Shadowed (Team Zero #4) by Rina Kent

The gleam shine deeper, only this time, gloomy energy radiates off his too-perfect-to-be-true body. He has this permanent, eerie smirk plastered on his face and again, it gives a preview of the devil’s.

I’m sure this man has devil minions somewhere.

He motions to the guard at my back and the bloke grunts before letting me go.

I stand with grace, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible. My breasts are about to pop free from the leather confinement of my dress and the built-in bra. I re-adjust it while my eyes dart sideways, searching for a possible exit. A man is blocking me from the back and the other from the front.

“She’s in a restricted area,” the bloke from behind me says in a Scottish accent. “We should take care of her.”

I gulp when the boxer’s eyes rake over me before fixating on where I’m trying to keep my breasts from spilling out. Beside interest, they’re filled with a dark, chilling intent. “Maybe we should.”

An involuntary shudder draws down my spine. I got myself involved with someone who doesn’t hesitate to hurt. He’s like those monsters Mum warned me to stay away from.

Considering that these blokes are with President Joe’s rivals – and therefore gangsters – I’m sure they’ll clear my tracks or whatever term they use.

My chest tightens and my fingers reach for my hair. I drop my hand back down before I can twirl a strand.

I rein in the fear gnawing at my insides and plaster a smile. “Or maybe you shouldn’t hurt me? I was looking for my friend. I don’t even know your names, so all this can be a huge, non-harmful misunderstanding. Happens all the time.”

“Is that so?” He’s saying it with so much mockery and amusement, it pisses me off.

I continue smiling, though. It’s one of the fewest weapons in my arsenal that can get me out of this situation. “Totally.”

“I see.”

“Thanks!” I begin to bypass him, keeping my head low. Perhaps they’ll forget all about this.

No such luck.

“What are you thanking me for?” He steps in my way, blocking my path and towering over me like a grim reaper. He flashes me that devil smirk again. “I still haven’t let you go.”

“You should.”

He hums, and the sound shoots dread into the pit of my stomach. “Have you heard of being at a bad place at a bad time?”

He means, wrong place at the wrong time?

He approaches me and I instinctively push back. “That type of situation always ends badly.”

I don’t think. I rear back and kick the guard in the crotch backwards.

He bends forward, and I take the opportunity to dart around him and sprint in the opposite direction. Once I reach the crowd, I’ll be safe.

I expected the boxer to try and tackle me, but he doesn’t move. Pride swells inside me. Who knew my surprise element would shoot his reflexes down.

“You didn’t tell me your name, beautiful,” he calls after me.

I flip him the finger without looking back.

A burst of dark laughter echoes after me as I round the corner.

“Do you have to go?” Elle stands at the threshold of our tiny lounge area. The sofa is second hand and the worn-out rug could use some change. The room is filled with Elle’s medals, boxing gloves and my honorary diplomas from college.

The mouldy ceiling and the loud landlady are a pain in the arse, but this place has been mine and Elle’s home since I turned eighteen and we could break free of our foster homes.

My sis’s stance is wide and her shoulders crowd with tension as if she’s about to fight.

My tiny black dog, Killer, yaps at my feet as if echoing Elle’s question.

I carry him in my arm and hug his chubby body close. I’ll miss him, Elle, Liam, and everything that kept me going for years, but I can’t be little miss ostrich anymore.

I’ve always felt vacant — even when President Joe was in prison. Deep down, uselessness and restlessness had been my companions when I closed my eyes at night. I’ll never feel fulfilled unless I avenge Mum.

Once all this is over, Elle, Liam, and I can be a family again.

“It’s only training, Ellie.” I release Killer, pinch her cheeks, and pull them so she’d appear smiling. “One month or so and I’ll be back!”

There’s no way I’ll tell Elle where I’m really going. We don’t keep things from each other, but she’s too hot-blooded and would jump into this with me. Putting her in danger is out of the question.

Elle wiggles from my touch. “Call me.” She clears her throat. “I'll miss you.”

That’s the most show of affection Elle affords.

“I’ll miss you, too!” I jump her in a hug and squeeze the living hell out of her. She tries to squirm free, but there’s no escaping my death grip. Pretty sure I’m suffocating her, but it’s the last hug I’ll have from her in a long time, so I have a pass.

When I finally let her go, she’s panting. “I won’t miss your hugs.”

“Liar! You secretly love them!” I tickle her side and she bursts into laughter. I laugh, too, and Killer joins in with his happy woofs.

We clink out bracelets together. Hers a firefly because she always shone like one. Mine is a lotus flower because Elle said they grow beautifully in murky water.