be able to stay here anymore. I can’t stay with Ma and them monsters in her eyes.

She hauls me down the stairs towards the basement. My feet shake the longer we walk down.

The door swings against the wall as she kicks it open. My feet turn into stones.

Grey Eyes.

There’s a large patch of red on the back of his shirt. He faces the wall and he’s not moving.

Why isn’t he moving?

“Wake up!” I shriek. “You have to escape them monsters in Ma’s eyes.”

He doesn’t even stir.

“Eli, your sister is here.” Ma coos in a soft voice, reaching into her dress’s pocket and retrieving a set of keys. “Come on, baby, let’s go outside. You love it outside.”

I stare at the keys in Ma’s hands and then back to Grey Eyes.

“Eli, if you don’t wake up, Ma is going to be mad, okay?” Her voice hardens, eyes darting back and forth.

“I’ll wake him up.” I wipe my cheeks with the back of my hands. “Give me the keys and I’ll wake him.”

“Very well, darling.” She places the keys in my hands. “You’re such a good girl. Daddy’s girl. I was Daddy’s girl, too.”

I don’t listen to her. As soon as I have the keys, I jog to the boy who added colours to my days and free the cuff at his ankle. His skin is covered in red like his back.

“Grey Eyes.” Big fat tears fall on his pale face as I clutch his cheeks. “Grey Eyes, please… You… You promised...”

Why does everyone keep breaking their promises? First Eli, then Dad, and now him.

His skin is on fire. Sweat beads down his forehead and brows.

“Are you done yet?” Ma asks from the entrance, her voice growing impatient. It’s bad if Ma loses her patience. She’ll let them monsters do as they like.

“Please… Please…” I stroke his black hair back. It’s sweaty and damp.

He stirs, his eyes slowly fluttering open. Blinking twice, he mutters, “Elsa?”

“Yes, it’s me!” I grab him by the arm. “Come on, we have to go.”

He staggers to his feet, slightly leaning on me.

We slowly reach my ma. She watches us with a serene look on her face. “My babies.”