Black Knight (Royal Elite #4) by Rina Kent

Somehow, I don’t believe that Cole is being a good sport for no reason. Even Elsa said there must be something in it for him.

“I agree.” Aiden strokes his finger on Elsa’s waist. “Reed is the reason Knight won the case against the human rights court.”

My cheeks heat at the meaning behind his words and Elsa elbows him; so that means he must’ve told her about it. I wouldn’t be surprised; Aiden doesn’t keep anything from her.

“Human rights court?” Ronan stares between us.

“Knight’s virginity.” Cole hits his shoulder. “Keep up, Astor.”

“Wait a fucking minute.” The expression on Ronan’s face is to die for. It’s like he just realised the world is ending and he’s the last to know. “Knight is a virgin?”

“Was.” Aiden smirks at me and it takes everything in me not to hide.

“What the fuck?” Ronan shouts. “What’s with all the girls he took to those rooms and –”

“It was just a ploy,” Cole says, and I can’t help smiling.

“The sneaky fucker. Who else didn’t know?” Ronan stares at us and when no one answers, he snaps, “Only me?”

“If you want to blame someone, start with your big mouth,” Cole says.

“That’s it. Friendship is over.”

“You won’t see me complaining about that,” Aiden says.

Ronan flips him off and turns around.

“Are you coming to the Meet Up later?” Cole shouts behind his back.

“Fuck you and the Meet Up, Captain.”

“How about the game night?” Elsa asks.

“Only for you, Ellie.” He glances back and winks at me. “And Kimmy.”

We both smile at him and he winks again.

While staring behind him, he bumps into Teal, who loses her balance and falls on her butt.

Some of the students snicker at the impact of the fall.

She glares up at Ronan, who instead of offering her his hand, shoves them both in his pockets, sidesteps her, and pretends she doesn’t exist.

What the hell?

That’s not the Ronan we know. He might act bitter, but he’s not a dick.

Elsa and I rush to help Teal, but she’s already on her feet.

“Are you okay?” Elsa retrieves Teal’s bag and gathers the books that have fallen on the floor.

“I’m fine.”

“What was that all about?” I ask no one in particular.

“It’s nothing.” As Ronan disappears down the hall, Teal stares at his back with so much malice, I can feel it under my skin.

Nothing? More like something.

Xan and I began with nothing, too, and now, I’m begging for air until he returns.

One more week.

Just another week and I’ll be able to breathe again.



“Come on, Kimmy!”

Kir is about to start his excited dance in front of my door.

Elsa and I promised to take him to Elites’ game and he’s been stoked since the morning.

I don’t share his enthusiasm. Going to Elites’ games and knowing Xan won’t be there is like inflicting torture upon myself.

But this has been a long time coming for Kir, and he’ll definitely throw a fit if I don’t take him today.

The other week Dad and I took him out for ice cream to celebrate Dad’s new job approval. He’ll now work in London and in the mornings alone, so he’ll have plenty of time for Kir.

Still, the little shit was only asking about when we’d be taking him to a game and told us that he can totally buy tickets online now.

My baby brother is getting bigger way too soon and I don’t even like to think about it.

While I’m hurrying to get ready, London jumps on the bed, demanding to be petted. I scratch under her chin and she purrs, then gets distracted by my keys and begins playing with them.

The door to my room opens as I’m rushing to gather my phone, one arm in my denim jacket. “Coming, coming.”

“On my face or around my dick?”

I stop in my tracks, jacket hanging off my arm and my bag open as the voice registers. That deep voice with a hint of playfulness.

His voice.

Please don’t tell me I’m imagining things, because that would be much too cruel.

I briefly close my eyes before slowly opening them.

There he is, standing at the entrance of my room, wearing a simple grey T-shirt and black jeans that outline his athletic frame.

He’s gained some muscles over this month, making him appear a tad more lethal, a tad more attractive.

His lips are curved in a small smile, creasing his cheeks with those hot as hell dimples.

The blue of his eyes swallows me whole until he’s all I can see and all I can breathe.

It’s him.


The sensation that hits me is so violent, the bag falls from my hand, its contents spilling on the floor.

“This isn’t a dream, right?” I whisper.

He strides in my direction and reaches me in a fraction of a second. By the time I stare up at him, smell him, I’m already done for.

He lifts me up in his arms and I gasp as his lips crush to mine, his tongue invading me and feasting on me.

I don’t even have time to focus or to think. Xander kisses me with the desperation of a man on the verge of breakdown.