Misted (Team Zero #5) by Rina Kent

No injury.

My clutch relaxes on Flame's collar and I flex my fingers over his shoulder.

I briefly close my eyes, regaining my steady breathing and chasing away the knot.

My stalker just played me. He sent that text to gauge my reaction and I screwed up big time by running here like a madwoman.

Why can’t I stop caring, damn me?

“Are you planning a lap dance?” The smooth, haunting voice wrenches me from my thoughts.

When I open my eyes, Hawk is watching me with an unnerving, intense stare.

No man intimidates me except for this one. He got under my skin and refused to be purged out.

I let go of Flame’s T-shirt but don’t attempt to step down for the simple reason that Hawk doesn’t tell me what to do.

Flame closes his eyes as if he couldn’t care less that I’m still on top of him and breathing nicotine off him.

Now that I made sure Hawk isn't hurt, I need to flip back the indifference switch.

“What’s up?” Scar’s blond mane peeks from around Hawk. She makes eye contact with Molly and sticks a finger in her mouth as if she’s about to throw up. “What are you doing here?”

Molly grins wide, baring her teeth. “What do you think? I can’t miss a chance to ruin your plastic doll face.”

Scar returns a fake smile. “Not before I shatter your skull, Goth girl.”

They continue their death threats, but all I feel is Hawk. His energy, his mere presence, the way he sucks air from the room and enchants my body to his.

I stare at Flame’s face that appears bored even during sleep, but my muscles tighten with the urge to get up and go to him. I want to purr like a kitten and rub myself against him. Maybe then, I’ll finally feel the comfort I’ve been missing for a decade and a half.

The fact that he’s so close nearly crumbles my resolve.

Just leave already. Let’s restart our vicious cycle where we pretend neither of us exists. I shout at him in my mind.

I don’t get a warning.

A strong hand clasps around my wrist and he pulls me down. I fall off Flame’s chest and almost hit the ground. Tumbling to my feet, lips parting as my heart pounds against my ribcage.

Hawk is touching me.

After more than fifteen years, he’s… touching me.

A tingle starts beneath the skin of my wrist and dances down my spine even when I try to shut it down. I stare up at him with my mouth in an 'O'. A tornado of emotions clouds his face but I can't make out any of them.

Still staring down at me, he speaks in a curt tone, “Everyone out.”


Flame yawns, but he makes no protest as he stumbles from the sofa. His lids remain closed as he walks out. Molly tries to shove Scar out of the way so she can get inside. Flame puts a hand on her pink head, pushes her back, and shuts the door behind him.

No. No.

Don't be alone with him.

I can never be alone with Hawk. That’s the only promise I’ve been keeping all this time.

What on earth is wrong with him?

After fifteen years, not only he touched me, but he also forced us to be alone.

Hawk flings my captured wrist behind my back, imprisons it there and uses the motion to pull me flush against him.

I gasp as my free hand lands on his rock hard shoulder.

Hot breaths tickle my ear as Hawk leans in to whisper, “You owe me a debt and it’s time to pay, Hellion.”



You were my heaven that later became my hell.


I smile mischievously as I round the corner and hide behind a giant tree. My sore, lacerated fingers grab the mouldy trunk. I remain as still as a board, inhaling the pine and forest scent.

The guards’ booming footsteps are heading in the opposite direction. Good riddance. It’s the first time in months they took us out from that white-walled prison. Of course, I had to escape. I’ve been waiting and counting the days and the hours to do this. It’s not my problem that they’re stupid enough to take us to a forest. They said it’s for extensive training.

I say it’s an extensive escape.

All I need to do is find the main road and hitchhike.

Once the footsteps fade out of earshot, I turn around and sprint far from the guards. Leaves crunch under my trainers and the branches cut into my skin through the thin white trousers.

My throat itches, begging for water, but I don’t have time to stop.

My head collides against a strong chest. The impact almost throws me on my butt. I come to a screeching halt, fists clenching.

My breathing calms when I meet those striking turquoise eyes. Hawk towers over me, folding his arms across his developed chest. I swear he keeps broadening with every passing day. As if the boy needs to be more attractive or something.

“You’re some hellion, aren’t you?” he asks in a slightly amused tone.

My heart races whenever he calls me that. A giddiness curls my toes, knowing that I’m the only one he has a nickname for. I might have imposed myself on him since the first day we met and bled his ears with endless conversation. He barely does any talking, so when he does speak, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning.

Strangely, the hour we spend in that waiting room has become the brightest part of my days.

“Come on.” I bypass him, searching around. “Let’s run. I just need to find Ghost and Shadow. Maybe Ink, too, if we have time.”