Misted (Team Zero #5) by Rina Kent

Although we didn’t cut contact with the others, Hawk and I chose this cosy place as our home. Scar so rudely calls it a retirement home for old hitmen. I grinned when Shadow reminded her in his mocking tone that her baby face doesn’t mean she has a baby age.

Hawk and I keep in touch with Crow and Eloise since they live close by. The three of us need the normalcy Eloise emanates. We’ve all been spoiling the baby girl she gave Crow two years ago.

Every time I watch Eloise hugging her child, my heart twists. I can’t help it.

I’m happy with Hawk. No. I’m blissed and I wake up every day grateful that his handsome face is the first thing I see. He’s been slowly but surely erasing all the grief I’ve been trapping myself in, and every night, I sleep like a baby in his arms.

We’re back to me talking about everything and nothing and Hawk listening patiently. Only now that he embraced his dominant self, he can kind of shut me up with a single command — or touch.

After every visit to Crow’s house, Hawk fucks me hard and ruthless as if reminding me how much he loves me and how much we’re enough for each other.

It’s been more than enough. It’s been my fantasy.

Until I got the letter.

Hawk finally runs in my direction. His hair has grown and I’ve been forbidding him from cutting it. I enjoy how the damp strands fall on his forehead or when he shakes it off from the water. He must’ve taken a swim without me since his shorts are wet and stick to his hard thigh muscles that ripple with every move.

He’s still so utterly fit, it’s sinful. I might have covered him with a towel when we went to a public beach.

No woman gets to ogle what’s mine.

Not that we go to public beaches anymore. Hawk almost murdered any man who dared to look my way.

If the mutual possessiveness isn’t an evidence that we’re so cut for each other, I don’t know what is.

He flashes me a dazzling smile before leaning over and pressing his lips to mine. It’s an open-mouthed, hungry kiss that steals my breath and sanity away.

People get a peck first thing in the morning, I get devoured.

I wouldn’t accept it any other way.

“The water is warm, let’s go for a swim.” He hooks his thumb in the pockets of my blue summer dress, pulling me against him. “We need to get rid of this first.”

“Wait.” I wiggle away from his clutch before I become mindless and forget what I need to tell him.

“What is it?” He must’ve sensed the urgency in my tone since he closes in on me.

That’s Hawk. Instead of leaving me alone with my demons, he chooses to fight them with me.

“Look what I got.” I reach into my pocket and hand him the letter.

His brows draw over his glinting azure eyes. “What is this?”

“Read it.” I nudge him, my voice trembling.

I cease to breathe as he takes the piece of paper. His eyes widen just like mine did when I first read it.

Then his brows furrow. “Who’s playing this joke on you?”

“It isn’t a joke.”

“What do you mean it isn’t a joke? It says here that you’re pregnant.”

“I am,” I blurt. “I took a thousand pregnancy tests and they were all positive. Then I went to the doctor and told her about the tubal ligation, but she said pregnancy is still possible and that my tubes aren’t completely tied or something like that. Then she suggested to do more tests and send me the results. When I received the letter, I called her and she assured me that the pregnancy is safe and I’m not suffering from an ectopic pregnancy like she initially feared. Both the baby and I are in good health.”

Hawk remains speechless as he stares between me and the piece of paper. Just like that first time I told him I’m pregnant, I begin to fidget. “I mean, maybe it’s because we’re no longer on Omega? I did get pregnant the first time because we were both detoxing. Maybe that has to do with it… Hawk…” I stop blubbering and touch his arm. “Talk to me. Say something.”

“I can’t believe this.” He breathes out, placing a strong hand on my stomach.

“Me neither.” Tears spring to my eyes. “A baby, Hawk. Ours.”

“Ours.” He grips me by the hips and pulls me impossibly close, I break into a fit of tears and laughter.

For a long moment, his forehead touches mine and we let the news soak through us.

We’re finally getting our life back. Nothing can replace our first baby, but we’re blessed with a second chance.

Hawk brushes his lips against my forehead and smiles down at me. “I don’t appreciate sharing you, though.”

“Well, I must admit I wouldn’t like that very much either.”

“Hmm. I think we should make use of this precious alone time we have.”

I fling my arms around his neck. “I say we do that, too.”

I squeal then laugh when he sweeps me off my feet and carries me in his arms. “Time for that swim.”


Or is it? Click here for an extended epilogue in Hawk’s POV.

What's Next?

Thank you so much for reading Misted! I hope you enjoyed Hawk and Mist’s story as much as they enjoyed breaking my sadistic little heart.

Usually, I’d have a sure release date for the next book in Team Zero’s series, but I’m going to take my time with Inked because his story is twisting everything up. It’s going to be so wrenching, sadistic, and dark to the point of testing my own limits.