Crowed (Team Zero #2) by Rina Kent

“Keep telling yourself that.” He motions at the door. “How about we go together? Take a bag while you’re at it.”

I nudge him. “I’m not leaving, Crow.”

“Okay, come with me, and I won’t whisk you away.”

He’s lying. This is the perfect opportunity to make me leave my home and probably never see it again. I narrow my eyes. “No, thanks.”

“You’re so fucking adorable when angry.” He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear, opens the cupboard above me and produces a gun. I swear he’s hiding these weapons everywhere.

Crow places the gun in my palm. I’ve practised a lot with him, but this is the first time that the weapon weighs so heavily. I swallow, staring at it and then at Crow.

“I won’t be long, and I’ll scurry around the perimeters before going, but if anything happens.” He closes my fingers around the weapon. “Don’t think. Shoot. If you hesitate even for a fraction of a second, that will be your end. Got it?”

I nod, not really sure what the hell I agreed to.

Crow kisses my forehead, lips lingering for a long moment.

Then, he pulls away. The moment his body heat leaves mine is like being thrown off the cliff.

Which is so dramatic. It’s not like he’s abandoning me.

Yet, the urge to grab his arm and make him stay almost overwhelms me. I don’t care if we starve to death. I don’t want Crow to leave. Not even for a second.

However, I keep a cool façade on my face. Everything will be fine. It has to be.

Crow pats Charlotte’s head. “Keep an eye on her for me, Cheerio.”

Wait. Don’t go!

I bottle down my shout as he strides out of the door. What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve lived alone just fine, why does this little loneliness make me all troubled?

Sure, I didn’t have a target on my back then, but still, this isn’t the end of the world. Besides, Crow will return soon.

This is my home. My heritage. There’s nothing scary about it.

Something nudges my leg, and I jump, cursing.


Merde. She scared the living hell out of me. I put the gun on the table and carry her in my arm, hugging her close.

“We’ll be fine, ma petite,” I say, and she sighs, her little paws patting my face.

I set her on the ground and give her ham. I can wait to have dinner when Crow returns. Charlotte needs the food more.

A tightening forms at the bottom of my stomach, one hundred and eighty degrees different from the sexual one, as I stand rooted against the table, watching Charlotte going at her dinner.

My gaze occasionally goes to the door, as if expecting Crow to storm inside.

Ugh. I need to snap out of this.

Fetching the gun, I leave Charlotte in the kitchen and head upstairs. I’ll continue reading that novel. Surely, it’s a lot better than being this antsy.

The doorbell rings. Its loud shrill echoes in the house.

I startle, almost falling backwards on the stairs. I clutch the railway so hard, my fist turns white.

It’s been ages since I heard the doorbell. I forgot it even existed.

Crow came uninvited the first time and now, he has a key. So who is it?

I descend the few steps. My heart pounds so loud, almost leaping out of my throat. With shaky hands, I point the unsteady gun at the entrance and take turtle steps towards the door.

Charlotte storms past me, barking loud. The volume rises the more I stand there. I’m about to carry her, run upstairs, and lock ourselves in my room when a familiar voice calls.

“Eloise? Are you in there?”

My breath evens out. Not a danger. Xavier.

He’s come over before. When Maman was alive and too sick to go to the hospital, but he rarely visited afterwards.

I hide the gun in the doorway’s plant vase and open the door. He’s standing there in a white shirt and khaki trousers, sporting that charming smile. His hair is all straight now. The style suits him better, actually.

“Bonjour, Dr Leroux. What are you doing here?”

“It’s about your debts.” His smile is contagious. “I have wonderful news.”

Charlotte goes into maddening barks, snarling and growling.

“Arrête!” I give him an awkward smile. “I’m sorry. She’s not usually like this. Please come in.”

When Charlotte doesn’t stop barking like crazy, I lock her outside. She’s lived with me for so long that she doesn’t tolerate people anymore.

I lead Xavier to the living area, glimpsing at him over my shoulder. “What is it about my debts?”

“They’ll be paid today.” He smiles again, and this time, it doesn’t even reach his eyes. Strange. Why does he have to fake his smile?

I still owe the hospital. How can my debts be paid? I’m sure I look confused as hell as I ask, “How?”

“With your life.”

I don’t get time to react as something hard hits the back of my head.

My feet lose balance as I fall. The impact reverberates through my entire body.

I make out Xavier’s heinous smirk before the world goes black.


Instinct saved my arse on countless occasions.

This time, it’s screaming to go back to Eloise and never leave her again.

My gloved fingers tighten on the hand clutch as I increase the speed. The trees fly past me in a blur. I don’t care if the tyres explode. I have to get back. Right fucking now.