Lured (Team Zero #1) by Rina Kent

He releases me once we reach the centre of the room. I massage my wrist from the force he clutches me with. The skin is already redening. He’s strong and clearly controlling and... I can’t get much of a read on him.

What am I getting myself into?

Va-t-en, Camille. Retourne à la France. I can almost hear my parents’ voices scolding me.

I shoo those thoughts away. I already decided to do this. I won’t let my cowardice or sheltered upbringing talk me out of it.

The room is spacious in a suite-like way. It’s split into two rooms. One is the bedroom whose door is open and the other is the lounge area I’m standing in. Near me rests a round wooden table with an artistic, crystal vase on top.

Dominic removes his jacket and tucks it neatly on one of the chairs. He rolls the cuffs of his shirt to his elbow. My lips part at the view of his veiny, strong forearms.

Bah alors. C’est trop chaud ici.

“Do you want to turn on the AC?” he asks as he heads to the cabinet and pours himself water.


“You mumbled something about it being hot?”

He understands French? Though it shouldn’t be a surprise. He has everything put together, so why not add languages to the perfect mix.

And now, I want to hear him speak in French.

“Nothing.” I fidget in place then stop. I don’t do fidgeting.

Still clutching his glass of water, he sits on the sofa across from me. One of his arms flings to the back of the sofa. His legs are apart. He appears relaxed, nonchalant even, as he twirls the water in his glass. The blazing look in his eyes causes me to clench my thighs together.

“Now what?” I ask.

“Now…” He motions at me. “Undress.”

Chapter Six


I stare at Dominic who’s casually leaning in his seat. He actually said that. I’m not imagining things.

The way his authoritative words have rolled out of his mouth is doing stupid things to my body. My fingers are itching to follow his command.

And then… what? I will be completely under his mercy with no way out.

Isn’t this the adventure I yearned for?

“Do it for me.” My accent is thicker than usual.

He raises an eyebrow while still drinking from his water. “I told you to undress, Camille. I didn’t say I will do it for you.”

I puff my chest. “I want you to do it.”

“You’re defying me again.” His eyes harden. “I don’t tolerate being defied.”

He places the glass on the table. The sound is minimal but with the thick tension closing around my throat, it’s similar to a bomb detonating.

Dominic stands with natural grace and menace. “If I do it for you, there will be a price, baby girl.”

Baby girl.

Why do I like the sound of that?

If I’m going to be naked anyway, it would’ve been safer to just remove my clothes, but I’m not playing safe. Today, I’m going to lengths I never thought I was capable of. I’m exploring a part of me I never thought existed.

I’m not the nerd who only had her head in books. I’m an adventurous petite salope.

“Promises, promises,” I muse.

Just like in the lift, Dominic’s eyes narrow and darken. The change stabs me with fear and something primal.

He reaches me in a few strides. I flinch. The small of my back hits the round table’s edge.

I didn’t know what I expected when I asked him to undress me, but I sure as hell didn’t think he’d treat it like a battle. His fingers sink into the bottom of the tank top and he yanks it over my head and tosses it to the floor. He unfastens my denim skirt and lets it fall around my ankles. I can barely step out if it.

Every time his fingers brush against my skin, it breaks into a thousand goosebumps.

I stand in front of him in a mismatched black lace bra and cotton underwear. To my defence, I didn’t know what I was signing up for. With someone like Dominic, I should’ve known better.

Dark eyes rake over me with a feral intensity. Tingles spiral in my stomach as if his gaze turned into those sinful lips and they’re tracing a path over my sensitive skin.

It’s like this is my first time.

I’m not a virgin or that awfully inexperienced. Although I’m the only one who brought myself to orgasm thus far.

With a boldness I didn’t know I had, I reach to my back and unclasp my bra. Dominic traces his bottom lip with his index finger as he watches me remove the bra and drop it near the skirt. My beading nipples stand erect as if begging for Dominic’s attention. Small isn’t the word I’d use to describe my breasts, but they’re not big either. However, Dominic looks like he’s fighting himself about whether or not to devour them.

His intense gaze strays from my breasts to my face. “Bend over the table.”


His hand clasps around my nape and his thumb strokes the skin. The gesture is soft but his tone drifts in a dark, hot caress. “I said. Bend over. If I repeat myself one more time, there will be more punishment than I already have for you.”

A sick thrill shoots into my veins as I slowly comply. I grip the edge of the table with both hands and bend over so my breasts are flushed against the cool wood.

There’s silence from behind me. I attempt to look back, but the angle isn’t optimal. I barely get a view of his defined forearm and the expensive watch on his wrist.