Royal Elite Epilogue (Royal Elite #7) by Rina Kent

Teal: You think?

Aurora: Point is, the whole thing between Jonathan, Ethan, and Agnus is a lot more than you girls think. You’ll see.

Teal: Ronan was complaining about Dad Day earlier and made Remi hold a sign that says ‘Petition to Cancel Dad Day’, signed by all the other kids.

Kimberly: Except for Cecily because she likes that day way too much to even think about cancelling it.

Astrid: They’ll live.

Elsa: They’re just being drama kings. We usually have the kids all the time. They won’t die if they have them once a week.

Silver: It’s less about the kids and more about us. They dislike that we go out alone.

Kimberly: Cole said that?

Silver: He doesn’t have to. I can sense it without him having to say a word. Besides, he was grumbling about it to Papa the other day.

Aurora: Honestly, they will have to suck it.

Astrid: You’re one to talk. Jonathan sends his bodyguards after you if you don’t answer his calls.

Aurora: But I don’t go with them. He’s my husband, not my keeper. He’ll get used to it, eventually.

Elsa: It’s been over ten years, Aurora. I don’t think Jonathan will ever get used to it.

Aurora: Well, neither will I.

Kimberly: I feel bad for leaving Xan and Cecily alone, though.

Silver: Stop being a softie, Kim. That’s exactly their aim. They want us to feel guilty and cancel the whole thing.

Astrid: Which will not happen, right? I enjoy being husband-and-kid-free.

Teal: We will not bow.

Elsa: Not now. Not ever.

Elsa: Eli asked me today how long it took me to marry his daddy.

Kimberly: Cecily asked where she can find someone like her daddy *laughing emoji*

Astrid: Bran and Lan only ask why the hell we had Glyn. They think she’s spoilt and unnecessary. They called their sister unnecessary.

Teal: And then there’s Remi, who keeps asking if he came out of me like the cub came from the lioness we watched in the documentary. He had an argument about it with Ronan and didn’t speak to him for an hour, thinking his daddy hurt me.

Aurora: He’s so cute.

Silver: Ava barely talks and whenever she does, it’s to call her daddy’s name. I’m scared she’ll be jealous once the baby is born.

Kimberly: She’ll be fine. I’m pretty sure she will love her baby sister or brother. Besides, do you think Cole will even let her feel jealous?

Astrid: She’s right. Eli wasn’t jealous of Lan and Bran when they were born.

Aurora: That’s because he was already spoilt shitless by all of us.

Elsa: Eli is weird these days. He’s always holding on to Aiden and asking him if there’s a way to make a pact of marriage.

Teal: What does he even mean by a pact of marriage?

Elsa: No clue, but it seems that my little boy is in a hurry.

Silver: What did Aiden say?

Elsa: What do you think? He supports him every step of the way and told him he’ll even take care of his Uncle Cole if he needs to.

Silver: Uh-oh. I think I know where this is going.

Elsa: Me, too. It won’t be pretty.

Teal: But it will be fun.


Up next is a thrilling arranged mafia romance with explosive characters. Pre-order Throne of Power now!

Curious about Aiden’s domineering father, Jonathan King? You can read his story in Reign of a King.

What’s Next?

Thank you so much for reading Royal Elite Epilogue! If you liked it, please leave a review.

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If you’re thirsty for more discussions with other readers of the series, you can join the Facebook group, Rina’s Spoilers Room.

Next up is an epic arranged marriage duet set in the world of the Russian Mafia. Throne of Power features an assassin Kyle and a fearless mafia princess.

If you’re looking to what to read next, jump into Reign of a King to read about Aiden’s father and Levi’s uncle, the ruthless Jonathan King.

P.S. Yes, there will be a series for the horsemen’s children, but it won’t be releasing until 2022. Check my Coming Soon schedule to keep updated on what I’m working on.

Also By Rina Kent


Cruel King

Deviant King

Steel Princess

Twisted Kingdom

Black Knight

Vicious Prince

Ruthless Empire

Royal Elite Epilogue


All The Lies

All The Truths


Rule of a Kingdom (Free Prequel)

Reign of a King

Rise of a Queen


Throne of Power

Throne of Vengeance







Team Zero Boxset 1-3


Remorse (FREE)


He Hates Me

He Hates Me Not

About the Author

Rina Kent is an international bestselling author of everything enemies to lovers romance.