Vicious Prince (Royal Elite #5) by Rina Kent

I might not be that good at deception, but I know how to lure someone to the battlefield.

“Tell me about your book,” I say.

“It’s old tales, or rather fables, translated to Arabic then Spanish in the twelve hundreds.” He opens the first page, running his fingers over the words.

“What does it talk about?” I motion at it.

“Philosophy told in the form of animals. For instance, the lion is the king, and there are others who represent different roles.”

“Such as?”

“The ox and the bull. What do you think they represent?”

“Cunning? Force?”

His lips quirk in a small smile. “Probably. Each fable has a purpose.”

“Just like every piece in chess and dominos?”


I raise an eyebrow. “Hey, it’s sort of like this entire school.”

He mirrors my gesture. “Possibly. We all fulfil a role.”

“What role do I fulfil in your game, Cole?”

“Woah.” He pretends to be taken aback. “You do me injustice, Teal.”

“How about your injustice? You think I don’t know you told Ronan about the club?”

“Why would you assume it’s me?”

“You’re the only one from school I saw there. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.”

“Not the only one. There’s someone else you’re forgetting about.”

“That someone else wouldn’t tell Ronan.”

His lips curve again. “How can you be so sure?”

“I had a deal with her. Besides, you’re the only one who plays games.”

“Noted.” He flips the page as if he’s been reading the entire time. “However, in my defence, Ronan would’ve figured it out anyway, so I thought I might as well tell him and gain favour.”

“He wouldn’t have figured it out if you hadn’t told him.”

“Oh, he would’ve. Ronan is like a dog — a trained one. He smells things from afar and doesn’t stop until he finds his prey. If I hadn’t told him, he would’ve followed you, stalked you, broke in, hacked your phone and emails, and eventually gotten what he wanted. I simply made it easier for everyone.”

I huff. He makes it sound as if he’s the angel in this tale and we should all bow down in thanks and possibly offer some sacrifices at his altar.

“Because of you, he now has me by the arm, and do you know what I’m tempted to do, Cole?”

“Tell me. I’m all ears.”

I allow myself a cunning smile. “If you ruined my fun, what stops me from ruining yours?”

“I didn’t ruin your fun — I made it happen. Can’t you see that?”

I stare incredulously. “You made it happen? How the hell is being involved with Ronan making my fun happen?”

“Teal, even you can admit that Ronan has added an interesting flavour to your life. I’m just being a good Cupid here.”

I scoff even as I boil on the inside.

Cole doesn’t understand that he ruined much more than he knows. My plan, for instance — it used to be so clear, but now it’s all murky water and feelings I can’t even begin to comb through.

“Tell me about Ronan,” I say.

“Tell you about Ronan?”

“After what you did, the least you can do is give me information. Why does he act different sometimes?”

He chuckles. “Oh, you saw that part.”

“So you know about it.”

“The three of us do, but he doesn’t like to show it. We barely get it once a year during Halloween. May I ask how you managed to poke it out?”

“I’m trying to figure out how to tuck it back in, not poke it out.”

“Are you sure, though?”

Yes. No. I don’t know.

That arsehole is turning me into a version of myself I don’t like or understand. There’s this foreigner who’s taking over my body and leaving me without any thoughts.

The worst part is that I want to understand. Deep down, I want to sit with him, talk to him, touch him.

Just be with him.

“Do you want to know what I think, Teal?” Cole flips another page.


“I think you do like it,” he continues, ignoring my reply. “Maybe you don’t like that you like it. Maybe you don’t like the effects it’ll have on your plan — and, by the way, I’m all ears if you care to share.”

“Hard pass.” He’ll just use it in his own game.

I haven’t even told Knox about it, and it’ll remain tucked between me and the shadow over my shoulder.

“He’s here,” Cole whispers, and I know who he’s talking about without having to lift my head.

The hairs on the back of my nape stand on end and I tuck a strand behind my ear then quickly drop my hand down. Why am I acting like the girls who are always praying for his attention?

“Read with me.” Cole points at a highlighted line.

I am the slave of what I have spoken, but the master of what I conceal.

“Why are we doing this?” I murmur.

“Because we can?”

Because we can? That’s so intriguing about Cole’s character. Does he always do things just because he can?