Black Knight (Royal Elite #4) by Rina Kent

Her stance widens and she tips her chin as she glares up at me. “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you, but stop being a morbid dog or I’ll call the principal.”

Morbid dog.

That’s the word. A dog. I’ve been reduced to less than a dog because of her. At least a dog has principles, loyalty. I don’t.

The worst part is, I have no way to stop it.

As I glare at Ronan, I pretend she doesn’t exist and tell her, “This is none of your business. Get out of the way.”

“Well, I’m making it my business. You don’t get to hurt Ro on my watch.”


Fucking Ro.

If she’s calling him that on purpose to worsen my insanity case, then it’s fucking working.

Someone book the psychiatrist ward. And the ambulance because if I’m going to be locked up for being crazy, might as well kill this fucker.

“Yes, Kimmy. Protect me from this crazy twat.” Ronan pouts as he holds her hand in his and strokes the back. Since he’s behind her, I can see all the fakery in that expression, the taunting behind his eyes, and then he just smirks at me.

He fucking smirks, motioning at her hand in his.

That’s it. He’s dead. In his sleep, in his car, in his pool. Doesn’t matter, it’s going to happen.

I laugh, the sound humourless and harsh as I address her, “You think you can stop me? Know your fucking place.”

“You know your place. You can’t just push people around and punch them simply because you want to or you can. The world doesn’t revolve around you.”

Because it revolves around you.

Nope. No. I didn’t think that.

That thought needs to be fucking eradicated.

At this rate, either she needs to disappear or I do. Otherwise, it’ll be fucking chaos from now on.

“Watch. Me.” I advance forward, but she doesn’t move or shrink back. There’s a slight tremble in her chin, which means she is scared, but she doesn’t let it take its toll on her.

Kimberly still stands in front of the fucker Ronan, unmoving, as if his safety is her purpose in life.

His safety.


I come to a halt a few steps away from them, watching the scene with whatever clarity I have after all the alcohol and weed I consumed like a hippie. My head hurts, and my face burns, but the worst pain comes from the thing beating out of synch in my chest.

They were laughing and having fun earlier. She’s protecting him now.

And he stopped sleeping around.

The reality hits me like a punch to the nose. I’ve never seen her so happy with someone other than Kir until Ronan.

I’ve never seen him go out of his way for a girl until Kimberly.

“Now, if you’ll excuse us, Kimmy and I have to talk about our date.” Ronan’s voice is clear, not mocking, just stating facts.


They’re going on a fucking date.

I stare at her, waiting for her denial. Kimberly doesn’t go on dates. Kirian is her entire life and she doesn’t like to be distracted from him. Besides, she doesn’t have the confidence to. I know because I watch her more than I do myself.

She can’t go on a date with Ronan of all people. It just can’t happen.

I smile at them, but I’m sure it appears like some lunatic’s rather than mine. “Nice try.”

“Who says it’s a try?” Ronan smiles back.

“Ronan,” I growl.

“Xander,” he coos.

I glare at him, communicating all he needs to know.

Stay the fuck away.

Don’t test me or I’ll crush you like a cockroach.

Apparently, that fate doesn’t scare him since he speaks in a dramatic tone. “By all means, if you have any objection, say it now or forever hold your peace.”

Kimberly’s gaze strays my way. It’s so hopeful, I want to fucking gut myself and step on the remains.

Why does she have to look at me that way?

Didn’t I tell her to stop fucking tempting me? To stop hoping for things from me?

The more she does, the harder I’ll destroy her.

“I do.” I glare at her as I tell him, “She’s a mess you don’t want in your life.”

Her face falls as if I’ve kicked her in the stomach, stepped on it, then did the same to a puppy.

This is the only way to keep her away.

Believe me, this pain is nothing compared to the other.

“Let me worry about that. I love messes.” Ronan’s grin is permanently irritating and wishing for my fist to erase it. He tugs on her hand. “Kimmy, anything you want to say to Xander while we’re in this holy gathering?”

She’s looking at Ronan as she speaks in a calm tone. “I can’t talk to someone who’s nothing. He doesn’t even exist anymore.”


Doesn’t exist anymore

I pretend her words don’t slice me open and leave a bottomless hole that’s feeding on my life essence.

My smile turns threatening. “You owe me, Berly. Remember?”

She finally faces me, expression stern, determined. Closed off. “I owe you nothing. I’m done begging for a forgiveness you’ll never grant. I’m done with you and your games and your cold shoulder. I. Am. Done.”

And with that, she pulls on Ronan’s hand and brushes past me without a glance.