Misted (Team Zero #5) by Rina Kent

He pounds both his tongue and fingers inside me while pressing his thumb against my backside.

“Oh. God.” The wave that didn’t exactly stop sweeps me all over again until I think I’ll never come down.

When I do return, I’m limp and unable to move a muscle. Pleasure still hums under my sensitive, slick skin. How long has it been since I felt so… pleased?

My eyes sting when the obvious answer comes to mind. It’s always been with Hawk and only for him.

When I give up hope that he’ll ever stop, his head emerges from between my thighs, eyes wild as he licks his glistening lips.

Seeing him lick my taste does strange things to me.

I want to kiss him.

Just like at that time when I told him the happiest news in my life.



We had the world at the palm of our hands, so what went wrong?


“Can you do that again?” I ask, still hazy and elated by the pleasure he brought me with his tongue.

I think I came two times. Or was it only one that just extended to the next?

Hawk’s lips find mine and he makes me taste myself on his tongue. This is so erotic and hot.

His broad frame pushes my body into the creaking motel bed as he crawls atop of me, covering me whole.

“Any time, Hellion.” He gives me a rare boyish grin as he pulls me so I’m half-lying on top of him. “I love tasting you.”

I blush and thread my fingers in his, enjoying the rare silence and bliss we have in this shabby motel room.

My lids fall heavy, demanding to sleep, but I blink it away. This isn’t the time to fall asleep.

I stroke the back of Hawk’s bigger and more tanned hand. “Do you think we’ll be able to leave soon?”

He nods and smiles. He’s been smiling so brightly ever since we agreed to leave. And I can’t help loving every moment of happiness that will soon be ours.

“It won’t be more than a month before I take you out of here.” He stares down at me, his eyes twinkling like the sea he promised to show me.

He reaches into his back pocket and retrieves a dainty silver band with a small jewel on top. My eyes widen as I stare frantically between the ring and his face.

“I know we’re still young, and maybe you’re barely eighteen, but I plan to spend the rest of my life with you, Hellion. I’ll get you a better ring when we’re out of here, but for now —”

“Yes! Yes! I’ll marry you.” I squeal and force him to put the ring in my finger. It fits so perfectly like it was made for me.

“You didn’t even let me ask.” He sounds disapproving, but he’s smiling, anyway.

“You don’t need to. I love you so freaking much, Hawk.”

“And I love you.” He brushes his lips over my forehead, my lids, my cheeks, the tip of my nose, and my lips, drawing a shiver of gratitude from deep within my soul. “The two of us will start anew in France.”

This is it.

I bite my lower lip as I lift his hand and flex his palm over my stomach. “The three of us.”

He completely freezes, not even making a sound. I suck in a breath, nibbling on my lower lip.

Last week, I snuck out during a mission and bought tests from the pharmacy. The whole time, I’ve been looking behind my back, scared a guard from The Pit will find out and take my baby away.

I’m barely eighteen or nineteen. I shouldn’t know what it feels like to have a baby, but something inside me wants it almost as much as I want to leave The Pit with Hawk.

Nero has been cornering me with his sleazy, disgusting hands lately. I’ve been fighting him off as much as I can without getting Hawk involved. Because if Hawk finds out, he’ll do something that will get him killed.

The three of us need to leave now more than at any time.

However, Hawk’s current reaction — or the lack thereof makes me antsy. I knew he’d find it surprising, but it pains me that he could hate the idea of a child. I’m in love with this baby and the miraculous life Hawk and I created in this hell. It’d break my heart if Hawk doesn’t feel the same.

For the past week, I’ve been writing rosy, hope-filled entries in the journal. This unexpected life can be the light to our darkness.

“I…” I try to fill the uncomfortable silence. “I think when I started storing half the pills, I might have stored the contraceptive things, too. I…” My head hangs and I whisper. “I didn’t do it on purpose, but now that the baby is here, I don’t want to lose –”

“Who says anything about losing?” Hawk clutches my shoulders and looks down at me with the most serious expression he’s ever had. “The three of us will be out of here. I’ll protect you with my life.”

I swallow past the lump in my throat. “Does that mean you’re all right with the baby?”

“All right?” He grins so wide, my chest flutters. “I’m over the fucking clouds. I want a dozen kids with you.”

He stands with me wrapped all over him. His arms surround my waist and mine encircle his neck. My feet lift off the ground as he spins us around. “I’m the happiest man in the world!”

He kisses my nose, cheek, and forehead before stealing my breath away with a wild kiss. “Thank you for existing, Hellion. I love you so fucking much.”