Misted (Team Zero #5) by Rina Kent

I remember waking up earlier to something like this. Pills… discovering I was shot… then…

Then what?

I jump to my feet and hiss when my back burns.


She was there during the attack. She was fucking there. What if I couldn’t protect her? What if she —

No. She must be fine.

I stumble out of the room; wearing only shorts. Bandages wrap around my upper body and my skin is slick with sweat. The burning of the bullet unsteadies my steps. Despite my blurry, doubling vision, I still descend the stairs like a drunk. I clutch the barrister for balance all the way.

When I finally arrive down, I’m panting and my vision is filled with black dots.

“Bloody hell, mate.” Someone is steadying me. I stare at the face and it’s actually two. When the fuck did Crow get a twin?

Crow and his twin half-carry me towards a sofa and throws me there. I grunt as the burn hits me again.

“The fuck are you doing out of your room?”

“Mist…” I croak, panting for breath. “She… was… there…”

“Fuck, mate.” He runs a tense hand through his hair. “Forget about the redhead. She’ll seriously be your cause of death.”

“Where… is… ”

“Eloise!” he calls. “Come here, love. You have a stubborn patient to subdue.”

Black takes over my sight. I feel hands on me. I hear ringing. Lots of fucking ringing. A female muffled voice tells me to stay with her while Crow curses. Then there’s light. Lot of fucking blinding white.

I’m thankful for the darkness when it comes along.

When I open my eyes again, my wound still throbs but there’s no ringing in my head. I grunt as I sit up in bed, careful not to lean on my back.

This time, Crow is plopped on a chair opposite the bed, legs outstretched in front of him. A brunette straddles his lap as he kisses her with unmistakable hunger.

I rattle the bed to pull their attention. His wife — Eloise, I assume — stumbles to her feet, her cheeks tainted in crimson.

Crow cuts me a sharp glare as if killing me in his mind for ruining his fun.

“Mist…” I croak, and my voice comes out scratchy and hoarse. Eloise hands me a bottle of water and other pills that I chug down in one go.

She clicks some device to my ear then smiles. “Good. Your fever went down.”


I swear if I have to repeat her name one more fucking time, I’ll murder Crow.

He stands and shakes his head. “She’s alive but not here.”

I release a breath. She’s fucking alive. But what does he mean by ‘she’s not here’? Was she also shot?

The door swings open. Crow shoves Eloise behind him, hand on a gun in his waistband.

A tiny human with the wildest mane of blonde hair swings inside with a tulle skirt swishing behind her. Semantics is written in bold letters across her chest.


“Fuck, psycho.” Crow releases both the gun and his murderous clutch on Eloise’s arm. “How the hell did you get passed the traps?”

“Hmph. Those newbie things?” She flips her hair back as if offended. “You lost your touch, Crow-Man.” She flops by my side, eyebrows drawn. “How are you? I can’t believe that bitch left you when you look like shit.”

“You saw her?” I ask, my voice less raspy.

Scar throws her hands in the air. “Course! She went back to Le Salon and picked up business as if nothing happened.”

My chest burns but it's not because of the fucking physical wound. It’s an old ache resurfacing all over again.

The past repeats itself and once more, and I’m just standing there like a fucking fool.

“Oooh, hey there!” Scar jumps, her voice cheerful as she faces Eloise. “You’re Crow’s wife! You’re so pretty even without makeup.”

“Thank you.” Eloise smiles. “And you are?”

“I’m Scar. It’s short for Scarlett.”

“No, it isn’t. It’s just Scar.” Crow shakes his head in sheer exasperation. “Don’t let her fool you, love, there’s a psychotic demon underneath that baby-faced doll.”

“I’m only a demon with demons.” She faces Eloise again, all cheerful and bubbly. “I love your accent. It’s so musical and exotic!”

“Thanks. I love your British accent, too.”

Scar’s nose scrunches. “It’s not an accent, it’s English.”

Crow nods. “Come on, Nurse Betty, you’re half-English yourself.”

Scar barges into Eloise’s space and Crow keeps her on arm’s length. “I always wanted to visit World War Two mesums here, can you take me?”

“Sure,” Eloise says.

“Fuck no,” Crow says at the same time.

Scar interlaces her arm with Eloise. “Nevermind him. He’s just jealous I’ll snatch you away because I’m more charming.” She stares at Eloise’s belly like she’s seeing an alien. “Woah. Crow put all that in? I mean I know about the whole slot A to slot B and all the biology, but like, do you become all hormonal like they say? You can even kill Crow from frustration, right?”

Eloise appears a bit awkward and Crow is about to murder Scar.