Ruthless Empire (Royal Elite #6) by Rina Kent

“Why are you asking?” I pretend my core hasn’t been tingling since he started reading. Only, it has less to do with the scene and more to do with his voice.

“This is your form of porn, isn’t it?”

“Shut up and read.”

“The sex could use more intensity, like, let’s say, ropes?”

“Not everyone is into kink like you.”

“They should be. They’re missing out. After all, I converted you, Miss Prim and Proper, to the dark side. Admit it, you’ve been thinking about it since you saw that picture on my phone.”

“I have not!” My voice is too defensive.

He chuckles but goes back to reading. I fall asleep listening to his soothing voice, hoping that tomorrow I’ll find a solution to this whole mess.



A perk of being observant is having the element of surprise.

If you can predict everyone’s moves before they make them, it gives you the chance to take them out at their own side of the battlefield.

The disadvantage is if someone knows you’re observant and hides from you.

Like what Silver has been doing the past couple of days.

She doesn’t avoid me, but she’s been cautious around me, immediately pulling away any chance she gets. She’s been spending nights at her mother’s so I don’t sneak into her room.

Then I heard her whispering to Frederic yesterday to ask if there’s a possibility someone outside her father’s team might have her phone number.

I knew she changed it because of the stalker. The fact she’s doing it now after years of receiving them means he’s upped his methods.

He couldn’t have possibly come into contact, right?

My theory is that her change has to do with him, and in order to get her back, I need to take care of it.

But first…

After everyone leaves the locker room, I thrust a hand against the wall, blocking Aiden’s exit.

He didn’t come to practice and only showed to make sure that we were going to visit Elsa in the Meet Up because she needs company after a health problem. Or, rather, that Xander, Ronan, and Kim are. He specifically told me not to go. I know why. He doesn’t trust me around Elsa anymore, not with the damage I can inflict on his relationship with her.

“Now what?” He raises a brow. “You want to start a polyamorous fling? I don’t think Queens could take it, though.”

I suck in a breath and smile as I grab him by the collar. “Speak of her that way again and I’ll rearrange your features.”

“Have you forgotten the part where she’s my fiancée?” He smooths something on my jacket. “You’re my brother-in-law. Isn’t that full of unicorns, or what?”

I maintain my smile, even though I want his head in the middle of the blood pool in my old house. “This is my final warning, King. End it with her. Officially.”

“Let me think about it…hmmm. I’m going to go with no.”

“It’s your choice. Don’t blame me later.” I leave him and stride outside.

Silver told Sebastian she’ll be staying at her mum’s for a few days. I only get to see her in school where she makes sure her friends are always with her.

After that night we spent in my car as I read to her, I thought she was coming around. That she was finally giving up her damn stubbornness and resistance, but Silver isn’t the type who gives in. Not even if you put a knife to her throat.

She’s the type you have to challenge, then make her lose.

Run while you can, Silver.

I head to my car and when I open the door, I notice someone standing near the entrance.

Adam Herran.

Captain of the rugby team and son of one of the Conservative Party members. Usually, I wouldn’t give two fucks about him, but the position he’s standing in is in direct view of where Silver usually parks her car.

She already left; I saw her not so long ago.

The fact that he’s standing so close to where she was could be a coincidence, but here’s the thing, I don’t believe in coincidences.

Everything happens for a reason. Coincidence is merely a term to interpret things that seem to not have an explanation.

They do. You just have to look deeper.

I tilt my head to the side as Adam brings out his phone and smirks while staring at it. There’s a slight twitch in his forefinger, which I assume is excitement, thrill…gratification.

I tuck all those reactions at the back of my mind. Adam Herran is under my radar right now and nothing — absolutely nothing — will save him from me if he indeed did what I think he did.

But first, I need to make true of my promise to Aiden and drive all the way to the Meet Up.

When I arrive, I ignore Ronan’s and Xander’s protests about how I shouldn’t be here. Elsa appears dishevelled, in a mess, almost as if she hasn’t been able to sleep. There’s something about her relationship with Aiden that isn’t what it seems. Everyone calls her Frozen, but I believe there’s always a reason behind the ice.

Aiden’s ice exists because of the kidnapping.

Silver’s ice exists because of her parents’ divorce that she still hasn’t gotten over, no matter how much she loves Mum.

Mine is because of that blood pool and the need for chaos.