Black Thorns (Thorns Duet #2) by Rina Kent

“It is. No one knows about it and there wasn’t a police report.”

“Your mother knew, as well as a few therapists and the man who molested you. It doesn’t count.”


“You have five seconds for another try. Four…three…”

“Shit,” Naomi mutters under her breath. “Think, Naomi, think…”


“My parents were killed,” I whisper low.

Naomi’s eyes flit to mine, the dark brown widening with a thousand questions.

“Your parents were in an accident, Quarterback.” Ren’s provocatively calm voice fills the space.

“It was a premeditated accident. They were running away from someone and the accident was a camouflage to cover up their murder.”

Naomi gasps and covers her mouth with the back of her free hand. I can tell she wants to ask me more, but she also recognizes we’re being watched.

Her small body snuggles into my side and she doesn’t even need to utter a word. Her inquisitive eyes say it all.

I’m sorry you went through that.

I’m here for you.

Maybe if I’d heard those words when I was six years old, things would’ve been different.

Maybe if I’d known her back then, I would’ve been able to live another way.

Maybe we wouldn’t have ended up here, where she’s pressing her shirt to my wound.

“Sekai,” Ren says in an amused tone.


He knows. The fucker already knows about my parents.

The bad feeling I had when he started this game comes back to haunt me. There’s something absolutely nefarious about this. But what?

The sound of screeching metal makes Naomi jump and I stiffen. A small window opens in the door and a bottle of water is thrown inside and then, just like that, the only opening is slammed shut.

She grabs my good hand and places it on top of hers on the wound. “Hold it tightly. I’ll be right back.”

After I take over the task, she jumps up and hurries to fetch the bottle of water, then runs back with it in hand.

She kneels beside me, opens the bottle, and places it at my lips as she presses on my wound, even when I don’t remove my hand.

“You drink first,” I say.

“I’m fine. You’re the one who’s wounded.”


“Just drink already.” She jams it at my lips and helps me take tentative sips. The cold, fresh water soothes my dry throat.

I nearly drink half of it, not realizing just how dehydrated I am.

This is bad.

At this rate, I’ll get worse real soon.

“Drink more,” she urges.

“You drink, baby.”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. Your lips are also dry.” God knows how long we’ve been here.

Judging by the small pool of blood beside us, it’s been some time. I strain sideways, wincing as I study our surroundings.

I try not to be obvious about it, pretending that I’m looking at Naomi as she drinks.

But whether I’m obvious or not doesn’t matter. The place has no escape route except for the metal door that they didn’t even open to give us water.

“Second round,” Ren’s loathsome voice echoes from the speaker. “We’ll spice it up a little this time and go with a dare. If you do it, we’ll give you food. If not, there will be consequences.”

A deep, growly sound comes from Naomi’s stomach at the mention of food. She closes the bottle of water that has about half left and stares up. “What is it?”

“Remove the bra.”

My jaw clenches as her face reddens. Her gaze flits to mine as she bites her lip slightly, unsure. I sharply shake my head once.

Fuck that and him.

There’s no way in hell Naomi will be stripping for the sick bastard.

No way will anyone see her and her gorgeous tits but me.

“Seven…six…” Ren counts leisurely. “This will have a punishment…”

“Let me do it,” Naomi whispers. “I don’t care.”

“Of course you do. You don’t even like changing your clothes in front of everyone in the locker room, let alone in front of fucking strangers.”

She releases her lips and they form into a stupefied ‘Oh.’ Is she really surprised that I noticed that about her? I notice everything when it comes to Naomi.

“I’m fine if it’ll get us food,” she insists.

“Fuck that,” I mutter.

“Two…one,” Ren finishes with a closed off tone. “Aaaand time for punishment.”

Naomi and I watch the door, thinking someone will come in and beat us up or something.

Neither the door nor the small opening moves.

Was he bluffing?

That thought hasn’t fully formed yet when the entire room goes black.



I blink a few times as if that will magically bring back the light.

It doesn’t.

The whole place is black.

It’s so dark that I can see nothing. Absolute nada.

I instinctively inch further into Sebastian’s side and only release a breath when I feel the warmth of his body against my thigh and my arm.