Ghosted (Team Zero #3) by Rina Kent

I should keep my mouth shut, but I can’t help asking against his neck. “I’m the only one, right?”

Julian pulls away to stare at me with an offended expression. “Of course. There’s no one like you, Firefly.”

Not even Mist? I want to ask that, but it’d be like admitting my stupid jealousy, so I remain shut.

A gleam shines in Julian’s eyes as he wraps a hand around my throat. “Are you possessive of me, Firefly?”

I want to say no, argue, and drown in denial. But the mere thought of any other woman sleeping in his strong, safe arms, having her hair stroked until she falls asleep, or having her clothes ripped by him makes me want to punch that bitch to death.

A sigh surges from inside me. “I don’t want you near any other woman.”

The darkness of his eyes sparks with an odd satisfaction. As if he likes my possessiveness of him. “I don’t want any other woman.”

His lips claim mine, and he kisses me long and passionate. I’m panting by the time he breaks away.

When he says nothing, I ask in an incredulous tone, “You won’t say ‘I don’t want you near other men’? I thought you would jump all over the opportunity.”

“Nah.” His teeth graze my earlobe, then he whispers in a hot, dark tone, “I will kill other men if they come near you.”

He would. I have no doubt this fucking crazy caveman would.

It makes me so unexplainably happy.

Because perhaps, I’ve been strong for too long and it’s with Julian that I don’t have to pretend anymore.

So I kiss him and let him fuck my brains out until he almost forgets about work.

After Julian goes back to his meeting, I head to the storehouse. Still sore from the delicious roughness and without undies thanks to the caveman Julian.

I smile like an idiot recalling how he scooped the torn undies off the ground and stuffed them in his pocket on his way out.

Once I find a pair of knickers, I’ll ask Scar for a laptop.

I end up changing into something comfier; shorts and a tank top. Then I tuck the flash drive safely in my pocket. I should take a shower, but I’m enjoying Julian’s scent too much for that.

I turn the doorknob to get out when a shadow passes in my peripheral vision. I freeze and whirl around.

I’m not fast enough.

Shadow is already on my back like a grim reaper. His expression is closed, face unreadable. With his shoulders straightened, he’s even taller than his impressive height. His fists are clenched by his side as if he’s stopping himself from punching me.

Maybe he is.

My heartbeat skyrockets and my posture widens in defence. He’s been suspicious of me but he usually keeps his distance.

The key word being ‘usually’.

The shadows that gave his name are swirling in the metallic grey of his eyes. The need to run screeches inside me and dread fills my chest. No matter how much I try to hide it.

“I heard you have something of mine,” he says in a monotonous voice. “Give it.”

“What...” I swallow. “What are you talking about?”

“The footage.” His voice darkens with authority. “Give. It.”

Although fear is still there, anger outruns it by a mile. I point a finger at his chest. “Why? So you can hide your crime? What have you done to her, you sick bastard?”

I expect him to retort back or to use force, but Shadow freezes in place. There’s recognition in the deep grey as if pieces of a puzzle are falling together.

After what seems like forever, he barks a laugh. “How the fuck didn’t I figure this out earlier? The boxing. The snooping around. Following me about.” His features soften a little. “You’re Rage Ball.”

I stagger backwards as if being punched. “How... do you know that name?”

“Zoe told me about you.” His shoulders hunch. “She didn’t mention your name or any specifics about you. A nickname is all I got, but she raved about you being,” he air quotes, “her sister from another mister.”

I grab the doorframe for balance. That’s exactly Zoe’s way of talking. If Zoe told Shadow about the lake house and my nickname, then there’s no way she considered him an enemy. But then...

“You betrayed her?” I shout. “You killed her to shut her up.”

“I didn’t hurt her!” He sounds insulted and in pain. He rakes tense fingers through his hair, his tattooed-biceps flexing. Then, he lets out a long breath. “If anything, she hurt me.”

He shoves a hand in his jeans’ pocket and retrieves a note. I almost cry when I make out Zoe’s neat handwriting.


You’ve broken me. I hope you break until no pieces are left to put you back together again. Monster.


I narrow my eyes on Shadow, wanting to ask him a hundred questions. My mind fills with a thousand theories about whatever the hell happened between him and Zoe, but it’s clear from the note that he wasn’t the cause behind her disappearance.

Finding out what happened to her is more important. I can punch him later for whatever ‘You’ve broken me’ means.

“Let’s watch the footage together,” I suggest. I’ve never seen pain on Shadow’s face, but it’s loud and clear in his agitation. He seems like he genuinely cares about Zoe. Besides, I would rather have an ally instead of an enemy in him.