Lured (Team Zero #1) by Rina Kent

No. I shut the thought as fast as it came. Once I go that route – the settling down and normal life that Dom doesn’t even believe in – I’ll be the sorest loser in this game.

Not sure when I started to consider it a game. Perhaps since that day he challenged me to let go of my dark side.

Dominic isn’t the losing type. Ever. But neither am I. He might be ten years or so older than me and his brain fascinates me, but I never thought of myself as his inferior.

“Where did you go again, Camille?” He’s irritated. Something about Dom? He likes to own all my attention just like he owns every inch of my skin.

“Tell me something, Dom.” I sit up, clutching the sheet to my chest. Blonde strands fall on my forehead and I push them back. “Why did you ask me out that day?”

“I kind of like you.”

My stupid heart somersaults. No idea if he’s joking or for real, but since he’s Dominic, I go for the first option and shake my head. “I’m serious.”

“I’m also serious.”

A balloon forms behind my ribcage, and I swear it’s about to burst my heart open.

Whoa. Easy there, heart. Are we attempting suicide because Dominic might like us? That’s so unambitious.

I swallow and keep my head in the game. This could be one of Dominic’s deflation methods. “There was an ulterior motive behind why you asked me out. What is it?”

“Why did you say yes?” he counters.

I shrug. “I’m too curious for my own good. You’re intriguing.”


“So?” I push.

“So what?”

“I told you my reasons. Now give me yours.”

“You shouldn’t expect to be treated the same way you treat others, baby girl.”

“Stop twisting words and tell me.” I use my bossy voice.

“I will spank you for that tone.” His eyes gleam. “You’re doing it on purpose, aren’t you?”

I clear my throat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” My tongue darts to lick my lower lip and he follows the motion. “Tell me and I will let you do whatever you want.”

He chuckles, but it’s dark more than amused. “I do whatever I want with you anyway.”

Yeah. He does. That was a weak bargaining chip. I go for the killer. “Dom...please?”

His calm gaze darts to my face. “You were watching me.”

“You kind of draw attention. Many people watch you. Why me?”

He appears thoughtful for a while. “You snorted.”


“When I was talking to my friend Jake, you snorted while passing by.”

I stare, baffled. My jaw is probably dropping to the floor. “My snorting sealed the deal?”

“You knew I was lying.” His dark eyes plunge in mine. It’s like they’re stripping me bare and putting me back together again. “I noticed that there’s a challenging woman underneath that baggy apron.”

The balloon from earlier shrinks with sheer disappointment. It’s all too clear now. I’m a challenge for Dominic. Someone who’s not eating off his hand like his snobbish friends or the rest of society.

My heart tugs. Oh well, he’s my adventure and I’m his challenge. I guess we can call it even.

Then why are tears threatening to spill down my cheeks?

But I appreciate his honesty. What I love the most about Dominic is that he never pretends around me. He leaves that to his fake friends’ circle.

Since I’m only a challenge, it won’t be long before he tires of me. The balloon explodes.

Well, who cares? I’m leaving in a month, anyway.

“Glad to be a stop in your challenges’ journey.” There’s more bite in my words than I intended to. La vache. That’s showing emotions, and predators like Dominic latch on that.

I brace myself for the blow.

Dominic says in a dark sinister voice, “I told you. I destroy my challenges. You’re more than a challenge, Cam.”

“Will I be thrown off Mars?” My tone is teasing. “Do you have Devil’s minions there to help in my utter destruction?”

He laughs, the sound is deep and heartfelt. “I said I like you, didn’t I? I don’t destroy who I like.”

The balloon resurrects. Stupid heart.

“But I had to know who I’m up against and asked around about you,” Dominic adds with a sinful smirk.

“That’s called stalking.”

He shrugs as if he couldn’t care less. Actually, I’m certain he doesn’t. Dominic lives on the edge of morality. I’m not even sure he has a moral line. He’s shameless, and that’s part of his charm.

“I didn’t accuse you of stalking when you were watching me the entire time, baby girl.”

I cross my arms. “I didn’t follow you around.”

“Neither did I. We need to re-define stalking all over again. I object to your earlier accusation, Miss Future Lawyer.”

Ugh. He’s so good at twisting words to his liking. I sulk. “You’re such a sociopath, Dom.”

“I’m not a sociopath.”

“Says every sociopath ever.”

“I’m really not pathological.” He straightens further. “I just know what I want and go for it.”