Misted (Team Zero #5) by Rina Kent

You can try.

Just fucking fight me and I’ll unleash what I’ve been bottling up all this time.

To her credit, she holds my gaze, but even she and her spike can’t win in front of my deadly silence.

The hellion from fifteen years ago would never break eye contact first, but this mimicking of a woman does. She releases a low annoyed tone and storms out of the office. I watch her back and that angry sway of her hips that only manages to tease my already semi-hard cock. I continue staring even after the door slams shut behind her.

“Nevermind her, she’ll cool down,” Shadow says in a mocking tone. “On second thought, no. The old hag never cools down.”

I shoot him a glare. The ‘old hag’ title never made sense to me. She’s younger than him, but again, Shadow enjoys being a little shit.

“Relax, big man.” Shadow massages my shoulder. “We’re going to have so much fun.”

I doubt that.

Ghost stands and places a hand in his pocket. “Do I need to worry about anything while I’m away?”

I shake my head and squash my cigarette in Flame’s ashtray.

“If you need any help with Omega,” Ghost continues. “Ask anyone here.”

Scar claps her hands. “We can meditate together.”

I offer another groan that’s similar to an affirmative sound. Unlike their gradual detoxification, I’ve been through severe withdrawal thanks to torture. My muscles still spasm in the middle of the night as if I’m possessed.

Ghost and Shadow leave. Flame remains in his deep slumber. Since all he does is sleep, I don’t know where he gets the time to manipulate.

Scar leads me to the sofa and settles beside me cross-legged. “I have news for you.”

“There are no listening devices here.” She motions at Flame with a dismissive hand. “And FlameBoy already knows about it, anyway. I would be surprised if he didn’t.”

True. Flame always proved to know more than he lets on.

Since my captivity in The Pit, I was completely cut out from the outside world. I didn’t get a chance to fight for my life, let alone learn what the fuck has been happening while I wasn’t here.

Scar is my eyes, ears, and my only trustee.

“Hades is getting greedy. Typical Hades.” Scar loses the mask of constant enthusiasm and rolls her eyes. “Anyway, after your release, we have no opening to get the rest of Team Zero out because Hades put it on,” she makes air quotations, “Hold.”

Just imagining what the rest are going through makes my blood boil. I might’ve never given much thought about them, and I certainly don’t consider them a family like some of them treat each other, but we’ve been through enough hell on Omega during our childhood. They’re caught in the same nightmare I was trapped in.

Still trapped in.

“But?” I ask. There’s always a but with Hades.

“If we meet triple revenue from the drug and money laundering business, he’ll release one more. The problem is, triple revenue is impossible. Ghost was barely able to pull double revenue to get you out and then more revenue to not get the loser Shadow in trouble.”

“Ghost sold shares to a rival organisation behind Hades’ back.” I motion at Flame. “According to that one.”

Scar’s head bobs up and down, causing the blond strands to fall haphazardly. “That’s why Ghost refused to take the revenue route. He said he’ll think of another way once he returns. But…”

I nudge her side, urging her to continue. I don’t like where this is going.

Scar meets my gaze with a tilted head. “Mist is secretly working on it. I only found out because I eavesdropped on her talking to one of her disciples the other day, asking for a favour inside The Pit.”

I rub my finger against my lower lip.

Unlike Scar, Shadow or even me, Mist isn’t the type who throws herself into trouble head first. Being Ghost’s right hand, she shares his careful methodical mind. It doesn’t make sense for her to provoke Hades.

“Do you know why she’s doing this behind Ghost’s back?” I ask.

“Beats me.” Scar lifts a shoulder. “Buuuut, on the flip side, Hades’ playing a game about who he’ll release next. There are two main nominees. Drum rolls please.”

When I continue staring at her hard, she sighs as if thinking ‘stop being a bore’.

“Ink and Poison!” Scar whisper-yells.

My jaw clenches at the mere mention of the fucker’s name.

“The reason why Hades nominated those two is because their disciples are fucking crazy. They’re competing by finishing as many killing contracts as possible. I’m sure Hades promised them that whichever team kills the most will be able to release their mentor. I bet he’s having so much popcorn while watching the game between the two teams.”

“And Mist is Team Ink.” No fucking surprise there. What’s surprising was that she didn’t ask for him to be released instead of me.

Dark rage turns my muscles rigid. The need to hurt covers my vision in red.

“Yup,” Scar says. “She’s actively pulling threads and helping his disciples so he’ll come out.”

That won’t happen.

Her obsession with Ink will be long gone once I’m done with her.