Lured (Team Zero #1) by Rina Kent

He grins in a golden boy fashion. “She’s cute.”

“Wow. I’m surprised he didn’t fire you.”

“Me too.” His brows knit together. “Do you think he will if he finds out I kissed her?”

I gasp. “You didn’t!”

“I kind of did.”

I pat his shoulder in mock condolences. “It was good knowing you, Will. I will cry at your funeral.”

“Don’t jinx me.” He grumbles. “I’ve been having nightmares about Sam running after me with a fucking axe!”

Both of us laugh so hard, my stomach hurts and I bend over.

Sam’s shadow shows up. Will stifles my laugh with a hand on my mouth. His shoulders are still shaking with laughter and I’m doing my best to remain silent, but I just can’t. I’m imagining Samir running after Will with an axe like in those horror films.

Will must be imagining something similar because he keeps snorting while trying to suppress his laughter.

“I think he’s gone.” He turns to stare at the door and both of us freeze.


He’s standing at the entrance like a grim reaper.


Chapter Seventeen

Dominic’s broad shoulders forbid the light from coming inside the storage room. It’s also blocking my intake of air.

He’s in a fitted dark brown suit that flatters his developed chest and sinister look. I would be drooling if it weren’t for the harsh glare in his eyes. He appears every bit the devil he is.

After a moment of silent intimidation, he strides towards us and easily, too easily, yanks William off me. It’s like my colleague is a sack of rotten potato.

“Get out,” Dominic grits out. His punishing eyes measure William like he plans to dissect him and dance in his remains.

I’ve never seen his shoulders so taut with tension. His strong jaw ticks and his fist is clenching and unclenching by his side.

Dominic was never a violent man – the kinky sex aside. I’ve never seen him prone to any type of violence. He’d rather use his brain to manipulate anyone to do his bidding.

But this Dominic? He looks so out of control like he’s ready to commit murder.

Even Will casts a wary glance his way before addressing me. “Camille? You’re going to be okay?”

“What are you going to do about it? Hmm?” Dominic’s tone is calm but it’s hiding a raging hurricane that will take everything in its wake.

“Go, Will.” I start to guide him to the door but stop when Dominic cuts me a glare so harsh, I squirm.

Oh, Dieu. He can be so scary. His power is seeping underneath my skin, claiming me, suffocating me, exciting me.

On good days, Dominic is intimidating. Angry Dominic is lethal.

Will gives an unsure nod then exits. I release a breath. I just saved him from whatever Dominic was planning to do to him.

I close the door and face Dominic. “What was that all –”

Words cut in my throat when Dominic stands in my face and slams his hand on the side of my head on the door. I flinch, and I hate, hate this, but a throb starts between my thighs just witnessing this side of him.

“No other people.” He’s calm. Too calm. It’s dangerous. “No other fucking people, Camille, hmm? Do you remember your condition?”

Over the little time I knew him, Dominic only calls me by my full name when he’s either angry or annoyed. This is the rage-filled version.

“He’s a colleague.” I try to be nonchalant but I’m struggling to keep my thighs closed.

Dominic’s hand shoots and closes around my neck. It’s firm and unyielding. Panic bubbles in my throat. He can choke me. Kill me. But he isn’t. A shiver of pleasure draws down my spine. His other hand surround my jaw. His thumb presses against my bottom lip, and I’m so tempted to suck it.

“I don’t care who the fuck he is. You don’t let anyone touch you. Is that clear?”

He doesn’t wait for a reply. He uses his grip around my neck and jaw to make me nod.

“Did he do anything?” He sounds murderous. It’s like he’ll go out and punch Will to death if I say yes.

“No.” I croak. It’s too hot in this little place, and I’m loving Dominic’s unhinged reaction a bit too much.

Maybe his madness is rubbing off on me.

His thumb caresses my jaw, but it’s not gentle. It’s as cruel as the monster inside him. He grunts while he leans and bites my lower lip. I whimper and pleasure pools between my legs.

“You’re lucky, you’re damn lucky, he didn’t do anything, Camille. I don’t react well to people touching what’s mine.” His hot, murmured words leave a trail of goosebumps along my skin. “You’re mine, aren’t you, baby girl?”

“Are you mine?” I counter, my voice breathless.

“When I ask a question, you answer. You don’t ask your own.”

“I won’t answer unless you answer me.”

He growls. “Camille.”

I cut him with a defiant glare.

With his hand around my neck, his other one fumbles with the button of my shorts and he yanks them and the underwear down my legs.

I gasp, my eyes widening. “I’m at work!”

He smirks. It’s dark and so damn delicious. “Should’ve thought of that before you antagonised me.”