Lured (Team Zero #1) by Rina Kent

A smile stretches my lips. A spark shines in my eyes. I’m happy. I’m just happy I get to live this shattering experience with someone like Dominic.

Camille, the nerd, the small-town girl, is having a mind-blowing one night stand with a sociopath.

Way to live an adventure.

I splash water on my face and try to make my hair submit as much as possible. I find a bathrobe and hesitate. Dominic didn’t like me covering up with the sheet earlier, and it’s odd how I’m so comfortable about being naked around him.

And yet…

A mischievous smile tugs on my lips. I want to test his reaction. I slip into the bathrobe and fasten it around my middle before stepping back into the lounge area.

I freeze at the threshold. Dominic is sitting on the bed eating from the tray of food. And he’s naked. Completely. Both his trousers and shirt lie on the floor. My greedy eyes take in his lean, but well-defined chest.

Bah alors!

He has a tattoo! As if everything about him wasn’t tantalising, he had to have a freaking tattoo underneath that perfect suit.

Tendrils recoil up his side along with bold letters ‘No Regrets’.

From what I learnt about him so far, the tattoo speaks of him to a T.

“Are you hungry?” he asks without lifting his head. His nakedness doesn’t bother him a bit.

He’s shameless. The hot type of shameless.

I walk to the bed and sit beside him to continue ogling his masculine beauty up close. If he’s showing the goods, he can’t blame me for appreciating the sight.

I reach for some English scones. Now that he mentioned it, I’m actually hungry.

Maybe good sex causes people to starve. Not that we reached the actual sex part.

Dominic finally looks at me and scowls. “Why have you covered up again?”

I lift a shoulder, and the reminder of his ‘punishment’ on my ass burns. It’s becoming too much of a dopamine haze.

He tugs on the belt and pulls the robe open. Goosebumps erupt all over my skin as his hungry gaze trail over the peak of my cleavage.

“This beauty shouldn’t be covered.” He pauses as if he’s rethinking his statement. “It shouldn’t be covered in front of me.”

He’s being possessive. Why am I biting back a smile?

I can’t help thinking about all the other women he brought to this hotel, maybe to this same room, and made them feel such an intense experience.

“Do you do this a lot?” I nibble on my scone, trying to ignore his gaze on me.

“This?” He leans back on a hand. He finished eating and he’s watching me in that inquisitive gaze.

“You know, the whole one-time scheme.”

“It’s the only thing I do.”

I swallow the food in my mouth, but I don’t taste much.

Of course, I’m just another name. Why the hell would I think I’m any different?

“Why do you do it?”

He rubs his forefinger against his bottom lip. “Why do you want to know?”

“I just… do.”

“I don’t do relationships.”

“So you just do random women.” It’s like a prostitute minus the money part of the deal.

“Pretty much yes.”

I peek at him from underneath my lashes. “Do you even remember their names?”

“Why should I?”

A wave of disappointment takes over and my mood dampens. I didn’t expect anything out of this, but I never thought I would be such an insignificant stop.

I’ve given him what I haven’t given anyone before. Hell. He showed me I had parts I didn’t even know existed. I hate that they mean nothing to him. I hate that he showed this to a thousand before me and will show them to a million after me.

“After all,” he continues in a slightly biting tone. “You don’t remember the names of all the men you did something like this with.”

My temper flares. You know what? Screw him. I had enough adventure to last me for a lifetime. It’s better if I save myself from him now before he touches a deeper layer and shreds me to pieces in full sociopath fashion.

I cross my arms. “Yes, I do remember the names of all the men I slept with and they happen to be one.” I stand. “I was thinking of making them two today, but it’s not worth it.”

With as much level-headed voice as I can muster, I throw the napkin on the tray. “Bonne journée.”

My cool retreat isn’t cool anymore when I remember that my clothes are in the lounge area. Well, good. I don’t want to change in front of him.

I square my shoulders and walk to the door of the bedroom.

Fait demi-tour. Fait demi-tour…

The demon on my shoulder chants. Everything in me is craving to go back and live this moment to its fullest, but my pride forbids me.

Pain and disappointment drop my stomach when Dominic doesn’t even call after me.

I reach the door. The moment I open it, a palm slams it shut. Warmth radiates down my back as a deep, dark voice hisses near my ear. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

Chapter Ten

The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. My body is almost melting back into Dominic’s hard – and very naked – chest.

Hell. He’s all naked.

I try not to think about that as I speak in a clear tone. “I’m leaving.”