Red Thorns (Thorns Duet #1) by Rina Kent

“It took me a few disoriented seconds to realize there was a heavy weight perching over my small body and hands feeling up my chest and between my legs. I remember wanting to vomit as a coaxing voice told me to stay quiet, whispered it with his alcohol-scented breath near my ear. But then…I lost track of it all. It was dark, too dark, and there were screams. I think they were mine, at least at some point. I swear there was red, too. Like blood. It was sticky and all over my fingers and face, but I don’t remember how it got there. I don’t even remember how I fainted.

“The next time I woke up, I was tucked against my mom’s chest as she cried softly in my hair. It was the first and last time I’ve seen her cry. She’s more powerful than the world itself, my mom. She’s the strongest woman I know, but she was weeping like a child. I couldn’t return those emotions because grief wasn’t what I was feeling back then. It was anger. Blind, ugly anger. I was mad at her for leaving me with him. I think I’ve been mad at her since because justice didn’t happen. She just cut off ties with that scum and he got to move on with his life as if he didn’t ruin mine. She let him get away with it so he could find others to prey on.”

Burning tears prick my eyes when I’m finished and the sting hurts just like the memories from that night. As foggy as they are, they’re still there.



The red night made me who I am, whether I like to admit it or not.

It made me scared of people, of attachment, of allowing anyone close.

And most of all, it made me grow apart from the only family I have. My mom.

Sebastian remains quiet even as his finger strokes my throat.

I sniffle, waiting for long beats and getting nothing. Did I divulge too much? Should I somehow take it back?

“What’s his name?” he finally asks.

“Why are you asking?”

“Answer the question.”


“Sam what?”

“Miller. Sam Miller.”

He nods as if satisfied, but he doesn’t say anything, his gaze lost someplace else.

“Why do you want to know his name?”

“Just curious.”

“That’s all you have to say after what I just told you?”

He breathes deeply for a few beats. “I also understand why you enjoy being my prey.”

“You think I’m depraved, don’t you?”

“I think you’re brave.”

“How can someone who enjoys the repetition of their childhood trauma be brave?”

“It’s not the repetition you enjoy.”

“I obviously do.”

“No. You enjoy knowing that you can end it at any time. You’re brave to recognize what you want while having control over the situation. So, in a way, you like having the power you weren’t fortunate enough to possess back then.”

My lips part. “Are you…using your people-reading technique on me?”

“I always have, Tsundere.”

I clear my throat. “Let’s pretend what you’re saying is true…”

“There’s no pretending. You and I know it is.”

“Fine. Let’s take it from that perspective. If I enjoy it for the control, why do you enjoy it?”

“For domination.”

“But I can end it at any time.”

“But you don’t.”

“I could.”

“But you wouldn’t.”

“How do you know that?”

“You’re addicted to this as much as I am. You love being fucked hard until your voice turns raw and you’re sobbing through your tenth orgasm.”

“That…still means I could use the words.”

“You won’t, because you know that will destroy the connection we have.”

“And let me guess. You get off on that type of domination?”

“Besides the one where I throw you down and dick you into the nearest object, yes. But that’s not all.”

“Your need for violence?”

He nods. “I’ve had it since I was the lone survivor of the accident that took away my parents.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I told you to stop apologizing for things you had no hand in.”

“It’s in my nature. We can’t all be emotionless vaults like you, who only feel when violence is involved.”

“That’s the thing.” He looks at me funny. “My urge for violence has become less important since you.”



You know that feeling when you’re so excited, you can’t stay still?

When your fingers keep clenching and unclenching to do something and you feel like throwing up from the strength of those emotions?

That’s me right now.

I skip over the steps as I go downstairs. I’m humming along with a tune from a rock song I was blasting first thing this morning while I got ready.

Today, I abandoned my headphones in my room and I even wore a short dress with pink and white stripes. Mom made me this one for my birthday two years ago and I never wore it. I was even mad that she’d think I’d appreciate something so cheerful.

Today, I’m in the mood for brightness. For…happiness, I guess.