Black Thorns (Thorns Duet #2) by Rina Kent

Maybe that’s what I’m actually supposed to do.


Dark red manicured fingers slip around Sebastian’s bicep like a snake.

My head snaps up to see a beautiful redhead with full lips, a long, elegant neck, and striking hazel eyes. She’s wearing a strapless golden dress that hugs her tall, slim figure. A figure that’s currently snuggled up to Sebastian’s side with easy familiarity.

A dazzling smile appears on her mouth and it’s only directed at him.

And then something happens.

He smiles back.

It’s like a knife slices through my dying heart and protrudes from my back. I never thought I’d feel this way after that black day, but the scene in front of me proves otherwise.

Logically, I know I don’t have the right to be like this. I don’t have the right to feel wounded or hurt or cut fucking open, but the need to curl into a ball and cry hits me out of nowhere.

I never thought I’d come to Sebastian’s house under these circumstances. Or the house he grew up in, anyway. Money shines in every corner of the Weaver mansion, hinting at its owners’ sophisticated taste. But it’s cold—impersonal, even.

His grandparents gave the same vibe when Akira and I talked to them earlier. No wonder Sebastian turned out the way he is. Maybe it runs in the family.

“I see the circle has grown without me,” the redhead tells Sebastian, and even her voice is as elegant as she is. “Introduce me, Bastian.”

I suck in a breath at the intimate name she calls him and it takes everything in me to appear unaffected.

If the earth ever planned to suck me into a hole, this is the time to do so.

“Aspen,” he says in his cold, unaffected tone. “This is Naomi and Akira.”

My husband shakes her hand, then I do, too, contemplating if I could break it if I squeeze hard enough. I swiftly let go of her and the murderous thought. Or try to, anyway.

The chatter continues despite the simmering tension. Or maybe I’m the only one who’s about to flare up and burst into flames.

The more Aspen glues herself to Sebastian’s side, the closer I get to the point of combustion. It doesn’t help that Sebastian completely ignores my existence and only indulges her.

But what did I expect anyway? That he’d swoop me up in his arms while everyone is watching?

That would be a disaster.

But then again, that’s what we’ve always been, he and I. A sweet, cruel disaster that’s impossible to end, no matter how much we try.

It might have started with that bet, but it was going on way before that. I thought the distance would lessen it, would eventually erase it, but it merely made it hotter, stronger, and absolutely unstoppable.

At least for me.

Reina grabs me by the arm and smiles at everyone. “Would you excuse us? Girl talk.”

She doesn’t wait for anyone’s reply as she basically drags me around the corner.

Her gaze flits to either side of us and once she makes sure there’s no one around, she releases me and places a hand on her hip.

Our queen bee has aged like fine wine, becoming elegant and a productive member of Blackwood. I heard she’s into social work and organizes countless charitable events.

Heard as in stalked her social media. What? I had to keep myself in the loop, even from Japan. I’m a professional stalker who never leaves any likes or comments and just observes from a distance.

The former cheer squad captain silently judges me while looking me up and down.

“What’s wrong, Reina?”

“I should be the one asking you that. Are you going to let that senior partner redhead witch steal Sebastian?”

I swallow the bile that has been rising in my throat ever since the redhead witch, Aspen, put her hand on Sebastian’s arm and he smiled at her.

“There’s nothing to steal. I’m married.”

“I can’t believe that either.”

“Want to see the certificate? How about footage of our holy matrimony?”

“Good to know you’re still a cynical asshole when you’re cornered, Naomi, and no, I don’t need to see the certificate to know that you’re not doing the right thing.”

“Funny coming from you when you were out to destroy our relationship back in college.”

“It was the exact opposite, idiot.”


“I remembered why I even came up with that bet. I would’ve told you before if you hadn’t ghosted all of our asses.”

I grimace but say nothing, waiting for her explanation.

“I might have been somewhat of a bitch—”

“Somewhat?” I cut her off.

“Okay, a major bitch. But I always had reasons behind everything I did. Remember when Lucy had a crush on Prescott? I found out he shared those feelings, so I encouraged him to go for it. But then I saw him kissing that freshman and decided to out him. Until he told me he was drunk and mistook the girl for Lucy, and that’s why I let him have a go again.”

“Are you gloating about playing matchmaker for Lucy and Prescott? You should include that in your speech for their tenth anniversary.”

“Stop being a sarcastic prick and listen. The point of the story is that I always had a reason, even when it came to you and Sebastian.”

“What type of reason?”

“You had a huge crush on him.”