Shadowed (Team Zero #4) by Rina Kent

“If we tell President Joe, he’ll help.” Her arms are like steel around my waist, even though she’s trembling.

“It’s not only about that. I have an account to close with Ink so he wouldn’t bother me in the future. He’s a sorry fuck who holds a grudge. If I don’t repay him for the disciple I killed, he’ll sooner or later come after me, after you. I’ll never put you at risk, Zoe.”

She shakes her head again, and this time, tears stream down her cheeks and into her mouth. “I’m pregnant!” She shouts as if it’s her last resort. “I'll hate you forever if you leave me this way. I swear.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about the pregnancy before.”

“I didn’t know how.” She sinks her fingers into my flesh and shakes. “I’m telling you now, so please don’t leave us.”

“As long as I have breath in my lungs, I’ll never leave the two of you. I promise.”

“But you’re leaving now!”

“To protect you both.” I wipe her tears with the pads of my thumbs and grin, trying to lighten the mood. “You look hideous when you cry.”

She wraps her arms tightly around my torso and buries her head in my chest. “I’m not letting you go. Ever.”

With a deep sigh, I wrap my arms around her, too.

Just one more time, I tell myself as I take her again and again.

Zoe didn’t let me go, but she fell asleep. For real.

I almost feel sorry for how much she fought it. She even wanted to make coffee, but afraid I’ll disappear, she never got up from my lap. However, she’s a deep sleeper, so I was able to slip easily from underneath her.

I put on a T-shirt and trousers and storm towards the door. I halt at the threshold, debating a glimpse at her. I so fucking want to whirl around and kiss her one last time.

Who fucking knows how long it’ll be before I see her again? Maybe I’ll be a hollow monster and she’ll never want me then.

I turn the doorknob and step outside, abandoning my impulse. If I look, I won’t be able to leave.

I close the door with a hiss and take the stairs down two at a time. My shoulders hunch, but my determination level soars. I’m doing this for the future.

Once I’m at the safe house entrance area, I halt.

Ghost, Mist, Scar, Flame, and even Hawk are here. They’re all weaponless so this eliminates the idea that we’re going on a mission instructed by Hades.

I can’t remember the last time so many Zeroes existed in the same place.

Ghost leans against the wall with Mist beside him, crossing her arms. Hawk is the farthest from her, crouching near Flame who’s smoking. Scar sits cross-legged in a meditating position on the ground.

“Whose birth is it?” I ask with a grin.

“Whose funeral, you mean?” Flame rolls his eyes.

“Right.” I snap my fingers. “Funeral! I was hoping it won’t get to that.” I face Ghost and he’s watching me with that concentrated expression. “You’re going to kill me after all?”

I can’t even fake the smile. I deserve death. I even deserve to have a joker card on and be hunted down by every member of Team Zero. However, I hoped Ghost will give me time to fix things with Ink first. I don’t want him coming after Zoe once I’m gone. Mist promised to protect her, but it isn’t enough.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Ghost says in an annoyed voice. “That woman was never a mother to me. She abandoned me and only returned to sell me. I don’t remember her name or even her fucking face. Whether she lives or dies means nix to me.”

I stare, incredulous. Did he just forgive me or am I hearing things?

Flame is the one who speaks up. “I thought we were all gathered here for some action.”

Scar cracks one eye open. Smudges of blood still stain her skin, but my bet that the psycho doll doesn’t give a shit. “Then why did you beat him to a pulp?”

“Because he wanted to die in The Pit.” He faces me. “Say anything about a suicide attempt and I’ll cut you.”

“I didn’t sign up for this sappy rubbish.” Flame throws his cigarette and heads down the hall. “I’ll be sleeping if you need me.”

I stare at Ghost as if he’s indeed a ghost. “You serious, mate? Because if you’re not, this is a shitty joke.”

“Had I ever joked?”

“Yeah, you’re way too serious, it’s stupid. No idea what Elle sees in a boring man like you,” Scar says with her eyes closed.

Mist nudges her with a foot. “Shut it, doll.”

I don’t even know what to say so I bow my head. Shit. I’ve been hiding the secret all these years but he never cared. “A head start would’ve been fucking brilliant, mate.”

“I didn’t ask you to be all secretive about it.”

“No shit.” Still, a heavyweight lifts off my chest. I always thought that my friendship with Ghost will be ruined when he learns the truth, but it turns out I was worrying for nothing.

“Don’t go back,” he says. “I’ll figure out a way to get Ink out and you can work whatever you have with him outside. Look, Hawk came over to help.”

I grin at Hawk. “Not running away anymore, big man?”