Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

Kyle greets us at the entrance, carrying a bottle of cognac and smirking. He appears drunk and melancholic. “Ye’re back, love. Grand. Do you know how much Godfather – ”

“Stop calling her ‘love’.” Julian cuts him off with a harsh glare.

I offer Kyle an awkward smile, and he winks. My smile turns into a yelp as Julian places a hand behind my back, an arm under my legs, and carries me inside, bridal style.

Shock reverberates through me at how much his possessiveness turns me on. This isn’t supposed to happen, right? Normal humans shouldn’t feel this way. But who am I kidding? Julian and I are as far away from normal as possible.

My face heats and the insides of my thighs turn to jelly. I wrap my arms around his neck and hide my face in the crook of his shoulder.

He kicks the door to the room open then shuts it behind us. My pulse leaps into my throat as he places me onto the bed. Instead of kissing me and satisfying the ache lodged deep within me, he towers over the bed. The darkness in his eyes sparks with punishing intensity. Lust is there, but it’s anger that stiffens his posture.

“What were you thinking, Elle? When I told you to stay put, why didn’t you?” He grits out, then takes a deep breath as if to calm himself. “How can you fucking leave when Johnny’s men were right outside?”

A shudder takes over my body at the thought. He’s right. Johnny’s men could’ve taken me. My voice comes out in a whisper. “I didn’t think about that. I only wanted to survive.”

Julian is on me in a second. His hand wraps around my throat and his thumb presses on my pulse as if needing to feel my heartbeat.

Hot breaths trickle along my skin as he says in that deep voice, “You will survive beside me. From now on, the word survival and Julian are synonyms. Is that fucking clear?”

That ticks me off. I may be an idiot around Julian, but I would never be a gullible doll waiting for someone to save me. Anger bubbles inside me. It intertwines so closely with lust, I don’t know if I want to kiss him until I draw blood or bite his head off. Probably both. At the same damn time.

“I can protect myself,” I grit out.

“Not against those pigs.” The feral intensity in his eyes swallows me. “Let go, Firefly. Stop being tense and guarded around me. If I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done it already.”

He’s wrong. Julian is still able to hurt me in the worst possible way. He’s gotten under my skin, one way or another, and if I attempt to pluck him out, he would leave a shard. A permanent scar.

That scares the hell out of me.

I’m not supposed to let a mobster get this close. He’s slowly engraving himself into my heart and I hate that. I hate the vulnerability.

But at the same time, I can’t deny him anymore. The tension is killing me. I can’t even look at him without turning into goo. Perhaps if I get him out of my system, everything will turn out for the better.

I reach a tentative hand towards him, but he clutches it in his strong fist.

Julian shakes his head. “First, say, ‘Yes, Julian. My survival will be with you.’ This isn’t a fucking game, Elle. I won’t have you parading around in danger’s way.”

I bite my lower lip at the deep sincerity in his eyes. He does care. It’s clear in the anger he has about my carelessness. My heart tightens at the thought of betraying him. How would he react if he knew I was working for the Met Police?

“Elle,” he enunciates my name in a warning.

“Yes, Julian,” I whisper. “My survival will be with you.”

A surprised yelp leaves me when he holds my nape and claims my lips. He tastes of the exploding passion whirling through me. The ravenous strokes of his tongue against mine cause a strangled moan to escape me. His raging erection presses against my lower stomach. In a silent plea to give us both what we want, I arch off the bed and rub my pelvis against him.

Julian grunts. In one sweep, his bare hand shreds my dress open. The satin and lace turn into pieces as he fiddles with the bra. When it doesn’t come off, he rips it and my knickers free in pure caveman fashion.

Holy. Hell.

I’m dripping wet at the gesture. Is that supposed to turn me on this much?

His blazing eyes rake over my naked body as if memorising every inch. My heart thunders, almost leaping out of my chest. I’ve never had a man look at me as if I were supper. Not ones that turned me into a mess like Julian, anyway.

“I’m going to explode if I don’t get inside you, Firefly,” he rasps.

My answer is fumbling with his belt. My level of urgency rivals his. In record time, he jerks his trousers and shirt free.

My bottom lip rolls behind my teeth as I stare at the defined muscles of his chest. They ripple with each move. Those intricate tattoos and that fascinating warrior are so much Julian. He’s so lithe and agile. His masculine beauty always has me on my toes. He’s the most handsome, drool-worthy man I’ve ever laid eyes on.

When he yanks his boxer briefs down, I suck in a breath.

I don’t get to think because Julian is on me again. He spreads my legs and settles between them. Hot lips kiss their way up my throat, and he sucks my earlobe into his mouth. I writhe underneath him. My nipples throb as my thighs clench with need.

His length slides up and down my folds. My stomach tightens. Pleasure builds with a tortuous rhythm.