Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

“We can do that later.” I run my fingers along the slight scruff on his jaw. “But since I hardly get to see you during the day, I want to do something fun.”

Julian laughs. The sound is deep and carefree and utterly happy. It does strange things to me. Who knows if he ever laughed so easily in the past?

I suppress my mirrored smile and elbow his side. “What are you laughing at?”

“Just that shooting and boxing are your ideas of fun.” He pinches my cheek. “You’re so different from other women.”

A pang hits my chest. “You prefer other women?”

“Fuck no. You’re the best woman anyone can ask for.”

Heat creeps to my cheek. I clear my throat and face him. “So... will you teach me?”

He’s standing straight, but there’s no stiffness in his posture. “Why do you want to shoot?”

I shrug. “After last night, I want to protect myself just in case. I can’t punch someone who has a gun, now can I?”

His brows furrow. “Let me protect you, Firefly. You don’t always have to be strong and put together. You can be weak and bare yourself with me. I would never judge you or use it against you.”

I gulp audibly. Will I ever be able to give someone else that power over me? In some way, I did give Julian the green light but admitting to it is entirely different.

I offer him an uncertain smile. “I know you will protect me, but I still want to learn just in case.”

He tilts his head to the side for a fleeting second then nods. “You’re right. Just in case.”

Shooting guns isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Or perhaps it has to do with the excellent teacher I have. Julian’s so curt with his instructions, they feel like orders. His core technique is to always, always aim at the heart or the forehead. No wonder he’s high rank in this organisation.

Sometimes, I forget that he’s a killer first. Aiming at vital points, finishing people’s lives, is what he does.

But knowing he was forced into this life makes me feel sorry for him more than anything.

During the entire lesson, however, Julian is tense. It’s like he doesn’t want to teach me how to shoot. Or perhaps it’s because he thinks I don’t believe he could protect me.

So once we’re done shooting, I do the one thing I know reduces tension from his shoulders. I wrap my arms around his neck, climb up his body and kiss him long and deep.

I don’t even remember how or when I started hugging Julian, but ever since I did, I can’t let go.

It takes Julian a moment, but then, he grunts and kisses the living daylights out of me.

When we stumble inside, this fucking man rips Scar’s ‘Don’t Fucking Touch Me’ top.

Three days later, there’s wonderful news: Kyle wakes up.

He needs complete rest so no one is allowed to visit. At least that’s the official version. In reality, I think everyone in the firm is being suspected.

I want to make sure Kyle is fine, and I know Julian would allow me to visit if I ask, but I would rather not stand out as the ‘only one who visits Kyle’.

But Scar being Scar, she takes my hand and leads me straight to the guarded room on the third floor. Five bulky, stoic guards stand in front of the closed door.

Naturally, they don’t let us through.

Scar bangs and complains and bleeds the guards’ ears with her World War Two trivia.

I bite my laugh, watching their mixed expressions. She’s stunning, even in simple shorts and a T-shirt – that reads ‘I Have Only One Fuck to Give’ – so even the stoic guards check her out. However, none of them seems to appreciate the headache she causes.

Eventually, the Russian bloke, Vladimir, steps forwards and says in a non-negotiable, cold tone. “No one is allowed inside.”

“Not even Julian?” I ask.

“No one.” Vladimir doesn’t even look at me. He’s staring at a point in the distance. “Ghost’s orders.”

“Fuck Ghost.” Scar clicks her tongue, but she doesn’t try to force her way in. She flips her golden hair, interlaces her arm in mine, and we head back to her room.

She’s right. Fuck Ghost. Where was that bastard when the attack happened? Or when Kyle’s been shot?

But he’s Ghost, so perhaps he works from behind walls. I want to punch him for forbidding Julian from visiting Kyle. He’s his damn godfather.

He’s been so worried about Kyle. Seeing him would’ve eased his worries.

One good thing about Kyle regaining consciousness – besides relief – is that the control room isn’t buzzing with dozens of guards.

Since Julian forbids me from working as a waitress, I don’t get to bring up alcohol anymore.

For the time being, I hang around with Scar, waiting for the right opportunity to sneak into the control room.

The good thing about being close to Scar is that none of the girls talks rubbish about me. They seem to be scared of her rather than respect her. Unlike with Mist whom they obviously adore. Especially after the attack. Apparently, Mist protected them with her life.

I do want to see the best in Mist, but I just can’t. She’s not trustworthy.

The fact that the girls are all over Mist, but shrink away at Scar’s view is strange as hell.

Scar is odd, but why would she be scary?