Royal Elite Epilogue (Royal Elite #7) by Rina Kent

It’s not that I’m threatened or anything, but I’m as greedy about Ronan as he is about me. That will probably never change.

People say we’re too young to get married, but it’s not about age for me. I’ve decided Ronan is the only human being I’ll spend the rest of my life with. It’s a cemented fact. So why delay it?

“Hey.” He appears offended. “I was planning a night out to ask you. This is not fair.”

“You wanted to ask me?”

“I wanted to marry you before that fucker Aiden married Elsa, but you always say all the grandiose stuff is stupid, so I figured I’d wait.”

My heart skips a beat as I stand on my tiptoes, wrap my arms around his neck, and seal a kiss to his cheek. “It isn’t stupid when you’re involved, Ronan.”

His grin widens. “One-nil, Xander.”

I laugh. “So does this mean you’ll marry me?”

“Of course I’m marrying you, and you didn’t ask first — I did.”

“We’ll agree to disagree, your lordship,” I tease. “What did you have in mind with the chocolate?”

“A few things.” His eyes shine with mischief.

“Like what?”

“Like this.” His lips meet mine, and then we’re falling on the bed.

If this is my life going forward, I’m so ready for it.


Age Twenty-one

“What the hell are you doing here?” I whisper-yell as Cole leans against the bathroom’s door and clicks it closed behind him. “This is the ladies’ room.”

“I know.” He stalks towards me, and every step he takes is like he’s walking straight to my heart.

I was right. There’s no way my feelings for him would ever fizzle out.

With every passing day, I fall harder and faster into him.

With every day, he becomes my everything.

We moved to Oxford for university, and soon after, we told Mum and Papa about our relationship.

I can’t be with him officially. At least, not yet. Papa won the election and became the prime minister, then remarried Mum a year after Helen’s death.

That caused quite a ruckus in the media, despite their strategic approach. Frederic made it look like Mum consoled Papa and they rediscovered their initial attraction.

It’s true that Cole and I don’t live under the same roof anymore, and he eclipsed himself from the family circle to not be associated as my brother. But it’ll take years for the world to come to terms with us.

We’re bigger than the world, he and I. They’re not ready for us.

Papa and Mum are the Conservative Party — despite their non-conservative actions with that affair. I can’t exactly bring their votes down by announcing I’m in love with my ex-stepbrother.

I can only do that once Papa is out of 10 Downing Street.

Because of that, our relationship is just known on a familial and close friends level. As in only Aiden, Xander, and Ronan from our friends.

But even with that, Cole shouldn’t be here.

“Everyone else is outside,” I scold. “We’re supposed to be celebrating Xander and Kim’s engagement.”

“I know.” His eyes gleam as he cages me against the counter, his hands on either side of me.

I wrap both arms around his neck. “We can’t do this.”

“I know.”

And then his lips devour mine. I climb up his body as he fiddles with his belt, and soon enough he’s plunging inside me.

I kiss him like a madwoman as he fucks me hard, fast and dirty against the counter of the bathroom.

I’d be lying if I said this was our first time violating public indecency codes. Cole doesn’t show it, but he’s the adventurous type. He doesn’t stop when he wants something done — that something being me.

Nothing deters him, whether we’re at the university dorms or during a night out while everyone is getting drunk. And even during family dinners.

Mum calls him out on it every time, and he merely shrugs.

“C-Cole…” I grip his shoulders hard.

“Close, Butterfly?” he grunts against my mouth.

“Yes, oh, yes.”

“Who do you belong to?”


“Say it.”

I bite my lower lip as I murmur the words that drive him crazy, “I’ve only loved you. Just you. You’re my first and last.”

He wraps his hand around my throat, squeezing as he pounds into me faster, making me fall.

Fall into him.

Fall into us.

He comes inside me at the same time as I shatter around him, biting his shoulder over his shirt to muffle my scream.

Once the wave subsides, I sigh, resting my head against the crook of his neck, breathing him in. “I love you.”

Instead of all the times I told him I hate him after sex, now I make it a habit to say my true feelings.

“And I love you.” He kisses my nose as I stand to my unsteady feet, stupid gravity pulling me down.

After I clean him and myself up, I face the sink to check my makeup. Cole remains at my back, wrapping both arms around my middle.

Not a day goes by where we don’t keep our hands off each other. We might not touch in public, but in private? We’re everything no one should know.