Red Thorns (Thorns Duet #1) by Rina Kent


“Yes.” He releases me. “I won the bet and I want you to run.”


“Why do you think?” Despite the darkness taking refuge all around us, I can perceive the gleaming light in his tropical eyes.

They seem like a hunted island now, about to lure me to its shores and allow me no way out.

“So I can chase you.”

A craggy sound catches at the back of my throat and something strange sparkles in my chest.

Something I don’t want to know the name of.

I stare up at Sebastian and pause at how close he is, almost like he’s intending on tasting my words and breathing in my air. That is, if he already isn’t.

“I’m not playing.” My voice is weak, barely audible in the deafening aftermath of his declaration.

“Who said you have a choice? Either you play or I leave you here. The road is about a twenty-minute walk, so you’ll find your way…eventually.”

I bang a fist against his chest. “You can’t do that.”

“Why not, when you’re the one who’s bowing out of a bet you lost?”

“But why? Why would you do this?”

“Because it’s fun, and considering the way your breath hitched at the thought of being chased, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, too, baby.”

God. Is he that attuned to my body language? Well, I guess I’m focused on his as well, but at the moment, his face is a blank slate. I can’t get anything past the shadows scattered across it.

“Why didn’t you choose someone else who’s willing to play your sick games?”

Silence greets me and I can almost see the twist in his lips. “It has to be you.”

“We don’t know each other.”

“I proved that I know you, Tsundere, and it even pissed you off.”

“But…” I trail off when he raises a hand, indirectly shushing me.

“Time to run through the forest. If I catch you, I win another bet. If you manage to get back to the car first, you win. I’m going to give you a head start…ten, nine, eight…”

I step backward, my heart hammering at the intensifying gleam in his eyes. I have no doubt that he’ll leave me in the middle of this godforsaken forest if I don’t play along.


I consider dashing past him and trying to find my way back to the car, but he’s standing there like the Grim Reaper, the low light casting an ominous, terrifying shadow on his face.

My foot catches on a small rock as I turn around and do as he says.

I run.

The deep tenor of his voice echoes after me, “Five…four…”

If it’s possible, my heart pounds faster as I disappear between the trees. I have no clue where the hell I’m going or if maybe he has some goons hiding up here, waiting to gang-rape me.

Wrong thought, Naomi. Super wrong.

I’m already terrified out of my mind. Adding those ominous scenarios doesn’t help one bit.

Sebastian’s voice fades, then disappears, which should mean I’m far enough away.

I hide behind a tree to catch my ragged breathing. If I return to the car, I’ll be able to end this whole thing.

Problem is, I’ve gone too deep into the forest and took several turns so that I have no idea how to find my way back.

A hissing sound comes from behind me and I don’t think as I break into another sprint. My hoodie sticks to my skin with sweat and my legs tremble, and I wish it was only due to exhaustion or fear. I really wish there wasn’t this morbid feeling wrapping its tight knuckles around my shivering heart.

A feeling so close to…excitement.

I should be thinking about the possibility of other predators lurking in the forest—whether in human or beast form. I should be disgusted with how, deep down, something inside me seems to be unchained.

But none of those emotions rise to the surface. None of them is as potent as the bubbling in my veins.

I widen my stride but try to keep my steps as hushed as possible against the crunching leaves and pebbles.

It’s as if a part of me has lost its shackles and I’m letting everything loose. A blinding wave of adrenaline tightens my muscles and I run so fast, the branches start to blur in my vision. Or maybe that’s because of the sweat trickling down my forehead.

The feeling of being chased in a pitch-black place with no hope of finding an escape is…strange.

On one hand, it’s exhilarating to have the power of running away.

On the other, the thought of being caught is completely terrifying but…takes my breath away, too.

Or maybe it’s more than breathtaking, depending on what happens afterward.

I take a detour and pause when I see a white light. The car’s headlights.

My pace picks up and I push through the branches with tightened fists. The light gets closer with each step until I’m smiling with triumph.

I can do this.

Only a short distance separates me from the Tesla. I can’t wait to stand there with a huge grin while I wait for that loser, Sebastian.

I’ll make him regret playing with me in the first place—

A shadow catches in my peripheral vision and I shriek as it charges toward me.


I recognize his jacket, but I don’t wait to look at him as I dart away from him and continue my run.